Configuration of additional profile

All defined profiles are available from the level of Configuration –> Profiles.  To add a new profile, it is necessary to select [Add] button and complete the following parameters:

  • Profile Name
  • Profile Code – it can be composed of 5 characters maximum and it must be unique
  • Client ID/Agent code – depending on agent level (master or child agent), it will be a client ID delivered by Comarch company or agent code previously added to the master agent
  • Setup Directory – folder in which components will be installed within a currently created profile. Each profile must have an individual setup directory specified.
  • Default profile language – language selected from a predefined list
  • Base port – port which will be reserved for a given profile along with the subsequent 99 ports. It is specified only for master agents. The range of ports that will be reserved for child agents is the same as the one used when connecting to the master agent for the first time. The field can be edited upon checking Connect to Comarch Server

Moreover, in section Connection, it must be specified whether the profile defined must connect to Comarch server or whether it must be connected to another agent, as well as to specify a communication port.

Window for adding a new profile


The functionality of profiles allows for installing several product versions on one machine. A profile is a set of configurations which enables creating an independent work environment.

In Comarch ERP Auto Update, there are two types of profiles available:

  • Main Profile – created during installation of Comarch ERP Auto Update application
  • Additional profiles – created by users. Each profile has an individual configuration, a local database, and individual: setup folder, folder for downloading add-ons and quick fixes as well as separate ports allowing for the installation of services.

Comarch ERP Auto Update can be run simultaneously only for one profile.

List of profiles in Comarch ERP Auto Update