Archival stock levels

The analysis of item movement in a warehouse allows for verification of historical stock levels. Thanks to it, a user can control item quantity in a given day and how its quantities were changing over the period of subsequent days.

Current stock levels are presented if the list of items, on item form in tab Resources -> <<Lots and Resources>> and on warehouse form in tab <<Stock Levels>>. Registration of historical stock levels is available:

  • from the level of Warehouse → Archival Stock Levels
  • in form of a printout, which can be opened with the use of button [Print List] and by selecting printout Item Archival Stock Levels, which is available from the level of:
    • list of items
    • warehouse form
    • archival stock levels (Warehouse → Archival Stock Levels)

Regardless of selected variant, a report on historical stock levels does not include data on historical reservations, orders, or shortages. It presents quantity only.

If item quantity and value on the day for which a report is calculated equals zero, then it is not included in the report even if its stock levels changed in the warehouse on previous days.

For historical stock level calculation, in both variants, a report includes the data from warehouse document subitems which “stocked” date is earlier or the same as the date determined when calculating a report.

Date “stocked” is the date on which a resource was actually received/released from a warehouse. Depending on the document the date “stocked” is:

  • date of issue – internal documents and their corrections– internal documents and their corrections
  • date of release – SOR
  • date of receipt – POR
  • correction date – corrections of external documents
  • date of sale – SI/R
  • date of purchase – PI

Archival Stock Levels form

The first form of presenting historical stock levels is Archival Stock Levels form, available in tab Warehouse → Archival Stock Levels.

It is necessary to specify group/groups of items, warehouse/warehouses and a date for which the stock level is to be calculated. Data is calculated on the form only upon operator request, after selecting button [Recalculate]. The form is not saved as a document – a report is created only at the moment of calculating the stock level in a warehouse.

The form of archival stock levels is composed of tabs By Items and By Lots. The layout of the form is the same in both tabs. Differences consist only in the method of grouping the data.

In case of analyzing resources from several warehouses, an item will appear on a list as many times as there are currencies in which resources were registered.

Both tabs include fields in the upper part, on the basis of which a report is calculated:

Stock Levels On: – date for which stock levels must me calculated. By default, the system sets the current date.

Warehouse – warehouse/warehouses for which stock levels must be calculated. An operator can select:

  • one of the warehouses available in the center to which he/she is logged-in
  • option All which means that the calculation takes into account all warehouses available in the center to which an operator is logged-in
  • warehouses of other companies, if their visibility is provided. More information on the visibility of warehouses can be found in article <<DEFINING WAREHOUSE FORM>>.

Item group – group of items, from which articles for which the report must be calculated are retrieved. The main group from default item classification is set by default, with the possibility of change.

Below the above-described fields, there is a section Items (in case of By Items tab) or Lots (in case of By Lots tab). It contains a table presenting calculation of stock levels according to the specified criteria.

Parent rows of a report contains the following data:

  • item code and name (archival stock levels include only items of Merchandise type)
  • values of features defining lots, separated by a comma – only in tab By Lots
  • quantity available on a given day in a selected warehouse (or in all warehouses in case if option All is selected)
  • shortages on a given day in a selected warehouse (or in all warehouses, if option All is selected)
  • code of item basic unit in which quantity is expressed
  • item/lot unit price (calculated on the basis of purchase value divided by available quantity), rounded to two decimal places
  • purchase value for the entire available quantity
  • acquisition value for the entire available quantity
  • currency – symbol of a currency in which resource value is calculated

Prices, values and the currency of a given resource are not presented in the tab By Lot in the case of databases supporting the AVCO method.

Child rows are visible upon selecting + symbol, placed in the first column, next to parent rows. The child rows display particular deliveries which comprise the quantity of a given item or lot (depending on selected tab) on the determined day in specified warehouse.

In the case of databases with AVCO queuing method, information regarding particular deliveries which created the resource, are not maintained. Child rows are not displayed for this method and the symbol + is grayed out.

The child rows contain the following data:

  • date of delivery – depending on document type, date of delivery has different names; date of delivery is a so called “stocked” date
  • number of documents which originally created a delivery/resource – if a delivery/resource has been moved between different warehouses with the use of WM documents, this field presents number of a POR or IR+ document which registered the delivery/resource in the system firs
  • warehouse in which, on a date a report was generated, the resource was stocked
  • quantity available on a given day deriving from a given delivery and present in a given warehouse
  • code of item basic unit in which quantity is expressed
  • lot unit price (calculated on the basis of purchase value divided by available quantity), rounded to two decimal places
  • purchase value for the entire available quantity from a given delivery
  • acquisition value for the entire available quantity from a given delivery
  • currency – symbol of a currency in which resource value is calculated

If an item had been received with a POR or IR+ document in one warehouse, and later a part of the received quantity was moved to another warehouse, then child rows in a report include also two rows referring to the same POR or IR+ document, but having different warehouse assigned and such quantity determined, which is available from that delivery in specific warehouses.

Form of archival stock levels – tab By Items

Stock Level On – Details (available in Polish system version)

The second way of presenting archival stock levels is in form of a report (a printout). Depending on the way in which a report is launched, it is necessary to indicate:

  • date on which a statement of stock levels is to be performed
  • items which are to be included in a report
  • method of grouping data in a report – by items, deliveries, features (of lots)
  • warehouse for which calculations are to be performed

In case of launching printout from the level of:

  • list of items – information regarding warehouse and items, which are to be included in a report is retrieved from the list the report is launched for a warehouse by which, at the moment of launching the printout, the list of items is filtered. If the report should include operations in all warehouses, then before launching it, it is necessary to select option All in field Warehouse located in the filter below item list and filter the list. Selection of items which will be included in a report depends on the group of items which has been marked on the item group tree when the report was started. The report includes items both from the marked group and its child groups. Other information, i.e., date for which the report is to be executed and method of presenting the data on it – by items, deliveries, features (of lots) must be determined in an additional window displayed upon launching the report.
  • warehouse form – printout presenting data for all items within a warehouse from the level of which it was launched. In the additional window displayed upon launching the report, an operator must specify date for which stock levels must be calculated as well as method of their grouping – by items, deliveries or by features (lots).
  • archival stock levels – dates, warehouse and item groups are retrieved directly from the form of archival stock levels which must be specified and recalculated before a statement is executed. In the additional window, it is only necessary to define the method of grouping the stock levels (by items, deliveries, or lot features).

A report presents:

  • item code and name
  • basic unit
  • quantity expressed in basic unit
  • purchase value and acquisition value
  • resource currency

In case of selecting option of presenting stock levels according to:

  • deliveries, number of a document originally creating a delivery/resource is also displayed If a report is generated for several warehouses, then the code of a warehouse in which given quantity of item from a given delivery was stocked on a given day is also displayed by each document number.
  • features – a report presents particular values of features which are included in a given lot. Values of features defining one lot are separated by a come, e.g. white, S, for who features: color and size.

History of delivery

History of delivery is not available for AVCO method of queuing resources.

Allows for handling deliveries and provides the possibility of controlling a given item delivery from the time of its receipt until today. Thanks to this functionality, it is possible to find and item, e.g. in case of ascertaining a defective delivery. In such a case it is necessary to find all transactions concerning a given delivery, in order to, e.g., withdraw it from the market.

History of delivery is available from the level of:

item form (tab Resources → Lots and Resources)

warehouse form (tab Stock Level)

document item form (tabs General and Deliveries)

History of delivery:

  • is not available for an item of Set type with checked parameter Retrieve elements onto document. In such a case, it is possible to check history of delivery for set components.
  • is empty for subitems of SI and R registering shortages, of SO and IO not associated with any resources and for subitems of PO, PI, manual SIQC and manual RQC
  • may be automatically limited due to the lack of appropriate permissions for documents or warehouses
  • is launched for a document creating a delivery with IR+/POR. If an operator checks history of a resource created with a WM+ document, he/she receives the whole source resource history, which was already created earlier by a POR or IR+ document and which was later transferred between the warehouses as well as the whole release history of this source resource from many various warehouses.

A particular, single subitem of a POR, IR+ or WM+ document should be understood as a delivery.

Verification of history of delivery

To be able to verify history of delivery, it is necessary to indicate one of resources or a subitem in a document and select button [Delivery History] (book symbol ). This button is available only among the quick access buttons, just above an appropriate list of resources/subitems and the context menu. It is not available on the ribbon.

In order to open a history of delivery from the item form level of a document for released items, from the Deliveries tab, in the Lots/Deliveries section, appropriate deliveries should be displayed first – Show Deliveries. By default, the lots are shown here and the history of deliveries is not available after indicating a lot.

Delivery History window

The window contains the basic data concerning a delivery, that is:

  • document/s creating a delivery
    • in the first field a document number allocating a resource on a given warehouse (POR, IR+ or WM+) is displayed
    • the second one shows a number of a source document which created a resource (POR or IR+)
  • warehouse for delivery – a warehouse from a document allocating a resource on stock (not from a source document)
  • a date of a document which allocated a resource on a given warehouse – receipt date for a POR document or a date of issue for IR+/WM+ documents
  • subsequent feature values defining a lot, separated by commas
  • current stock level of a given resource, expressed in a basic unit
  • current resource purchase and acquisition value
  • currency – symbol of the system currency of a resource
  • history of operations made on a given resource, displayed in a form of a list of documents, whose subitems use a given resource

For each item of operation history on a given resource, the following data is presented:

  • number and date “stocked” of a document (SI/R – date of sale, SOR – date of issue, SO/IO/WM-/WM+/IR-/IR-QC/IR+/IR+QC/IR+VC – date of issue, POR – date of receipt, SIQC/RQC/SORQC/PORQC/PORVC/CC – correction date)
  • name and code of a customer/vendor for which the document has been issued
  • warehouse from which the resource has been retrieved onto document
  • quantity on a subitem converted to the basic unit of an item
  • purchase and acquisition value of a subitem – presented only for warehouse documents and cost corrections. Values of documents for released items, that is SOR, IR-, WM- and corrections of documents for received items PORQC are presented with a minus sign. Purchase and acquisition values are not presented for trade documents, because they contain the simulated cost, which could distort resource release value in its history.
  • Depending on the character of presented document and its impact on warehouse resources, the quantity from such a document is additionally presented in one of the following columns: Received, Released or Reserved.

Principles of presenting quantities in the history of delivery:

  • trade sales documents and their corrections are only included as Reserved, regardless of their status:
    • SI and R are presented with a plus sign
    • corrections with a minus sign
  • IR-, IR-QC, WM-, SOR and SORQC documents, both confirmed and unconfirmed and as warehouse documents, are displayed in the column Released with an appropriate sign, even though an unconfirmed IR-, WM- or SOR does not reduce the stock level of a warehouse, but only reserves a resource. This fact is to some extent signaled by showing a document in a color signifying the status of a document as unconfirmed.
  • POR, IR+ and WM+ documents which do not affect the item quantity in stock but only increase the ordered quantity Such documents are displayed in the history in the Received column and the color distinction of their statuses provides sufficient information.
  • if a document has been canceled (it is shown by the color in which it is displayed) then its adequate column – Received, Released, Reserved and the columns relating to values are empty.
  • for SO and IO documents which have been closed but not completely processed, column Reservations is empty
  • when from the R/RQC a document SI/SIQC has been created – the Reserved column for the R/RQC document is empty. In this way, an operator gets quick information which of the receipt documents have been converted into invoices.
  • in the Reserved column for SI, R, SIQC and RQC documents, the quantity difference between the subitem from this document and the total quantity of associated subitems of SOR/SORQC documents is displayed
  • the quantity in this column for SO and IO means the incomplete quantity of a given subitem
  • cost correction is not taken into account in quantity columns. It only displays values.

Documents can be displayed repeatedly in the delivery history on a document list as a given document can contain many subitems associated with a given resource.


If a center, with which an operator opening a history of delivery is connected, does not have a right to a warehouse for delivery (warehouse in the upper right corner in the history of delivery form), then the data concerning the current delivery quantity, available in this warehouse, is not presented in the table over the document list.

Moreover, a document list in the history of delivery is limited to these items, for which an operator has a right, that is:

  • is logged in to the center for which a document has been issued or
  • a center, for which a document has been issued, has visibility setting only for a given document type in the center an operator is logged-in to.

The access to purchase prices is also controlled. In the case when an operator has not been granted such access, the columns relating to prices, purchase and acquisition values are not displayed.


Control of resource modification chronology – AVCO

Parameter Control chronology of resource modifications is available only upon selecting AVCO method of queuing resources.

For AVCO method of pricing resources, there is an option available which is responsible for controlling the chronology of dates regarding receipt and release of resources.

From the level of System → Configuration → Trade, after selecting AVCO method of queuing resources, it is possible to check/uncheck the parameter Control chronology of resource modifications. By default, during the creation of databases in the system, the parameter is checked, with the possibility of unchecking it at any moment. For converted databases, the parameter is unchecked by default, with the possibility of checking it.

Blockade of confirming warehouse documents manually

If parameter Control chronology of resource modification is checked, when confirming or confirming quantity of warehouse documents

  • IR+/POR and their quantity and value corrections
  • SOR/IR – and their quantity corrections
  • WM-/WM+

for each document item, the following date is checked:

  • date of release for SOR
  • date of receipt for POR
  • date of issue for POR and its quantity/value corrections, for and its quantity corrections, WM-/WM+
  • correction date for PORQC/PORVC and SORQC

In case if the above dates are earlier than the last date of resource modification (in a warehouse the same as selected in a document), it is disabled to confirm a document and appropriate message is displayed.

Automatic generation of confirmed warehouse documents

When confirming:

  • SI/R/PI and their quantity corrections
  • PIAC
  • WM-

which automatically generate warehouse documents, the system blocks possibility to confirm them in case if the dates below, in dependence of document type, are earlier than the date of last modification of a resource (in a warehouse the operation refers to) of at least one item of a document:

  • date of sale for SI/R
  • date of purchase for PI
  • date of issue for WM-
  • correction date for PIQC/PIVC, RQC, SIQC, PIAC

The system automatically generates a confirmed cost correction, regardless of last date of resource modification.

In the case of IR+/IR- documents generated from an inventory, if chronology of resource modification is not sustained, the system generates unconfirmed documents.

Batch confirmation of documents from the level of warehouse document list

When confirming warehouse documents in a batch, the system verifies among the items marked for confirmation whether there is any document to which confirmation blockade applies. All documents to which the blockade does not apply are confirmed, whereas documents subject to blockade are not be confirmed

Sales below stock levels

The system allows for selling items, that is issuing confirmed trade documents for released items, whose resources have not yet been actually registered in a warehouse Thanks to that, the resources are already in the warehouse and can be subject to sales, even though a warehouse document for received items has not yet been entered to the system.

A warehouse document for released items (SOR) can be created when resources are present in a warehouse – a warehouse document for received items should be issued first. The item registered as shortage can be retrieved from the warehouse if there exists a sufficient amount of the resources whose date of receipt in the warehouse (e.g. the date of receipt in case of a POR document) is not later than the date of generating of the SOR document.

The system allows issuing only a trade document for released items below stock levels, whereas a warehouse document for released items (SOR, IR-, WM-) can only be based on the actual resources.

Configuration of sale below stock levels

The option of sale below stock levels can be enabled by checking parameter Sell below stock levels in definition of a given center company (Company Structure → Rights Structure → center/company edition), from the level of which such sales model is to be enabled.

Parameter Sell below stock levels in center definition 

The option of sale below stock levels is inactive by default. The parameter can be unchecked if:

  • no shortages are registered in warehouses associated with a given center
  • no POS workstation is associated with a company/center

On 1 September 2018 a customer purchases item AP whose resources have not been registered in the stock records in the warehouse. The vendor can then issue a trade document – a SI or R document, but the item can be released only when its receipt has been registered in the system. Therefore, it is not possible to issue a SOR document confirming the release of the item from the warehouse until a warehouse document for released items (e.g. POR) has been issued.

The vendor issues a SI with its date of issue of 1 September 2018 and sales date of 4 September 2018, since will definitely be registered on that date.

On 4 September 2015, a warehouse operative registers the POR document whose items include the item AP and thus records the item in the stock records.

On the same day (4 September 2018), after confirming the POR document, the customer can come to collect the item AP that was purchased 3 days before Then, a SOR document is generated to the SI document issued before, whose subitems are associated with the subitems of the POR document.

The date of generating of a SOR document cannot be earlier than the date of receipt on a POR document.

Handling shortages in documents

When issuing a trade document, a user can indicate a warehouse from which the shortages are to be retrieved.

In case in a document header has been indicated:

  • a warehouse from the list of warehouses available for SI or R document, all added items are assigned to that warehouse
  • option <All>, items are associated with the <<default warehouse>> defined in company structure for a given document for released items

After entering items into a document, it is not possible to change a warehouse.

Adding items to a document has been described in article: <<LINK>>.

In the there are shortages in a document:

  • the margin on an item is calculated on the basis of the applicable sales price list for a given item (if there are no resources) or the purchase price increased by the margin for a given item (if there exists at least one unit in the stocks and its price from the sales price list is does not meet the minimum margin requirements). While generating a warehouse document, the system does not verify whether the minimum margin is achieved – the prices on the generated SOR document will be set according to prices specified on the trade document.
  • subitems of item in columns: Delivery Date, Document, Source Document are empty. The columns with Purchase Value and Acquisition Value take on a value equal to 0.00, whereas the columns with features may remain empty (then, while generating a SOR document, the system retrieves resources with any features values) or may take on a specific value – however, it must be remembered that all subitems of a given item must have the same values of features.

Purchase/acquisition costs on trade documents are not updated when restocking shortages. 

Subitem in a sales invoice with sale below stock levels

Registered warehouse shortages of a specified resource are displayed:

  • in the list of stock levels, on an item form, in the tab Resources → <<Resources and lots>>, in the column Shortages
  • ona warehouse form, in the tab <<Stock Level>>
  • on the <<Archival Stock Levels>> form, in the column Shortages

The system displays stock shortages with the date set in a trade document – SI/R in the  field Date of Sale.

Elimination of shortages

Shortages can be eliminated in two ways:

  • Manually – when generating a warehouse document for released items (SOR) from a trade document (SI, R) which has subitems sold below stock levels, it is verified whether on the current day appropriate resources exist in the warehouse. If so, the released item subitems are associated with the corresponding received item subitems
  • With BPM process Restock Shortages Automatically – the process automates generation of warehouse documents to sales invoices and receipts in which shortages have been registered. It can be run in several ways:
    • confirmation of POR, IR+, WM+ – the process is started automatically upon confirming the listed documents. In this case the process adds missing warehouse documents on the on-going basis. For items included in a delivery document, the process verifies shortages registered in the system. Next, it generates warehouse documents (SOR) to sales invoices or receipts pointing to lack of resources for received items and thus it eliminates shortages in a warehouse.
    • from the level of POR, IR+, WM+ lists – it is also possible to start the process manually for specific deliveries by selecting given documents on the list and running the process from context menu In this case the process operates the same way as in case of confirming a delivery document.
    • from the level of Inbox – if shortages are to be restocked recurrently and not each time a delivery is confirmed. In this case the process verifies all sales invoices and receipts in which shortages are registered and attempts to generate missing warehouse documents (SOR) with the use of resources available in warehouses. Information about all documents pointing to shortages and about generated documents is sent to operator indicated in the startup parameter or to the process initiator.

BPM process Restock Shortages Automatically concerns only permanently confirmed documents. It is not possible to run the process for documents with confirmed quantity.


Verification of deliveries

Permission to change deliveries

Change of deliveries on many documents can be performed from the level of the form of delivery verification whose visibility depends on the permissions available from the level of Configuration → Operator Groups → edition of selected group → tab Other Permissions:

  • Access to purchase prices
  • Change of delivery in confirmed documents
  • Delivery change panel

[Alert]Permission Change of delivery in confirmed documents and Delivery change panel are not available for French database version and AVCO method of queuing resources. [/alert]

The form is available from the level of menu Warehouse (Resources) → Delivery Verification

Delivery Verification form

Delivery verification form

First section Items allows for adding:

  • items, with the use of button [Add]
  • whole item group, with the use of button [Add Group]

In section Parameters, it is necessary to specify conditions which must be fulfilled by a document whose resources are to be changed:

Date – indicates the date from the document, with the possibility of indicating: Date of Issue or Date of Release. By default, the date of issue is displayed on the form.

For an IR- document, regardless of selected date, date of issue is always taken into account.

Date From/Date To – it allows for specifying a range of dates from which documents will be retrieved. Current date is displayed in both fields, by default.

Document – it allows for indicating documents used for delivery change:

  • <All> – SO release documents and internal release documents
  • <Sales Order Release> – default option
  • <Internal Release>

Warehouse – determining of warehouses narrows down the list of documents to those which have been issued in the selected warehouses. The list for selection includes those warehouses which have been attached to a company/center to which the currently logged-in operator is assigned.

Control feature conformity – parameter checked by default When changing deliveries, the list of deliveries displays only those items whose values of features are the same as on the subitem being changed.

The control does not include:

  • subitems without defined values of features – such a subitem can be changed to any subitem, regardless of feature value
  • subitems with defined values of features – such a subitem can be changed to a subitem without defined values of features

Upon unchecking the parameter, the control is not sustained.

In section Subitems, after selecting button [Recalculate], are displayed subitems of documents for released items, according to the parameters set in section Parameters and Items.

In order to be able to perform a change of delivery, it is necessary to:

  • indicate a subitem for which change of delivery is to be performed. In field Quantity in section Subitems, a quantity corresponding to the currently selected item is displayed.
  • check parameter Show deliveries and select a delivery which should be retrieved onto the document.
  • click on [Change] button which will change delivery in the document.

The window in which it is possible to change deliveries is the same as the window in which it is possible to <<change delivery in a confirmed document>>.

Change of deliveries can be also performed directly in a <<confirmed SI, SOR, IR- document>>, from the level of item details.


Quantity confirmation – AVCO

Quantity confirmation of POR and IR+ documents – AVCO

The functionality of quantity confirmation allows for providing an item for sales begore specifying its correct value. After receiving a purchase document, a user can enter an appropriate value in a POR document and then confirm the document, upon which values of resources and purchase costs are updated in unposted documents for released items. In posted documents, the update of purchase costs will be executed by generating a CC.

  • In a document with confirmed quantity, the following fields can be modified:
  • Regular Price (POR), Discounted Price (POR, IR+), Discount (POR), Value (POR, IR+), Price Type (POR),
  • Modification of exchange rate and currency, unless a quantity correction is not generated to a document (POR).
  • Date of Issue, Date of Receipt, Reference Number, Delivery Method
  • Description

Other fields are not subject to modification on a document with confirmed quantity.

From a POR/IR+ with confirmed quantity it is not possible to generate a value correction.

Quantity confirmation of documents is not available for documents issued to a consignment warehouse.

Information about prime sales cost on SI and R trade documents is only approximate and does not always match the actual sales cost. Owing to that, posting of costs should be performed on the basis of warehouse documents.

Parameter Prime sales cost determined

The parameter Fixed value of delivery is available in IR+, POR and cost corrections and it is not subject to edition.

The parameter is update during the update of costs on a document upon confirmation of POR/IR+.

In case of updating price/value on a document with confirmed quantity, the change is saved only for a given item and document value. The value of an item remains unchanged until a complete confirmation of a POR/IR+ document (status Confirmed).

Changing value of subitem on POR/IR+


Updating values of item and subitem on a document with confirmed quantity and confirmed entirely:

QuantityPriceItem ValueDocument ValueSubitem Value Document StatusComment
10 pcs5 USD 50 USD 50 USD50 USDConfirmed Quantity TotalDocument with confirmed quantity
10 pcs7 USD70 USD70 USD50 USDConfirmed Quantity TotalModification of price on document and its saving
10 pcs8 USD80 USD80 USD 80 USDConfirmedModification of price on document and its permanent confirmation

Updating resources and costs

After changing the status of a POR document from ZATWIERDZONY ILOŚCIOWO to Confirmed, the system:

  • Updates IR+QC and PORQC documents
  • Updates resource value
  • Generates cost correction


Updating costs and resources for AVCO method of collecting resources:

  1. POR with confirmed quantity – 10 pcs X 10 USD
  2. Confirmed SOR1 – 8 pcs
  3. Confirmed SORQC1 – 4 pcs
  4. Confirmed PORQC1 – 1 pc
  5. Unconfirmed PORQC2 – 2 pcs
  6. Modification of price on POR document from 10 USD to 12 USD. Confirmation of the POR.

StepQuantityPrice/ValueDocument ValueSubitem ValueComment
1.10 pcs12 USD/120 USD120 USD120 USD-
2.8 pcsUnimportantUnimportant80 USD-
3. 4 pcsUnimportantUnimportant40 USD-
4.1 pcs12 USD/12 USD12 USD 12 USD Update of resource
5.2 pcs12 USD/24 USD24 USD 24 USDUpdate of resource

Generating PI from POR document with confirmed quantity

In case of generating a PI document from a POR, standard rules for generaing documents described in category Generation of documents apply, with exclusion of the following rules:

  • in case of selecting several POR with confirmed quantity, in which different currency exchange rates are registered, during generation of a PI, the system displays window with question referring to aggregation of exchange rates:
  • upon approving the aggregation, those exchange rate type and value are retrieved onto the invoice, which are determined by settings in PI document definition in a center in which the document is being generated
  • upon selecting the option without aggregation, as many invoices are generated as there are different currency exchange rates registered in the selected documents

It is not possible to generate one invoice to a PO receipt with status Confirmed Quantity Total and Confirmed.

Upon generating a PI from a PO receipt with confirmed quantity, it is not possible to:

  • modify document items
  • confirm or confirm and post POR
  • generate a correction to the POR if the invoice status is Unconfirmed.

In an invoice document, the following fields can be modified:

  • Regular Price – the permission Modification of regular price is controlled for an operator group
  • Discounted Price
  • Discount
  • Value
  • Exchange Rate Type and Exchange Rate Value

When confirming a PI document, the POR document is also confirmed and the following elements are updated:

  • purchase value on subitems
  • regular and dicounted price, discount, values on an item
  • VAT table
  • values and parameters referring to currency (exchange rate, exchange rate type, date type, date, conversion calculators) in the document header

Confirming an invoice results in confirmation of PO recepit associated with it (the document status will be changed from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed).

In case of adding additional costs to a PI document, a PORAC document is generated after confirmation of the PI.

Once the PI is confirmed, standard mechanism of updating purchase cost is started, the same as in case of changing status of POR from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed.

Canceling a document with confirmed quantity

The rules applying to the cancellation of documents with confirmed quantiy ar etha same as in the case of cancelling a confimred POR/IR+ document.


Quantity confirmation  – FIFO/LIFO

Quantity confirmation of POR and IR+ documents – FIFO/LIFO

The functionality of quantity confirmation allows for providing an item for sales begore specifying its correct value. After receiving a purchase document, a user can enter an appropriate value in a POR document and then confirm the document, upon which values of resources and purchase costs are updated in unposted documents for released items. In posted documents, the update of purchase costs will be executed by generating a CC.

In a document with confirmed quantity, the following fields can be modified:

  • Regular Price (POR), Discounted Price (POR, IR+), Discount (POR), Value (POR, IR+), Price Type (POR),
  • Modification of exchange rate and currency, unless a quantity correction is not generated to a document (POR).
  • Date of issue, date of receipt, reference number, delivery method
  • Description

Other fields are not subject to modification on a document with confirmed quantity.

From a POR/IR+ with confirmed quantity it is not possible to generate a value correction.

Parameter Prime sales cost determined and Fixed value of delivery

Parameter Prime sales cost determined is only available on warehouse documents: SOR, IR-, WM-, WM+ and on quantity corrections. It is editable on SOR, IR- and WM- documents. For other documents, the value of the parameter is transferred from the source document and it is not subject to edition. After checking the parameter in a document and saving the document, it is not possible to change the parameter value.

Quantity confirmation of documents is not available for documents issued to a consignment warehouse.

If in a document, the parameter Prime sales cost determined is:

  • checked – costs on the document are actual A document can be posted, after changing the value in an IR+/POR document, a cost correction is generated.
  • unchecked – cost on the document has not been determined. It is not possible to post a document until the parameter is checked.

Information about prime sales cost on SI and R trade documents is only approximate and does not always match the actual sales cost. Owing to that, posting of costs should be performed on the basis of warehouse documents.

In order to be able to modify the parameter Fixed value of delivery in a confirmed SOR, IR-, WM- document, the operator group to which the currently logged-in operator belongs must have permission Determining of prime sales cost granted, which is available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → edition of selected operator group → tab Other Permissions.

The parameter Fixed value of delivery is available in IR+, PZ and cost corrections and it is not subject to edition.

The parameter does not regard: trade documents, orders, quotes and inquiries.

When confirming a SOR, IR- or WM- document, all document subitems are verified, if value of the delivery is:

  • determined – the parameter is checked automatically
  • not determined – the parameter will not be checked

The parameter is update during the update of costs on a document upon confirmation of POR/IR+.

In case of updating price/value on a document with confirmed quantity, the change is saved only for a given item and document value. The value of an item remains unchanged until a complete confirmation of a POR/IR+ document (status Confirmed).

Changing value of subitem on POR/IR+


Updating values of item and subitem on a document with confirmed quantity and confirmed entirely:

QuantityPriceItem ValueDocument ValueSubitem Value Document StatusComment
10 pcs5 USD 50 USD 50 USD50 USDConfirmed Quantity TotalDocument with confirmed quantity
10 pcs7 USD70 USD70 USD50 USDConfirmed Quantity TotalModification of price on document and its saving
10 pcs8 USD80 USD80 USD 80 USDConfirmedModification of price on document and its permanent confirmation

Updating resources and costs

Upon changing status of POR document from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed, the system:

  • Updates purchase costs on warehouse documents for released items and their quantity corrections with status Unconfirmed, Initiated and Confirmed if Prime sales cost determined parameter is unchecked on SOR, IR-, WM-, WM+, SORQC and IR-QC documents.
  • Generates cost corrections to warehouse documents for released items and their quantity corrections with status Confirmed if Prime sales cost determined parameter is checked on SOR, IR-, WM-, WM+, SORQC and IR-QC documents.
  • Updates PORQC document.
  • Changes value of resource remaining in warehouse(s).


Updating costs and resources:

Warehouse W1 and Warehouse W2

  1. POR with confirmed quantity – 10 pcs X 10 USD
  2. Confirmed SOR1 – 2 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  3. Confirmed SOR2 – 2 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  4. Unconfirmed SORQC1 – 1 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  5. Confirmed SORQC2 – 1 pcs, checked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  6. Confirmed PORQC – 1 pcs
  7. Confirmed WM-/WM+ from W1 to W2 – 2 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  8. Unconfirmed SOR3 from W2 – 1 pcs
  9. Modification of price on POR document from 10 USD to 12 USD. Confirmation of the POR.

Unconfirmed SOR3 from W2 – 1 pcs

StepQuantityPrice/ValueDocument ValueSubitem ValueComment
1.10 pcs12 USD/120 USD 120 USD 120 USD-
2.2 pcs12 USD/22 USD 24 USD 24 USDUpdate of resource
3.2 pcs10 USD/20 USD20 USD20 USDCost correction for 4 USD is generated
4.1 pcs12 USD/12 USD 12 USD12 USD Update of resource
5.1 pcs10 USD/10 USD10 USD10 USDCost correction for 2 USD is generated
6.1 pcs12 USD/12 USD12 USD12 USD Update of resource
7.2 pcs12 USD/24 USD24 USD24 USDUpdate of resource on WM-/WM+
8.1 pcs12 USD/12 USD12 USD12 USDUpdate of resource
9.4 pcs12 USD/48 USD--Resource value in warehouse

Generating PI from POR document with confirmed quantity

In case of generating a PI document from a POR, standard rules for generating documents described in category Generation of documents apply, with exclusion of the following rules:

  • in case of selecting several POR with confirmed quantity, in which different currency exchange rates are registered, during generation of a PI, the system displays window with question referring to aggregation of exchange rates:
    • upon approving the aggregation, those exchange rate type and value are retrieved onto the invoice, which are determined by settings in PI document definition in a center in which the document is being generated
    • upon selecting the option without aggregation, as many invoices are generated as there are different currency exchange rates registered in the selected documents

It is not possible to generate one invoice to a PO receipt with status Confirmed Quantity Total and Confirmed.

Upon generating a PI from a PO receipt with confirmed quantity, it is not possible to:

  • modify document items
  • confirm or confirm and post POR
  • generate a correction to the POR if the invoice status is Unconfirmed.

In an invoice document, the following fields can be modified:

  • Regular Price – the permission Modification of regular price is controlled for an operator group
  • Discounted Price
  • Discount
  • Value
  • Exchange Rate Type and Exchange Rate Value

When confirming a PI document, the POR document is also confirmed and the following elements are updated:

  • purchase value on subitems
  • regular and discounted price, discount, values on an item
  • VAT table
  • values and parameters referring to currency (exchange rate, exchange rate type, date type, date, conversion calculators) in the document header

Confirming an invoice results in confirmation of PO receipt associated with it (the document status will be changed from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed).

In case of adding additional costs to a PI document, a PORAC document is generated after confirmation of the PI.

Once the PI is confirmed, standard mechanism of updating purchase cost is started, the same as in case of changing status of POR from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed.

Canceling a document with confirmed quantity

The rules applying to the cancellation of documents with confirmed quantity are the same as in the case of cancelling a confirmed POR/IR+ document. Conditions verifying during an attempt to cancel a POR/IR+ document with Confirmed Quantity Total status:

  • Quantity correction – if there is a correction with a status different than Canceled, the system does not allow to cancel the document.
  • Item sale – verification whether the merchandise from the document which is to be canceled, has been released. If yes, the system does not allow to cancel the document.