List of recurring posting schemes

Postings can be performed with a specific regularity, e.g. every month, quarter, year etc. That practice is called a recurring posting. Most often, they are used for reposting of balances and/or turnovers of accounts to other accounts.

This functionality can also be useful in the process of settling operation costs in a given period. Once registered in the system with the use of recurring posting operations, they can be automatically posted each month, which increases the efficiency of work.

A list of posting schemes is available from the level of the menu Accounting, under the [Recurring Posting Operations] button.

List of recurring posting schemes

The list contains all the recurring posting schemes available in a given company within a specified accounting period. From the level of the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Availability, it is possible to manage the availability of recurring posting schemes within centers of a given company. Detailed description regarding sharing of posting schemes can be found in article <<Object availability>>.

The list contains standard buttons and, additionally:

  • [Import] − allows for importing a recurring posting scheme from a file with .xml extension
  • [Export] − allows for exporting a recurring posting scheme to a file with .xml extension Each exported scheme is saved in a separate file with a name indicated by a user to which the symbol of a given scheme is added.
  • [Update] − transfers recurring posting schemes from the previous accounting period. Only schemes with symbols which do not exist in a given accounting period are added, if ledger assigned to them exists in a given accounting period.
  • [Run] − runs a recurring posting scheme. The button is available if a recurring posting scheme is selected.
  • [View Generated Entries] − allows for displaying the list of entries generated by a scheme. The button is available if a recurring posting scheme is selected.

The list of recurring posting schemes is composed of the following columns:

  • Symbol
  • Name
  • Description − description entered in the header of a scheme
  • Post as Unconfirmed − information whether the parameter Post as unconfirmed is checked
  • Merge Single-sided entries − information whether the parameter Merge single-sided entries is checked
  • Document Number − number entered in the header of a scheme
  • Ledger − ledger indicated in the header of a scheme

Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category <<Searching and filtering data>>>


Adding a recurring posting scheme

To add a recurring posting scheme, it is necessary, from the level of the menu Accounting → Recurring Posting Operations, click on the button [Add] placed in the List group of buttons. Then, a form for entering of data appears.

Recurring posting scheme form

Tab General

Symbol − mandatory field, recurring posting scheme symbol

Name − allows for entering the name of a recurring posting scheme

Ledger − mandatory field, allows for indicating a ledger on which journal entries generated with the use of a given posting scheme should be registered. Clicking on the button opens the list of ledgers available within a current accounting period.

Document Number − allows for entering the number which will be transferred to the Document number field on the journal entry

Description − allows for entering a description which will be transfered to the field Description on the journal entry.

Post as unconfirmed − parameter specifying whether generated journal entries will be saved as unconfirmed (parameter checked) or immediately confirmed (parameter unchecked).

Merge single-sided entries − parameter specifying whether a posting scheme should merge single-sided entries registered on the same account.

A recurring posting scheme item can be added in table or through form.

Adding a recurring posting scheme item in table

To add an item, it is necessary to select the button [Add in Table] from the Items group of buttons. A row in which it is possible to enter data, appears on the list of items.

The table contains the following columns: No., Expression of Account DR, Expression of Account CR, Amount Expression, Description. After clicking on the arrow placed on the right side of the field, a window where it is possible to type the expression, appears.

The list of predefined macros is not available when adding a posting scheme item in table.

Recurring posting scheme item added in table

Adding a posting scheme item through form

To add an item, it is necessary to select the button [Add through Form]. A posting scheme item form appears.

Recurring posting scheme item form

The form is composed of the following elements:

Tab General

Calculate For − allows for defining a range of accounts fulfilling specific conditions, so-called masks. A mask can be used when defining subsequent scheme items with the use of the variable @Account. A user can define a mask by using the following options:

  • ? − Any character
  • * − Any string of characters
  • [] − Character included in string
  • [-] − Character included in range
  • [^] − Character not included in string
  • [^-] − character not included in range

Account DR/Account CR − allows for manual insertion of account or for using of the option:

  • Select account from the chart of accounts
  • Account − variable referring to the accounts which fulfill the definition of the mask. An example of use can be found in article <<Mask in recurring posting>>
  • SQL Query

Create DR Account/Create CR Account − parameter determining whether accounts should be created automatically when posting, in accordance with the number entered in the field Account DR/Account CR

Account − allows for manual insertion of account or for using of the macros:

  • Opening Debit Balance
  • Opening Credit Balance
  • Debits
  • Credits
  • Change in Debit Balance
  • Change in Credit Balance
  • Debit Balance
  • Credit Balance
  • Ending Balance
  • Accounts Format − variable referring to all the accounts which fulfill the definition of the mask.
  • Account − variable referring to the accounts which fulfill the definition of the mask.
  • Select account from the chart of accounts
  • SQL Query

Description − allows for entering description manually or with the use of an SQL query in which a macro @Account can be used. For example:

SQL( SELECT tv.Value AS this FROM SecAccountingStructure.Accounts AS a

INNER JOIN Dictionaries.TranslationValues AS tv ON a.NameTranslationID = tv.TranslationID

WHERE a.Number = @Konto AND a.AccountingPeriodID = @AccountingPeriodId)

An SQL query in recurring posting schemes can be defined manually or with the use of function suggesting SQL query elements (tables, SQL functions, system elements) by pressing <CTRL>+ <Space>. In case the function of suggesting is selecte, the system displays elements which could be included in an SQL query at a given moment.

Tab Attributes

Detailed description of the tab can be found in article <<Tab Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes…>>


Account format in recurring posting operations

General information

Functionality of account format in recurring posting operations allows for defining of a recurring posting mechanism in such a way as to use all the accounts in posting operations.

A user has a possibility to:

  • Optionally define a range of accounts assigned to a group of accounts participating in posting operation – so-called account format
  • Refer to an account format in account definition
  • Refer to an account format in amount definition
  • Refer to an account format in the description on a posting scheme element

Defining account format

A range of accounts which is to be included in the posting is specified in field Calculate For, on the form of recurring posting scheme element. Accounts format can be composed of letters, digits, dashes, and special characters.

Calculate For field on the form of recurring posting scheme element

Rules of functioning of an account format:

? or _Any character5?? All accounts beginning from number 5 and containing 3 characters in their account number
* or %Any sequence of characters5* All accounts beginning from number 5
[AB]Character assigned to a sequence401-[137]-01 All subsidiary accounts of the account 401, which contain 1 or 3 or 7 in the second segment, and ‘01’ in the last segment
[A-B]Character included in range40[1-4]-* All accounts recording costs by function, which last character in the number of subsidiary account is a digit from range from 1 to 4
[^AB]Character not included in sequence401-[^137]-01 All subsidiary accounts of the account 401, which contain a digit other than 1, 3 or 7 in the second segment, and ‘01’ in a sub subsidiary account
[^A-B]Character not included in range40[^1-4]-* All accounts which subsidiary accounts begin with characters ‘40’, and the last character (third character in this case) is different from the digits of the range from 1 to 4

For the [Calculate For] button, the following variables responsible for account format handling are available:

  • ? – Any character
  • * – Any string of characters
  • [] – Character included in string
  • [-] – Character included in range
  • [^] – character not included in string
  • [^-] – character not included in range

In a chart of accounts with the following structure:

Chart of accounts structure

a record 5*401 – refers to a group of accounts beginning from number 5 and ending with number 401 i.e. 501-01-401, 501-02-401, 502-01-401, 503-02-401, 550-401

a record 501-??- 463 – refers to the accounts 501-01-463 and 501-02-463

Account format in account definition

In fields Account DR/Account CR it is possible to refer not only to a single account but also to an account group which is defined in the Calculate For field by an account format with the use of the @Account variable.

For example – if account format is defined in the Calculate For section as 4??-??-??, then using @Account in Account DR section will be responsible for posting to all the accounts fulfilling the indicated criterion.

In field Account DR/Account CR it is not possible to create an account format. However, it is possible to use the Substring syntax for creating an account number.


Use of the Substring syntax

Such saved element will generate the same number of journal entries as the number of accounts compatible with the account format 401-??. Each of the journal entries will be posted to accounts 501-01-?? and 409 account (where ?? will be replaced with the end-piece of the number of the account 401. Precisely, two digits, starting from the fifth digit, will be retrieved).

Account format in amount definition

In the field Amount it is possible to refer not only to a single account but also to an account group defined with an account format. The account format can be referred to by:

  • Indicating an account format as an argument of an accounting function – for example, for DTT function, which is responsible for Debit turnover of an account, it is possible to type DTT (5*) responsible for Debit turnover of all the accounts from group 5
  • Using @AccountFormat variable which is responsible for getting values for an account group defined in Calculate For field. Value of the variable is calculated for all accounts from the group.


Data in the trial balance:

DTT account 501-001: 100.00 USD

DTT account 502-001: 30.00 USD

Account format: 5??-001

In the field with accounts: @Account (and any contra account)

In the field with amount: DTT(@AccountFormat)

As a result, the following two single-sided entry lines are returned:

501-001 (and contra account), amount 130.00 USD

502-001 (and contra account), amount 130.00 USD

  • Using @AccountFormat variable which is responsible for getting values for an account group defined in Calculate For field. The value of the variable is calculated separately for each processed account.


Data in the trial balance:

DTT account 501-001: 100.00 USD

DTT account 502-001: 30.00 USD

Account format: 5??-001

In the field with accounts: @Account (and any contra account)

In the field with amount: DTT(@Account)

As a result, the following two single-sided entry lines are returned:

501-001 (and contra account), amount 130.00 USD

502-001 (and contra account), amount 130.00 USD


Running a recurring posting operation

To run a recurring posting operation, it is necessary, from the level of the menu Accounting → Recurring Posting Operations, select a recurring posting scheme and click on the button [Run].

In the opened window, a user should:

  • Specify the posting date − date with which a journal entry will be created. The current date is set by default.
  • Specify the start and the end date − period for which single-sided entries should be included in calculation of functions defined in a recurring posting scheme. The current dates are set by default.
  • Define the value of the parameter Include unconfirmed entries decides whether unconfirmed entries are to be included in the value calculation. The parameter is checked by default.

Window starting recurring posting operation

If account format is not used in an element of recurring posting, there will be one journal entry generated with one single-sided entry for the amount calculated and to the accounts specified in Account DR/Account CR sections.

If account format is defined, that is the Calculate For section is filled in, a loop which elements will be all the accounts from a current accounting period fulfilling the specified criterion will be executed.

The owner of created journal entry is a company structure center to which an operator who performed the posting operation is logged-in.

In order to view generated journal entry, it is necessary to select the recurring posting operation and click on the button [View Generated Entries]. The user will be transferred to the list Journal Entries: Ledger limited to the entries generated by a given scheme.