
General information

Sales (SI) and purchase (PI) invoices are trade documents. They constitute a basis for recording sales and purchase transactions of items. They result in a calculation of subtotal and total values, VAT tax and generate payment

From the level of modules Sales and Purchase are available, respectively, the list of sales invoices and the list of purchase invoices.

List of sales invoices

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Sales invoice form

Detailed description of the document form can be found in subcategory Document forms.

Each confirmed invoice should be associated with an appropriate warehouse document – a sales invoice with a SOR, a purchase invoice with a POR. SI/PI documents, both unconfirmed and confirmed, affect only the reserved/orders quantity of items that is displayed in a list of items as well as warehouse resources in column Blocking Reservations/Orders. They do not result in the items being recorded in the stock records

In the system, there is also a possibility of printing invoices on a receipt printer, which has been described in article Printing invoices on a receipt printer. 

Clearing an invoice from the document level

There are several methods of clearing a document from the level of trade area:

  • from a list of documents – button [Pay]
  • from a list of documents – button [Confirm]
  • from a list of documents – button [Confirm and Post]
  • from details of a document – button [Pay] (available only for SI documents)
  • from details of a document – button [Confirm]
  • from details of a document – button [Confirm and Post]

The methods of clearing documents have been described in articles from the category Clearings.

Sales invoice

The functionalities relating to sales invoices are available from the level of the tab Sales → Invoices.

A SI can be created:

  • manually, by clicking on the button [Add] on the sales invoices list
  • by generating it from trade documents R, SO
  • by generating it from a warehouse document SOR

What is characteristic for a SI document is the possibility of selling below stock levels, therefore a SI can be issued for an item whose stock levels amount to zero. More information about selling below stock levels can be found in Sales below stock levels.

Purchase invoice

The functionalities relating to purchase invoices are available from the level of the tab Purchase → Invoices.

A PI can be created:

  • manually, by clicking on the button [Add] on the purchase invoices list
  • by generating it from a trade document PO
  • by generating it from a warehouse document POR

Characteristics of sales and purchase invoices

A saved (unconfirmed) invoice has the following characteristics:

  • it is subject to edition
  • it can be deleted, which results in deleting an order (PI) or reservations/shortages from a warehouse
  • it can be confirmed from the level of a document form or from the level of a list of invoices
  • it is not possible to post it
  • it generates an uncleared payment
  • it is not possible to generate any other document (SOR/POR) from it
  • it is not possible to generate an advance invoice from it
  • it is not possible to generate any corrections from it

A confirmed invoice has the following characteristics:

  • it is not subject to edition – it is only possible to preview details of a document or of an item, without a possibility of editing it
  • it does not affect item quantity in a warehouse, it only creates reservation or order
  • it cannot be deleted, but only canceled, which results in decreasing quantity in the column Quantity Reserved (Blocked)/Orders and can create shortages
  • it can be posted
  • it generates a payment which, depending on selected payment form, can be cleared or uncleared
  • it generates an entry in VAT account
  • it is possible to generate another document from it (SOR/POR)
  • it is possible to generate quantity and value corrections to it

Additional costs

On a PI document form, in the tab Additional Costs -> General, are defined costs included in calculation of an acquisition price of a resource of a given item. These costs can be introduced manually in system currency or through indicating cost documents.

List of additional costs on a PI document

From the level of the list it is possible to add, edit and delete individual additional costs, with a breakdown of additional costs into general costs and costs assigned to a specified item.

Below the table of additional costs, the user has a possibility to define an algorithm of additional costs breakdown for individual items of an invoice.

Among available options, it is possible one of the following algorithms:

  • Quantitative – it apportions the costs proportionally to the quantities of individual items of a purchase invoice
  • Value-based –it apportions the costs proportionally to the values of individual items of a purchase invoice.
  • Weighed Net – it apportions the costs proportionally to the net weight of individual items of a purchase invoice upon recalculating them into basic weight unit according to conversion calculator from definition of weight unit of an item. Value in the basic unit is used for calculation for calculation of the cost. The weights are defined for each unit of measure of an item in the item form.
  • Weighed Gross – it apportions the costs proportionally to the gross weight of individual items of a purchase invoice upon recalculating them into basic weight unit according to conversion calculator from definition of weight unit of an item. Value in the basic unit is used for calculation for calculation of the cost. The weights are defined for each unit of measure of an item in the item form.
  • Volumetric – it apportions the costs evenly in accordance with the volumes of items entered in a purchase invoice upon recalculating them into basic weight unit according to conversion calculator from definition of weight unit of an item. Value in the basic unit is used for calculation for calculation of the cost. The volume of an item is defined for each unit of measure of a given item in the item form.
  • Any – it allows apportioning the costs at the discretion of a user. After selecting the method Any the definition of the proportions in which the costs are to be apportioned will be entered in the tab Additional Costs.

Moreover, additional costs in a PI document possess the following features:

  • addition and edition of additional cost can be performed on an unconfirmed document only
  • to a PI document generated in a consignment process cannot be added additional costs affecting acquisition price
  • it is not possible to include additional costs in VAT tax base in a PI document

Advance invoices

Advance sales and purchase invoices are trade documents recorded as a result of receiving or paying cash against a future sale/purchase. When clearing a sales/purchase transaction of merchandise or services, the value of a sales or purchase invoice is decreased by values of the advance invoices registered earlier. They result in calculation of subtotal and total values, VAT tax and generate payments.

Advance sales invoices are located in module Sales in the same list as sales invoices, and advance purchase invoices in module Purchase in the same list as purchase invoices.

Characteristic properties of the advance sales and purchase invoice

A saved (unconfirmed) advance invoice:

  • is partially editable
  • can be deleted
  • can be confirmed from the level of a document form or a list of invoices
  • cannot be posted
  • generates uncleared payment

A confirmed advance invoice:

  • is not subject to edition – it is only possible to preview details of a document or of an item, without a possibility of editing it
  • cannot be edited, but only canceled
  • can be posted
  • generates payment which, depending on selected payment form, can be cleared or uncleared
  • generates an entry in VAT accounts
  • it is possible to generate a value correction to it

Generating advance invoice

Advance invoices are generated from a sales/purchase order which is confirmed or being executed. It is possible by selecting an order on a list of orders and clicking on button [ASI]/[API] from the group of buttons Generation. This action results in opening of a new window which enables determining the value of advance payment.

Window for determining the value of advance payment

In the window it is necessary to define the total value of advance payment for the entire document or for individual VAT ratesV included in the order collected/transferred towards a future sale/purchase of items from the sales/purchase order.

Generating advance invoice is also possible on the basis of open cash/bank transactions, available from the level of the list of customer/vendor payments, in the tab Finances. This operation is available from the level of a list of operations limited to a specific customer and an appropriate type of an operation of a release type. Generating advance sales/purchase invoice is possible only on the basis of cash/bank entries registered in a currency corresponding to the currency of the order to which the invoice is to be issued.

In order to issue a new advance sales/purchase invoice, it is necessary to select a cash/bank transaction from the list of customer or vendor payments and click on the button [ASI]/[API] placed in the Generation button group.

Editing advance invoice

The majority of fields of a generated advance invoice is filled in, by default, with the data from the source document. The following fields are not subject to edition:

  • transaction type
  • VAT rates
  • document currency
  • order items
  • method and conditions relating to the due date
  • VAT table in advance purchase invoice

VAT direction and VAT aggregation always take on value on total and VAT on values total, regardless of the setting on the sales/purchase order, therefore advance payment value is always presented as total value.

Parameter Collect VAT on ASI/API

In a database created in French, on item form, item group form and on advance invoices, there is parameter Collect VAT on ASI/API available.

When generating an advance invoice to an order, additional column Collect VAT is available on the invoice form in tab Order Items. For a national transaction, this parameter setting is retrieved, by default, from a given item form, however, it is possible to edit it until the advance invoice is confirmed.

If Transaction Type on advance invoice form is set to:

  • National – value of parameter Collect VAT is copied from item form. It can be edited on the advance invoice.
  • Intra-Community and Non-EU – parameter Collect VAT is always checked and is noneditable

If parameter Collect VAT is unchecked on the list of order items on an advance invoice, the system operates in the following way:

  • an item is treated as it was not subject to VAT; value of this item in the VAT table has NS (not subject)
  • VAT rate assigned a total value of order for which an advance invoice is generated is taken into account for calculating the maximum advance payment
  • checking/unchecking Collect VAT parameter on an advance invoice results in dividing the advance payment amount into individual VAT rates once again

Checking/unchecking Collect VAT parameter does not change the amount of advance payment.

Deducting an advance invoice on a final invoice

The VAT table (available in tab Amounts) on a final invoice contains VAT rates included in this final invoice as well as VAT rates from advance invoices marked to be deducted (those by which parameter Deduct was checked in tab Amounts). Amounts for VAT rates from included advance invoices assume a negative value thereby decreasing the value remaining to be paid.

In the tab Amounts on a final invoice there is also Advance Invoices section containing a list of advance invoices issued to the same order to which the final invoice is being issued. From the level of this list it is possible to:

  • open an order or selcted advance invoice for editing
  • check amount to be deducted
  • set deducted amoun manually, however it can only be lower or equal than the value of the advance invoice
  • exclude an advance invoice from deduction by unchecking the parameter Deduct

In a database created in French, after deducting advance invoices from the final invoices, Total and Subtotal values presented in the tab General do not change. The total value of advance payment which has been deducted can be found in the field Advance Invoices located under the total value of the document.


Sales (SO) and purchase (PO) orders are trade documents. Sales orders are issued for items in the purchase of which a given customer is interested. It can be an item of merchandise type, a set or a service. Purchase orders register an event of ordering merchandise or services from vendors/secondary vendors.

From the level of modules Sales and Purchase are available, respectively, list of sales orders and list of purchase orders.

List of sales orders

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Sales order form

Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

Characteristic properties of orders:

  • they cause calculation of total and subtotal value as well as VAT tax and generate payment not subject to completion
  • orders must be issued for a specific customer
  • orders can be confirmed, opened and closed in a single batch
  • changing date of issue of a document affects its expected – expected date is the same as the date of issue increased by the number of days defined for the expected date
  • in the section Subitems, on individual order items, are presented only those subitems which have not yet been executed

Closing and opening orders

Possibility of opening and closing a document is characteristic only for order documents.

  • It is possible to open an order with Confirmed status whose execution has not started yet. In such a situation it assumes Unconfirmed status again and can be modified in any way and, after that, confirmed one more time or deleted.
  • Closing an order is tantamount to finishing its execution, e.g. due to client’s cancellation of order of a part of items. It is possible to close orders with Confirmed or Pending status, but only if documents generated from those documents are confirmed. Closing an order results in deleting reservation from stock levels. A closed order cannot be opened anymore.

Editing items of an order with Confirmed and Pending statuses

To be able to modify items of orders with Confirmed or Pending status in a selected center, on the definition of SO/PO documents, it is necessary to check Modify items on confirmed order parameter. Additionally, operations related to the edition of confirmed orders can be enabled for a selected operator group, by assigning permission Modification of items in confirmed sales/purchase order. The permission is available in the tab Other Permissions when editing selected operator group. It is checked, by default, only for the group B2_admin. For the other groups it is unchecked with the possibility of checking it at any moment of the work with the system. If the parameter contained in the document definition is checked, in sales/purchase orders with Confirmed and Pending statuses it is possible to:

  • add new items
  • delete items
  • edit order items

Below, there are terms on which the possibility of editing items on orders was enabled:

Order itemsQuantity in columnsOperations possible to execute
Unprocessed order items, added after order confirmationConfirmed quantity = 0
Quantity = Unprocessed
Items are subject to complete modification (in the same manner as in the case of documents with Unconfirmed status)
Partially processed/completely processed order items, added before/after document confirmationQuantity>Not processedOn the item, the field Quantity is subject to modification. The other fields are blocked for edition. It is not possible to delete such items from the order.
Items added before document confirmationConfirmed quantity>0On the item, the field Quantity is subject to edition. The other fields are blocked for edition.
Items partially/completely excluded from processing.Excluded from processing>0All fields blocked for edition. It is not possible to delete such items from the order.

It is not possible to recreate an order whose items were added/modified after document confirmation or were excluded from processing.

If after modification only items which are processed/excluded from processing remain on the confirmed document, the system will ask whether the status of the document should be changed to Processed/Closed and after:

  • Confirming – the document will get an appropriate status
  • Rejecting – the last modification will not be executed.

Retrieving prices onto a document

Retrieving prices onto a document is performed on the same terms as for unconfirmed documents. 

In case of retrieving prices from threshold price lists after modifying the quantity of an item on a confirmed/pending order:

  • items added before the confirmation (confirmed quantity>0) – the price on the item will be not changed, regardless of the quantity threshold defined after the change
  • items added after the confirmation (confirmed quantity = 0) which are processed (Quantity>Unprocessed) – the price on the item will be not changed, regardless of the quantity threshold defined after the change of the item
  • items added after the confirmation (confirmed quantity =0) which are not processed (quantity = not processed) – the price on the item will be retrieved in accordance with the defined threshold.

Excluding order items from processing

The system provides a functionality allowing for excluding document items/subitems from the processing of order. In order to enable the option of excluding order items from processing, it is necessary to check the parameter Exclude order items from processing in the document definition, in the selected center.

After the parameter is checked, in the definition of SO/PO document and on a SO/PO item form, button [Exclude from Processing] appears. The button is active for orders with Confirmed or Pending status.

An item can be excluded from processing, if:

  • selected item/subitem derives from a warehouse available in the center in which the operation is being performed
  • documents generated from the order (SOR/SI/R/PI/POR) are not unconfirmed
  • an item is not fully executed and after excluding it from processing the quantity of reservations/orders properly decreases

A subitem can be excluded from processing, if:

  • selected item/subitem derives from a warehouse available in the center in which the operation is being performed
  • documents generated from the order (SOR/SI/R/PI/POR) are not unconfirmed
  • Only those subitems/items can be excluded from processing, which have not yet been executed.

Warehouse on orders

A user can define a warehouse in which delivered merchandise should enter or from which merchandise should be collected, as well as values of individual features assigned to an item, which affect lot. Such a warehouse can be defined yet in a document header.

When defining such a warehouse on subitems, it is possible to assign each subitem to a different warehouse. However, such a possibility does not exist if on the definition of a SO/PO has been checked parameter Operations on a single warehouse.

It is possible to change the warehouse on a sales order with confirmed or pending status, if the document was created

  • for <All> warehouse
  • with non-blocking reservations

In the case of partially executed items, the warehouse can be changed only for the quantity which is still not executed.

Sales order

SO only results in a reservation of an item displayed in a list of items in column Blocking Reservations. If, while adding an item to a sales order, there are insufficient resources or a user will uncheck parameter Reserve resources located in header of the document, then the items of an order will not be associated with specific resources in a warehouse.

The list of issued document is available in the tab Sales → Orders.

Generating documents from sales order

It is possible to generate:

  • from one sales order – one or several SI or SOR
  • from several sales orders – one sales invoice or one warehouse document, if the orders:
    • concern the same customer
    • are issued in the same currency
    • have the same VAT directions and aggregations
    • have their merchandise collected to the same warehouse – in case of generating SOR warehouse document
  • from several sales orders – several sales invoices and warehouse documents, if the orders:
    • concern different customers
    • are issued in different currencies
    • have different VAT directions and aggregations
    • have their merchandise collected from the same warehouse – In case of generating SOR warehouse document
  • from a SO document it is also possible to generate: R, ASI, PO, IO and WM- (only in case of handling consignment).

In a situation when a customer orders merchandise which is currently not available in stock, a user can generate an appropriate PO from SO for vendors, which will allow for a subsequent execution of the customer’s order.

Resources can be uploaded to a SO both automatically and manually.

Purchase order

Issuing a purchase order results in increasing quantity in the column Orders on items list, which provides information about the quantity of a given item which can be assigned soon to the stocks.

The list of issued orders is available in the tab Purchase → Orders.

Generating documents from purchase order

It is possible to generate:

  • from one purchase order – one or several PI or POR
  • from several purchase orders – one purchase invoice or warehouse document, if the purchase orders:
    • concern the same customer
    • are issued in the same currency
    • have the same VAT directions and aggregations
    • introduce merchandise to one warehouse – in case of generating POR warehouse document
  • from several purchase orders – several purchase invoices and warehouse documents, if the purchase orders:
    • concern different customers
    • are issued in different currencies
    • have different VAT directions and aggregations
    • introduce merchandise to more than one warehouse
    • have their merchandise collected from the same warehouse – In case of generating POR warehouse document
  • from a purchase order it is also possible to generate: PI, POR and API



Receipt is a trade document which documents retail sales. A receipt is the confirmation of a purchase and is issued by vendors, who have fiscal cash registers or receipt printers, in the form of a printout. It contains basic information on the price of an item, calculated taxes as well as data relating to the vendor. An issued receipt generates a payment but the related record is not registered in VAT accounts

List of receipts

List of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Receipt form

Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document Forms.

Characteristic features of a receipt

  • it can be confirmed without selecting a customer (it remains Undefined)
  • a confirmed receipt can be converted into a sales invoice
  • a receipt is not included in VAT account
  • a receipt is issued solely and exclusively in the system currency. However, payments can be made in foreign currencies.
  • parameter VAT Direction takes on the value On Total and it is not possible to change it
  • while issuing a receipt it is possible to use the option Confirm and Print which confirms and, at the same time, prints a receipt
  • a confirmed receipt can be printed many times

Generating trade and warehouse documents from a receipt

  • it is possible to generate SI (if customer’s TIN number on the receipt is the same as the TIN number on generated invoice) or SOR from a confirmed receipt


An invoice generated from a receipt without customer’s/vendor’s TIN number defined, can be saved/confirmed only, if:

  • the documets have been issued for a natural person
  • the receipt has been issued before 01/01/2020


  • it is not possible to generate a SI from several receipts
  • it is not possible to generate SI or SOR from an unconfirmed or cancelled receipt
  • a receipt can be converted to invoice only one time
  • it is not possible to generate an invoice from a receipt only for a part of items
  • converting a receipt to invoice can result in creating an entry in VAT account
  • it is not possible to generate SOR from an invoice from which a SI has been previously generated. An opposite situation is possible, that is it is possible to generate SI from a R to which a SOR has been previously generated.
  • of on the basis of a receipt another document has been generated – first, it is necessary to cancel the generated document, and then the receipt

Generating VAT invoices to invoices generated from receipt

For a receipt to be included in VAT accounts and in tax return, it must be contained in SRS or CRS document. Additionally, in Polish version of database, it is possible to generate entries in a VAT account to invoices issued to receipts. To enable such possibility, check parameter Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts in System → Configuration → Accounting – by default, the parameter is unchecked. Upon checking it, VAT invoice or VAT invoice correction will be created while generating a sales invoice to a receipt.

After checking parameter Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts, in definitions of SI/SIQC/SIVC document types it is possible to specify in which VAT account such invoice should be registered.

VAT invoices are generated only to invoices issued since 01/01/2017 and they do not generate payments.

Blocking retail sales

To activate the option of blocking retail sales, it is necessary to select on the form of company a VAT rate group: VAT FR as well as the Compliance with French VAT Law parameter. After these conditions are fulfilled, it will not be possible to do the following:

perform any operations in receipts and their corrections (such as addition, deletion, confirmation, confirmation and posting, printing documents)

  • generate receipts from orders and warehouse documents
  • issue receipt corrections following complaint actions
  • print invoices on a receipt printer

perform operations (such as confirmation, correction generation, cancellation) in a sales invoices, advance invoices and their corrections (corrections issued to a document and manual corrections) if customer’s TIN was not specified in the document

Operations that can be performed with blocked retail sales option:

  • posting addition of SRS to CRS
  • generation of a warehouse document SOR

Simplified invoices

In the tab Amounts, on the receipt and its correction forms, Simplified invoice parameter is availabe. It is automatically checked when confirming documents fulfilling all criteria listed below:

  • parameter Invoice to a receipt according to Polish regulations is checked for the company being the document owner,
  • the document issue date is not earlier than October 1 2020,
  • the customer, for which the document was issued, has TIN field completed,
  • the total value of the receipt is lower than 450 PLN.

The threshold value of receipts is determined for the system currency.

When converting the database, the following documents are marked as simplified invoices:

  • receipts with confirmed or printed on receipt printer, fulfilling the above-mentioned conditions and for which no sales invoice was generated;
  • corrections of receipts whose source document was marked as simplified invoice.

The Simplified invoice parameter is presented only for documents makred as simplified invoice and its value is presented only in read mode.

It is not possible to generate sales invoices to receipts marked as simplified invoices.  During the attempt of generating such document, the following message is displayed: “None of the selected documents could be included during SI generation. Receipt_no:…: According to Polish regulations, the selected document is a simplified sales invoice and cannot be converted into a sales invoice.”

Onto the printout of a receipt being a simplified invoice (RQC/RVC/RTC) the fiscal number of the receipt as well as the unique fiscal device are retrieved. Depending on the type of the source document, in the printout header the following information is presented:

  • Receipt Correction – if the source receipt is not a simplified invoice
  • Invoice Correction – if the source receipt is a simplified invoice



Tax Free

The functionality allows for handling of tax returns for tourists – Tax Free. Natural persons without permanent place of residence within the European Union’s territory are entitled to receive a return of tax payed when purchasing items on a country’s territory, which were exported undamaged outside the European Union. A vendor issues a printable receipt to a customer, with tax calculated according to national rates. Moreover, a filled-in Tax Free document form is attached to the receipt, including items, their prices and paid tax amount.

Tax Free is available only for databases created in Polish

The list of Tax Free documents is available from the level of main menu, in the tab Sales → Tax Free.

Tax Free list

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

A TAX FREE document can be generated from a receipt printed on receipt printer. It is not possible to add a document manually to the system.

Upon selecting a R document in the list of receipts and clicking on the button [TF] placed in the group Generation, a form of a new TAX FREE document appears.

Tax Free form

Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

A TAX FREE document can be generated:

  • only from a receipt printed on receipt printer, it is not possible to generate a TAX FREE from a receipt correction
  • from one receipt
  • if a receipt has Confirmed or Posted status
  • if a receipt does not have any corrections or all its corrections have been canceled
  • if no sales invoice has been issued to a receipt
  • from a receipt to which no TAX FREE document has been generated or TAX FREE document generated to it has been canceled

In a TAX FREE document, it is possible to check parameter Export Confirmed. By default, the parameter is unchecked and can be edited only in a confirmed document. In case the parameter gets:

  • checked – a payment (debit) for document amount is created
  • unchecked – the payment is deleted

The parameter is not available for edition, if:

  • a TAX FREE document has been included in CRS
  • a TAX FREE document has been posted
  • the payment has been settled in full or partially
  • the payment has been included in SRO or SPO

It is possible to issue a TAX FREE document for an item of service type in accordance with the data included in the receipt. If TAX FREE document is to be generated only for an item of merchandise type, it is necessary to issue separate receipts for merchandise and services.


Quotes document a trade proposal which a vendor submits to a customer. They result in calculation of a subtotal, total value, an amount of VAT tax and generate a payment, which is not, however, displayed in the payment plan and is not subject to completion.

From the level of modules Sales and Purchase, are available, respectively, list of sales quotes and list of purchase quotes.

List of sales quotes

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Sales quote form

The document form and its tabs have been described in subcategory Document forms.

Quote expected date

The expected date of a quote can be defined through the number of days calculated from the date of issue of a quote or in form of a specified date or as a number of days from the date of issue of an order (order issued after a customer confirms a quote).

It is also possible to define expected date of individual items of a quote.

Fields Time of Delivery and Expected Date on quote items are strictly connected with each other. The time of delivery is a difference between document date of issue and expected date of a given item. Changing values of the fields results in recalculation of the dates.

The expected date of a quote can be defined or undefined

Options of quote confirmation

A standard business process assumes conversion of a sales/purchase quote to a sales/purchase order upon prior acceptance of the quote’s conditions by its addressee.

A reaction of the addressee to the quote sent to it can be recorded in the confirmed document, through selection of a confirmation option in the quote’s details:

  • accepted
  • rejected − after selecting this option an additional field with a drop-down list appears in which it is possible to specify the reason, defined in the area Configuration → (General) → Generic Directories.

Generating orders to quotes

For an order to be generated, an offer document must be confirmed, its expiration date cannot be elapsed and its status cannot be Rejected. While generating an order, the system takes into account the expected date of items and of the document header and retrieves the basic data from the quote, especially the price and the value of an item in the document currency.

Moreover, the following rules are observed when generating orders from quotes:

  • the item name is be set in an order item form on the basis of the item name from a quote item form, with the possibility of editing the name in the generated document (providing that the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form)
  • the final price of items determined in a quote as well as the value of the whole quote expressed in the quote currency is not subject to being changed while converting the quote into an order and is transferred to an order
  • the expected date in the document header is determined in accordance with the latest date among expected dates on items
  • payments in an order are set on the basis of the payments in a quote being converted
  • the terms and conditions of any terms will also be transferred along with the payment
  • If in the payment of a sales quote a specific date of planned payment has been defined, but this date has already passed, then the terms and conditions of a terms are not be transferred (there is no chance that the recipient of a quote will pay before the due date)

Sales quote

Sales quotes are issued for the purpose of attracting a customer to our product range and persuade it to make a purchase.

An item of Merchandise, Set or Service type can be an item of a sales quote.

The functionality of sales quotes is available from the level of menu Sales → Quotes.

Minimum margin control in regard with quotes

If control of minimum margin is enabled in the system, it starts at the stage of a sales quote. Although a quote does not retrieve resources from a warehouse, purchase price required for calculation of the minimum margin is determined on the basis of last purchase price from PI documents.

Purchase quote

Purchase quote is a reflection of the quote directed to us by another vendor/secondary vendor for the purpose of presenting its range of items to us and encouraging us to make purchase.

An item of Merchandise or Service type can be an item of a purchase quote. It is not possible to issue a purchase quote for a set.

The functionality of purchase quotes is available from the level of menu Purchase → Quotes.

Generating price list from a PQ

From the level of the details of a confirmed purchase quote whose expiration date has not passed yet, a user can generate a regular price list (it is not possible to generate a threshold price list from a quote).

To do so, in the quote details it is necessary to check relevant items and click on button [Generate Price List]. The system verifies whether the checked items have assigned features on an item form for which the parameter Price List has been marked (tab Parameters → Features).

  • If it does not find such features, it places the marked items in a price list together with prices, units and a delivery time, which has been assigned to them in a quote.
  • If it finds such features, then all marked items are placed in a price list, but additionally, on the basis of lots of a given item, creates a matrix of all possible feature combinations for them, for which an individual feature can be defined.
  • If there is no cell corresponding to features of a PQ document item in a matrix cell, the price is not added to a price list.

Generating SQ from PQ

It is possible to generate sales quotes from a confirmed purchase quote.

In the case of generating a sales quote for one customer, the prices of items on the generated quote are retrieved from the current, active price list for released items that is the default price list for a given customer/vendor. A user can select the method for calculating prices for sales quotes generated for many customers.

The following rules are observed when generating sales quote from a purchase quote:

  • the system sets the prices in SQ on the basis of the currently applicable price lists as well as promotional offers
  • the price from the source purchase quote is retrieved as the regular price (purchase price) on which a margin is calculated
  • the item name in a SQ item form is set on the basis of PQ item; the name can be edited in the SQ (providing that the parameter Edit item name has been checked in the item form)
  • generation of SQ is possible only when a purchase quote has been confirmed, it cannot be rejected or canceled
  • it is not possible to generate SQ from a purchase quote whose expiration date has already passed
  • expected date in SQ items is set as the later of the dates – expected date from PQ item or expected date determined on the basis of time of delivery from a given item price list.
  • expected date in SQ item takes on the same form as the expected date on the source item of PQ – an exact date or number of days from the date of order
  • expected date in SQ header takes on the same form as the expected date in the source PQ – if there are many source PQ, then the system takes the form of the first of them
  • expected date in SQ header is determined on the basis of the current date, unless that date is earlier than the latest from dates in quote items – then it is appropriately postponed.


Inquiries constitute a first step in the complete process of sales/purchase of an item. It is an inquiry that commences this process, which subsequently is converted into a quote, an order, ending with an invoice or a receipt (in the case of the process of sales).

Inquiries can contain specific items or only a general description of a sought item.

From the level of modules Sales and Purchase, are available, respectively, list of sales inquiries and list of purchase inquiries.

List of sales inquiries

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Sales inquiry form

The document form and its tabs have been described in subcategory Document forms.

Sales inquiry

A sales inquiry is a document reflecting the interest of a customer in our items – merchandise, set or service. Either submitted verbally or sent electronically, it is subsequently registered in the system.

The functionality of sales inquiries is available from the level of Sales → Inquiries.

Generating SQ from SOI

Generating sales quotes from confirmed sales inquiries is possible from the level of:

  • list of SOI (from one or many SOI documents)
  • list of SOI items (for one or many checked items)
  • tab Associated Documents

The fields in the form of a new SQ document assume the same values as the analogous fields in the source SOI. The description as well as a list of items, if defined in the SOI, is also transferred in the same form.

There are two ways of generating SQ from SOI:

According to the price list – it is necessary to mark selected items or documents and click on button [Generate SQ] selecting option [By Customer’s Price List].

On the basis of vendors’ quotes – it is necessary to mark a relevant SOI from the documents list or mark required items from the list of SOI items and click on the button [Generate SQ] selecting option [On the Basis of Vendor Quotes].

Generating POI from SOI

Possibility of generating a purchase inquiry from a confirmed sales inquiry is used in order to obtain information on an expected date and at what price we can receive a given item.

The operation of generation a POI is possible for one or simultaneously many customers:

  • from the level of a list of SOI (from one or many SOIs simultaneously)
  • from the level of a list of SOI items (from one or many checked items)

Purchase inquiry

A purchase inquiry is directed at a vendor/secondary vendor in order to obtain information whether they have an item in which we are interested and whether they are in a position to deliver it to us.

As a result of accepting the inquiry by a vendor we receive a sales quote which is entered in the system as a purchase quote associated with the inquiry placed by us.

The functionality of purchase inquiries is available from the level of Purchase -> Inquiries.

Generating PQ from POI

Generating purchase quotes from confirmed purchase inquiries is possible from the level of:

  • list of POI (from one or many POI documents)
  • list of POI items (for one or many checked items)

In a generated PQ document:

  • the fields on the form take assume the same values as the analogous fields in the source POI.
  • the other fields are filled in with the values retrieved from the form of the customer for which the quote is being issued. The description is also transferred.
  • if a list of items has been defined in the POI, it is transferred to the PQ.

Prices for the items of the generated quote are retrieved from the active, current price list for received items assigned to a customer, or, if no price list has been assigned to a customer, from the price list which is default for the active center.

While generating purchase quotes from many purchase inquiries, the system generates as many quotes as the number of different customers appearing in the POI documents. In the event of a quote generated from several inquiries, the items in such a quote are not aggregated, whereas the description is transferred from the POI which has the lowest number among the marked ones.

Statement of retail sale and correction of retail sale

Statement of Retail Sale (SRS) and Correction of Retail Sale (CRS) are the documents presenting the total value of retail sales recorded by means of receipts as well as their corrections within a specified time interval in a given company/center.

SRS/CRS documents register sales broken down into the subtotal, total as well as VAT rate values.

As a result of confirming an SRS/CRS a VAT sales invoice/VAT sales invoice correction is automatically generated. This way, the sales value registered with receipts/receipt corrections is recorded in a VAT account.

Functionalities relating to the statement of retail sale and corrections of retail sale are available from the level of the tab Sales → SRS/CSR.

List of SRS documents

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Automatic generation of SRS/CRS documents

In the system it is possible to set the frequency of creating SRS/CRS documents separately for each center. The parameter determining method of generating SRS/CRS is available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents.

SRS document definition

The parameter can assume the following values:

  • None
  • For each document
  • Everyday
  • Every month

After a user selects an option different than None, when adding a new R/RQC/RVC, the system verifies whether exists an SRS/CRS to which a given document can be added.

If it exists – the system adds the document being issued to it

If it does not exist:

  • the system creates an SRS/CRS in the background and sets the range of dates according to selected option of automatic generation
  • saves such document as unconfirmed
  • adds to it newly created documents fulfilling criteria specified on it

Manual generation of SRS/CRS documents

In case an SRS/CRS document is created manually, a user can add receipts/corrections from different centers of the same company.

In order to add receipts/corrections to a statement, a user:

  • has to click on button [Add] on the form of an SRS/CRS document
  • select from the list confirmed receipts/corrections which have been issued within a defined range of time

Only those receipts are displayed on the list that have not been included in another statement.


Example 1:

When SRS/CRS is issued with owner set as:

  • Company – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Company, Center 1, Center 2, Subsidiary 1
  • Center 1 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Center 1
  • Center 2 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Center 2 and Subsidiary 1

Example 2:

When SRS/CRS is issued with owner set as:

  • Company 1 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Company and Center 1
  • Center 1 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents are added whose owner is Center 1
  • Company 2 – all receipts/corrections/tax free documents will be added whose owner is Company 2 and Center 2

Combine all document types on CRS

In definition of CRS document (available in Configuration → Company Structure → Company/Center → Documents), there is parameter Combine all types of documents.

  • It decides whether a correction of retail sales should contain quantity and value corrections of receipts and TAX FREE documents
  • It can be edited if an option different than None has been selected in the field Generate document automatically
  • It is checked by default

Additionally, in the CSR document, there is a parameter Document type which allows for indicating the documents that should be included in a statement, it is possible to select one of the following options:

  • <All>– default option; value and quantity receipt corrections as well as tax free documents are included in CRS Receipt Quantity Correction Receipt Value Correction Tax Free
  • Receipt Quantity Correction
  • Receipt Value Correction
  • Tax Free

Value of the parameter can be changed until the first document is added onto CRS form.

Blockade of attaching receipts/receipt corrections to SRS/CRS

If on the form of the company within which the SRS document is being added, parameter Invoice to a receipt according to Polish regulations is checked, then, on the list of receipts to be added to the SRS, the following documents are not presented:

  • with indicated customer’s TIN number,
  • with the total value lower or equal to 450 PLN.

Also, the above-mentioned documents will not be included during the automatic addition of receipts to SRS.

When adding receipt corrections to CRS, the system verifies whether the source receipt fulfills the conditions of the simplified invoice – the value of the correction will not be taken into account by the verification mechanism.

Adding receipts/receipt corrections being simplified invoices to SRS/CRS

On the forms of SRS and CRS documents (tab General → VAT Parameters), there is parameter Include simplified invoices when attaching documents. It is presented only if in the configuration of the company being owner of the document, the parameter Invoice to a receipt according to Polish regulations is checked.

Depending on the setting of the parameter:

  • On the list of the receipts to be added to SRS (and of their corrections to be added to CRS), receipts/invoices marked as simplified invoices are not displayed – parameter unchecked.
  • On the list of receipts to be added to SRS (and of their corrections to be added to CRS), are displayed receipts/invoices marked as simplified invoices for which no VAT invoice was generated – parameter checked.

The functioning described above is the same for the automatic addition of receipts/corrections to SRS/CRS.

The modification of the value of the parameter Include simplified invoices when attaching documents does not update the list of documents already added to an SRS.


Consignment sales report

Consignment sales report is used for collecting the whole sale of the resources received from one customer/vendor in one consignment warehouse of Own type in a given period.

Detailed description of handling consignment can be found in article Consignment – general information

The consignment sales report is a document which reflects the sale of items from delivery from a specific customer/vendor to a consignment warehouse of Own type on the basis of SOR documents. A report also includes the “sales” for the customer, whereby the item is moved from the consignment warehouse by means of WM documents to a local warehouse of the customer

List of CSR documents and the functionality relating to these documents are available in module Sales → CSR.

List of CSR documents

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

In order to issue a new report, it is necessary to click on button [Add] which results in appearing of a new form.

Tab General is slightly different than in other trade documents. The header contains:

  • document number
  • vendor for whom the report is being created
  • warehouse in which the resource delivered by a given vendor has been received (it can only and exclusively be an own consignment warehouse)
  • center in which the document is being issued
  • field with a space for providing an additional description to the report
  • current document status
  • document date of issue
  • total and subtotal value of the report
  • range of dates within which the dates of issue of documents including in the created CSR fall

The list of CSR items displays items and their quantity which has been released within the selected period of time by means of SOR and WM- documents from own consignment warehouse that is the basis of the report.

These items can only be added after selecting a vendor as well as a warehouse. Then, by means of buttons [Add SOR], [Add WM-], a user can select specific SOR or/and WM- documents from the list filtered by dates, vendor or warehouse. The other option involves the automatic addition of all SOR and WM- documents fulfilling the criteria set – button [Add Automatically].

Characteristics of CSR documents:

  • in the document header, in field Warehouse, by default is set the warehouse for which, in configuration, the CSR document has been set as default. However, it is possible to change it into a different consignment warehouse of Own type.
  • It is not possible to issue a CSR for a consignment warehouse of customer’s type or a local warehouse
  • When adding an item to a CSR its quantity is converted to the basic unit.

In databases with FIFO/LIFO methods selected, the system does not include the documents which have already been added to another CSR, SOR documents which have been completely corrected, and WM- documents associated with a SORQC.

Retrieving prices into a CSR

Prices of the individual items are retrieved from the current price list for received items assigned to the vendor selected in the CSR, in the system currency of a company being the document owner. They are not editable and are only used for information purposes.

The prices can differ from the prices in the POR and PI, which ultimately document the purchase.

Generating a CSR document

A CSR document can be generated from the list of SOR and WM- documents.

Generating is possible for one or many documents marked on a list.

In the case of WM-, these can be documents, whose source warehouse is a consignment warehouse of Own type and the source warehouse is set as a local warehouse.

After confirming a CSR document, it is sent to the vendor, who, as a response, provides a sales invoice including exactly the same items.


The complaints functionality envisages handling of the complaint process for items both purchased by customers (sales complaints) and purchased from vendors (purchase complaints).

Complaints can be created both for items of merchandise type and for services.

Functionalities relating to complaint handling, depending on a complaint type, are available from the level of tabs Sales/Purchase → Complaints.

The status of a complaint document depends on the stage of the complaint process. A document can assume one of the following statses – To consider, Accepted, Rejected, Processed.

Detailed description of functionalities related to complaints can be found in subcategory Complaints.



Memos are used for decreasing/increasing a payable of a customer/vendor resulting from a trade transaction. They are also used in case of sales of vouchers.

The list of credit/debit memos registered in the system is available from the level of the module Sales/Purchase → Credit Memos/Debit Memos.

List of credit memos

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

A list of memos, except from standard information available in the majority of lists, presents also Payment Status, which allows to quickly verify whether a given memo has been already completed or not.

In order to register a new credit/debit memo, click the button [Add] from the List button group, which opens a new form. For both types of memos, the form is nearly identical. The primary difference is the subtab – Vouchers, available in a debit memo form, in which it is possible to register the sale of fixed amount vouchers.

Credit memo form

The document form and its tabs have been described in subcategory Document forms.

Characterictics of memos:

  • A memo can only be issued in the system currency.
  • A condition required to be able to confirm a memo is indicating a customer/vendor and introducing memo value higher than 0. The exception is a situation when a note registers sale of vouchers. Then, such a document can be issued for undefined customer/vendor.
  • In order to complete a sales/purchase invoice from a credit/debit memo, it is necessary to edit the payment created in the invoice and select the parameter Compensations which can be found in the Payments tab. Then, in a list of documents to be paid relevant memos, which have yet not completed any other document, appear.

Credit memo

A credit memo is issued by a vendor to record payables in respect of a customer, but in contrast to corrections it does not contain elements (items).

Credit memos can be used in the following situations:

  • issuing a memo as a result of incorrect invoicing of the quantity or value in comparison with the actual delivery. A larger quantity or greater value of merchandise has been invoiced than it was actually delivered. In this case, a credit memo is issued which enables a customer to receive a discount in the amount of the memo received during subsequent purchases.
  • issuing a memo on the basis of an earlier agreement under which it is stipulated that after purchasing merchandise for a specific amount a customer can receive a discount in the form of a credit memo

Debit memo

Debit memo is used in situations that are opposite to situations involving credit memo, if quantity or value of provided merchandise is superior to the quantity or value indicated in an invoice. It is used in order to document debits associated with payments not subject to VAT taxation.

The source document for a debit memo can be a credit memo document issued by vendor or an internal document which constitutes basis for charging a given customer.

A debit memo can also register the sales of gift vouchers, because only the use of a voucher, that is the physical purchase of goods by a vendor making a payment by handing a goods voucher (a gift card), will be the activity taxable with VAT.

Detailed description of registering vouchers can be found in article  Adding vouchers to the system.


Commission invoices

Commission invoices are used to reward customers who make the largest purchases in terms of value.

The list of commission invoices is placed in Sales module and serves for informational purposes. It contains a list of all customers registered in the system. After defining a time interval (closed, open or open or open on one side) and clicking on [Calculate Commission] button, information on the total value of sum of sales transactions (sales invoices) in which the customers participated, the margin earned that way, percentage value of commission which is due for the amount obtained as well as the actual commission value is displayed.

List of commission invoices

Characteristics of commission invoices in the system:

  • to differentiate the amounts of commissions received by customers it is possible to define appropriate thresholds after exceeding of which the percentage of a commission amount is increased accordingly
  • it is not possible to define the same comission amount for thresholds with different invoice values Similarly, it is not possibile to add one two different comission amounts to one invoices value
  • configuration of comission invoices is defined for particular company
  • from the level of the parent company, it is possible to define limits and comissions for each company and a global limit for all companies
  • in case a user is logged-in to a company different than the parent company, he/she is able to define limits for this company and to read global limit, but cannot modify them

Configuration of thresholds for commission invoices

Configuration of thresholds is available from the level of Configuration →(Documents)→Commission Invoices.

In order to define a new threshold, it is necessary to select button [Add] which is placed immediately above the list or in the main menu, in List button group. The number of thresholds can be unlimited.

The following values should be defined in the new row:

  • minimum total value of sales invoices – amount which a cutomer should exceed to receive a percentage amount of commission
  • comssion amounts corresponding to a given threshold of values of invoices

Method of calculating commissions depends on the value of parameter Company: If indicated value is:

  • Company – commission value is calculated only for customers available in a company for which the comission is being calculated
  • Option <All> – comission value is calculated for all documents and customers, regardless of company. Documents are summed up according to the system currency

Cost correction

Cost corrections are generated automatically as a result of completing operations resulting in a change in the cost of items sold.

A CC document can be generated:

  • while confirming or canceling a PORVC/IR+VC, whereby the resource received by the corrected document has already been released (CC for confirmed SOR, SORQC, IR-, IR-QC, WM-, WM+)
  • while confirming WM+, whereby there exists a cost correction to the source WM- document
  • upon confirming SORQC/IR-QC, if there exists a cost correction to the source SOR/IR- documen
  • in the event of canceling documents: SOR, SORQC, IR-, WM-, WM+, if there exists a cost correction to these documents
  • in the event of issuing or canceling a manual PIVC
  • if a resource has been entirely corrected quantitatively and in the warehouse there is acquisition value for this resource left (e.g. if additional costs are not included in the PORQC)

The cost of sales in SI, R documents as well as their corrections (being issued prior to issuing a warehouse document) is treated as an estimated cost, if they are issued before a document which generates a warehouse movement. The actual cost is calculated only in SOR documents generated to trade documents, on the basis of a current value of retrieved resources.

Cost corrections cannot be deleted, canceled or added manually. Upon canceling a value correction, for example, which has resulted in generating a cost correction, another cost correction correcting the existing one will be created. In the event of confirming a WM+, IR-QC or SORQC, the system will generate one CC document on the basis of all CC documents generated to the source documents – WM-, IR-, SOR.

Cost corrections do not generate paymetns.

A list of generated cost corrections is placed in module Sales. The list displays information regarding:

  • correction number
  • date of issue, that is the actual date of the operation of generating a correction (current date)
  • date of correction, that is the date of an “event” that has resulted in generating a CC Depending on situation as a result of which a CC document is created, correction date in a CC is retrieved from:
    • date of correction from PORVC, PORQC
    • date of issue from IR+VC
    • date of issue from WM+, SORQC, IR-QC
    • date of receipt from PIVC
  • date of release, that is a “warehouse date” in which an item whose prime cost is changing a given CC was released/returned. Depending on a document to which a CC is being generated, the date of issue of such a CC is determined on the basis of:
    • the date of release from a SOR
    • the date of correction from a SORQC, manual PIVC, PORQC
    • date of issue from a IR-, IR-QC, WM-, WM+
  • value of a cost correction calculated on the basis of the purchase value
  • value of an acquisition cost correction based on the acquisition value
  • document status
  • number of the source document as a result of which a correction has been created

Details of a correction are available after clicking on button [Preview] located in the group of buttons List in the main menu. A correction form is comprised of standard document tabs: Items, Analytical Description, Associated Documents, Attributes and Change History.

The majority of fields in the tab Items is grayed-out. Only a Correction Date and a Date of Release are subject to changes, but only until a document has been posted.

Similarly, as the other trade documents, the cost correction form is comprised of:

  • header in which the number of a correction document is shown,
  • the number of a source document which has resulted in creation of a correction,
  • center in which a document has been issued,
  • current document status (a correction is always generated for the status Confirmed),
  • issue date, correction date and release date,
  • value of a cost correction and value of acquisition cost correction,
  • list of items

The list of items presents items along with the value of a cost correction and the value of acquisition cost correction. Those are the items whose purchase price and acquisition price have been corrected as a result of confirming or canceling the source document for a CC. Each item can only be previewed to obtain more details.

Sales targets

The functionality allows for defining individual sales targets for employees of particular shops. A sales value is calculated with the use of external services, e.g. dedicated BI reports.

Sales targets can be specified from the level of Sales(Targets) Sales Targets.

The possibility of defining sales targets depends on permission granted to an operator group: Sales Targets

List of sales targets

The list contains standard buttons which have been described in article Standard buttons.

The list is composed of the following columns:

  • Active
  • Target Type
  • Name
  • Shop
  • Effective From/Effective To
  • Shop Target

Creating new sales target

In order to add new target, it is necessary to click on button [Add], which results in opening of a definition form.


Sales target form

The sales target form is comprised of:

Side panel, containing the following fields/parameters:

  • Active
  • Name
  • Target Type – non editable list, allows for defining time interval in which a given target is to be effective. It is possible to select one of the following types: Daily (default), Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual.
  • Shop – field in which a user indicates a center associated with the POS workstation
  • Effective From/Effective Until – non editable list, allows for defining time interval in which a given target is to be effective
  • Shop target parameter unchecked by default, checking in results in graying out section with Employees

In tab Parameters, placed in the upper part of the window, depending on the selected target type, the following columns are available:

  • Priority (available only for the option: Daily
  • Application (available only for the option: Daily) – non editable list, allowing for selecting one of the following options:
    • Date/Period
    • Weekdays
    • Standard Day
  • Weekdays (available only for the option: Daily) – field editable only if the option Weekdays has been selected in the column Application. The filed allows for selecting a day from a list of weekdays or option (Select All)
  • Date From/Date To (available only for the option: Daily) – field editable only if the option Date/Period has been selected in the column Application. The fields allow for defining a time interval.
  • Amount – field allowing for defining a value for a given target
  • Currency – basic currency of the company to which belongs the center associated with the POS workstation, indicated in the form header
  • Period (available only for the options: Monthly, Quarterly, Annual) – drop-down list allowing for indicating time interval in accordance with the selected period. For option:
    • Monthly – it is possible to select particular months or option (Select All)
    • Quarterly – it is possible to select particular quarters
    • Annual – it is possible to select years


Definition of a daily target:

Effective from: 1.01.2018

Effective until: 30.12.2018

Period: 20.12 – 23.12: Amount: 6000,00 Priority: 1

Weekdays: Saturday, Amount: 4500,00 Priority: 2

Standard day, Amount: 3000,00 Priority: 3

Target value applied in a given day:

Monday, 3.12. (fulfilled condition: standard day) – 3000,00

Saturday, 15.12 (fulfilled conditions: standard day, weekdays: Saturday) – 4500,00 – the priority for the option Weekdays is more important than the priority defined for the option Standard

Saturday, 22.12 (fulfilled conditions: standard day, weekdays: Saturday, period: 20.12-23.12) – 6000,0 – the priority for the option Period (1) is higher than priorities for the other options

In the section Employees it is necessary to indicate an employee associated with an operator who belongs to the center indicated in the filed Shop.

In case the parameter Shop Target is checked, the target is not defined for individual employees, but for the whole hop.

In order it is possible to indicate an employee, first it is necessary to indicate a center in the field Shop.