General information

The Comarch ERP Standard system offers the possibility of handling multi-purpose vouchers and allows for selling single-purpose vouchers.

A first step for starting work with vouchers consists in <<defining voucher sort>> of a specific type and indicating its properties.

Two voucher sorts are available in the system:

  • own − issued and distributed by a company within its own shop or chain, or else accepted by its partner companies. Own vouchers are registrated before initiating the process of their distribution.
  • external − issued by one company and accepted by other shops. External vouchers are added to the system only after a payment with such voucher is registered.

On the basis of defined voucher sorts the user can create and add

new vouchers.

Items of voucher type can be <<sold>> through the following documents:

  • Sales order
  • Debit memo
  • Receipt
  • Sales invoices

Moreover, they can be used as <<payment form>>. It is also possible to make a refund to voucher when correcting trade documents.


Defining voucher sort

General information

To start working with vouchers in the system, first the user needs to define a voucher of a specific type (own/external). The option of adding vouchers is available in the menu of the list of voucher sorts. To open the list, it is necessary to open the menu Configuration → Trade/Warehouse → Voucher Sorts.

On the right side of the list, there is Details form containing detailed information regarding selected voucher sort.

Voucher sorts

In order to define new voucher sort, it is necessary to select [Add] button placed over the list of vouchers and select voucher type (own/external) from a drop-down list.

Button for adding new voucher sort

After adding new item to the list, the user has to fill in the header of the form of voucher sort which is available on the right side of the window. Fields and parameters of the form of voucher sort will differ depending on voucher type.

External voucher

To define a voucher sort of External type, it is mandatory to enter its name.

Moreover, in the header of the form of external voucher, the following parameters are available:

  • Active ─ parameter deciding whether a given voucher is active
  • One-off parameter deciding whether a voucher has to be used entirely within a single transaction. In the case of an external voucher, the parameter is checked by default and it is impossible to uncheck it.
  • Return of Unused Value ─ parameter deciding whether funds unused during the payment for a purchase for an amount lower than the value of the voucher are given as change

Header of external voucher type form

Own voucher

To define a voucher of Own type, except for the name, it is also necessary to specify Numbering Scheme (Configuration Tool). The user can select it from among numbering schemes previously defined in the system or create a new one.

For an own voucher it is also possible to define:

  • Series ─ initial number identifying voucher sort
  • Regular Amount
  • Validity Date

Parameter from activation is related to the field Validity Date. If the parameter is checked, voucher validity date is calculated from the date of its activation. If the parameter remains unchecked, voucher validity date is calculated from the date of its generation.

The other parameters available in Details of own voucher are:

  • Loyalty Program ─ parameter deciding whether defined voucher sort can be indicated as customer’s identifier in a loyalty program. Detailed information regarding associating vouchers with customers can be found in <<article>>.
  • One-off ─ the parameter can be checked/unchecked by the user at any time, its function is the same as in the case of external voucher
  • Return of Unused Value ─ the parameter appears on the form after checking One-off parameter and its function is the same as in the case of external voucher.
  • Rechargeable ─ this parameter is available on the form only if the parameter One-off is not checked.Checking the parameter makes it possible to recharge voucher repeatedly with any value.
  • Item ─ inactive field, completed automatically upon adding association between voucher and item.

After voucher sort is defined it can be added to the system as item only once.

Header of own voucher type form

Adding vouchers to the system

In the system, it is possible to add single vouchers, as well as series of vouchers.

The option of adding vouchers is available in the menu of the list of vouchers. To open the list of vouchers, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Vouchers] button.

This way, only adding of vouchers of Own type is handled, since external vouchers appear on the list automatically after they are used as <payment form>> for a document and the payment is registered in the system.

List of vouchers

In order to add new voucher to the system, it is necessary to select [Add] button, placed in the main menu, over the list of vouchers, and select one of previously defined vouchers from a drop-down list.

Button for adding voucher to the system

After selecting voucher sort a form of newly created voucher is opened.

Form of newly created voucher

On the left side, there is the header of the voucher form with information regardin current voucher status, that is:

  • Initiated − a voucher is being created and it has not been saved yet
  • Saved − status assigned to a voucher upon selecting the button [Save] from the main menu. The user can still change its regular amount, date of validity delete it.
  • Confirmed − status assigned to a voucher upon selecting the button [Confirm] from the main menu. It can be issued as a loyalty card, used to process a refund or blocked.
  • Received in Stocka voucher has not been sold and is available in stock
  • Activestatus assigned to a voicher at the moment of its sale, issue or association with a customer/vendor.
  • Used − voucher entirely used, it cannot be used again in the system.
  • Blocked − status assigned to a voucher after selecting the option Block described in article <<blocking vouchers>>

And following fields and parameters:

  • Regular Amount, Validity Date − fields completed automatically on the basis of voucher sort, they can be modified by the user
  • Date of Issue, Type, Sort, Number − fields completed automatically on the basis of voucher sort, they cannodt be modified
  • Amount Paid, To be Paid, Activation Date, Date of Issue, Date Used − fields updated automatically on the basis of information retrieved from payment made with a voucher and registered in the system
  • Location, Handled By − fields allowing for selecting center and employee issuing a voucher

The system generates automatically the number of voucher on the basis of the confiugration tool assigned to it.  

The form of a voucher contains also the following tabs:

Associated Documents which completed automatically by the system. In the tab, documents paid with the use of a voucher are available.

Detailed description of tabs can be found in article <<Tab Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachments and Change History>>.

Adding vouchers in batch

To add a batch of voucher to the system, it is necessary to select button [Generate] located in the main menu, over the list of vouchers. In the window of batch addition of vouchers, the user specifies values for the following fields:

  • Voucher Sort − drop-down list from which it is necessary to select one of available sorts of own vouchers.
  • Number of Vouchers − option interchangeable with option Import from file which allows for importing from a csv file vouchers with specific numbers which are compliant with defined numbering scheme.
  • Regular Amount − fields completed automatically on the basis of voucher sort, it can be modified by the user
  • Valid From − field filled in automatically on the basis of the system date. If during the definition of the voucher sort, the paramerter from activation was checked, the field is not visibile.
  • Generate As − drop-down list from which it is necessary to select status of generated vouchers
  • Location − allows for selecting a center which will be the owner of vouchers

Moreover, in the window of batch additions of vouchers, the following parameters are available:

  • Print vouchers − if the parameter is checked, newly generated vouchers are automatically printed out
  • Register delivery − allows for registering deliveries in a warehouse with POR/IR+ documents. The parameter is active only if paramerter Create a purhcase order is unchecked and the voucher sort is associated with an item (in the system there is <<an item of vouchr type>> with a given sort). Additional fields appear after checking the parameter:
    • Document − drop-down list from which it is necessary to select document type through which the receipt of voucher will be processed.
    • Vendor− field allowing for selecting vendor who will be transferred onto voucher reception document
    • Create a purchase order − allows for issuing purchase order for vouchers generated during the process of batch addition. The parameter is active only of the parameter Register delivery is unchecked.Upon selecting this parameter, the field Vendor appears in which it is necessary to select vendor which will be retrieved onto purchase order.

Window of batch addition of vouchers

Associating voucher with a customer

In the system, it is possible to associate voucher with a customer The associated voucher will be used as customer’s ID in loyalty programme. However, the operation is possible only for voucher sorts with the parameter Loyalty program checked on vouvher sort form and their status is Confirmed, Received in stock or Active.

To make such association, it is necesary to open the form of a voucher available on the<<list of vouchers>> and then, in the field Customer/Vendor, with the use of […] button, select customer not associated with any voucher.

The option of associating voucher with a customer is also available in the tab CRM of the customer form.

Parameter Loyalty program on the form of a voucher sort

Upon using a given voucher sort in the system, it is not possible to edit the setting of the parameter Loyalty program.

Field Customer/Vendor on the voucher form

Voucher blockade

In the system, it is possible to block existing vouchers. Vouchers with the following statuses can be blocked:

  • Active
  • Received in Stock
  • Confirmed

To open the window of voucher blockade, it is necessary to open <<the list of vouchers>> and then, after marking a voucher, select [Block] button which is available in the main menu.

In the blockade window, there is a drop-down list with reasons of blockade defined in the system:

  • Promotion to higher program level
  • Unsubscription from the loyalty program
  • Transfer to another card on customer’s request
  • Lost card
  • Expiry
  • Duplicated voucher number

Voucher blockade window

The user can also define new voucher blockade reasons in generic directory CRM → Reason of Blocked Voucher.

Voucher blockade is irreversible.

Transfer to voucher

In the main menu, over the list of vouchers, button [Transfer to Voucher] is available, which allows the user to transfer information from one voucher (e.g., in case of losing or breaking a voucher) to a new voucher and associate the two vouchers. The operation is available for vouchers with Blocked or Active status only. Both vouchers must be of the same sort. If the source voucher has Active status, then, upon transferring information to a new voucher, it becomes deactivated. The operation of transferring information to a voucher is analogical to the operation of adding new voucher to the system. Information from the form of voucher sort is transferred to the form of a newly added target voucher, however, the user can edit the following fields:

  • Regular Amount
  • Validity Date since
  • Location
  • Handled By

In the case of converted databases, it is possible that the system contains vouchers of the same numbers. In this case, such vouchers will be assigned with the status Blocked, and the system will assign the directory value Duplicated voucher number to the field Reason of Blockade. It is possible to transfer a voucher value to a new voucher in order to process a voucher payment.

Sales of items of voucher type

General information

Items of voucher sort can be sold through the following documents:

It is also possible to issue a sales order for vouchers.

Sales of vouchers through receipt/sales invoice

With the use of a receipt or sales invoice it is possible to sell items of voucher type for which parameter Sell though debit memos is unchecked. An item marked as voucher is added to a document in the same way as an item of Merchanidise type, that is by entering voucher number or selecting an item corresponding to the voucher sort and completing voucher number property.

After confirming a receitp/sales invoice with vouchers:

  • it is verified whether a voucher with a given number exists in the system
  • the statuses of the vouchers added to the document are verified in order to avoid confirming of documents with vouchers whose statuses changed in the meantime
  • the vouchers are activated
  • date of sale, date of activation, values of vouchers, due date and location are updated
  • the document is associated with vouchers added to it (the document will be displayed in tab Associated documents on voucher forms)
  • a warehouse document SOR and associations between the R/SI and that document are created

It is possible to cancel or correct receipts and sales invoices including items of voucher type, provided that that item:

  • is not selected as mean of payment on the document
  • its status is Active
  • it is not associated with a customer/vendor
  • it is not expired

After canceling a document the status of an item of voucher type changes to Received in stock and in Changes History the following information appears: Back in Stock Due To Sales Document Cancellation. In the system, it is not possible to generate a value correction for documents containing items marked as vouchers.

Sales of vouchers through debit memo

With the use of a debit memo it is possible to sell items of voucher type for which parameter Sell though debit memo is checked and they have one of the following statuses:

  • Received in stock (both with activated and deactivated sale below stock levels)
  • Confirmed (with acitvated sales below stock levels)

To be able to sell through debit memos, it is necessary to open tab System → Configuration → Trade and activate parameter Handle debit/credit memos. /alert]

The list of debit memos is available in menu Sales, in Documents section, under [Debit Memos] button. In order to create new debit memo, open the list of debit memos from the level of the main menu and select [Add] button.

List of debit memos

Debit memo form

To add a voucher to a debit memo, select [Add] button, available above the list of vouchers and enter voucher’s code or, with the use of […] button, select in from the list of items of voucher type. Then, it is necessary to complete document details available in a panel on the left side. Value field is completed automatically on the basis of voucher’s value. If the value is equal to 0, the user can define it manually and it will be transferred onto the voucher. After confirming a debit memo containing vouchers:

  • the statuses of the vouchers added to the document are verified in order to avoid confirming of documents with vouchers whose statuses changed in the meantime
  • the vouchers are activated
  • date of sale, date of activation, values of vouchers are updated
  • aprropriate IR- warehouse documents are generated
  • the document is associated with vouchers added to it (the document will be displayed in tab Associated documents on voucher forms)
  • information about voucher activation will be saved in Change History.

A debit memo registering sales of vouchers cannot be canceled and the voucher whose sale was registered through that memo cannot be returned.

Sales order

Sales orders can be issued for items of voucher type with unchecked parameter …. Issuing of SO documents for items of voucher type is performed in the same way as in the case of sales orders for other items.