User’s CRM area

All the CRM data is shared not only on the lists of particular objects they refer to. The data can also be reviewed on the lists dedicated to a logged-in operator. In those lists, there are objects (customers/vendors, persons, activities) assigned to an employee who is, in turn, assigned to a currently logged-in operator. The visibility of objects depends on granted permissions to preview selected objects of other employees.

User’s CRM area

Tab CRM contains:

  • My Companies – list of customers/vendors being supervised by a given employee. Defining of supervisors on a customer/vendor form is described in article defining customer/vendor.
  • My Persons – list of contact persons being supervised by a given employee.
  • My Activities – list of CRM activities assigned to a given employee. It allows for adding and modifying of contacts, meetings and questionnaires.
  • Calendar – presents employee’s calendar.
  • Tasks – list containing all tasks of an employee.
  • CRM Panel – presents the most important information regarding customers and vendors of the company, all contacts, tasks and opportuinities related to them. The [CRM Panel] window is composed of employee’s calendar view and a list of his/her contacts (Contact Persons, Customers/Vendors).

CRM Panel