Internal receipt

Internal releases (IR+) are documents presenting movement of merchandise inside a company. It is used for recording excess stock or merchandise produced within a company.

A list of IR+ documents is available from the level of menu Warehouse → (Receipts) IR+.


Internal receipt

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Documents of internal receipt can be:

IR+ document formDetailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

IR+ documents:

  • are issued in the system currency
  • present subtotal value
  • do not regard services or sets with parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked
  • require determination of a warehouse
  • can have a customer/employee indicated
  • retrieve values of items from the recent warehouse document for received items (POR, IR+, WM+) which belong to the company or its child companies, in the context of which a document containing a given item is being issued, regardless of whe warehouse
  • can have item value modified
  • allow for introducing to a warehouse a merchandise withoud defined purchase value and for its releasing by quantity confirmation of a document.


PO receipt

PO receipts are warehouse documents confirming reception of merchandise in a warehouse from a vendor, under the specified purchase terms and conditions. They result in an increase in the quantity of stock items and the warehouse value.

A list of POR documents is available in menu Warehouse (Receipts) → POR.

List of POR documents

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Documents of PO receipt can be:

POR document form

Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

POR documents:

  • allow for indicating a customer/vendor
  • require determination of a warehouse in which te resources are supposed to enter
  • allow for introducing to a warehouse a merchandise withoud defined purchase value and for its releasing by quantity confirmation of a document.


Internal release

Internal releases (IR-) are documents presenting movement of merchandise inside a company. They are used for documenting losses, disposal of damaged items, collecting an item from a warehouse for a test period, lending or collecting components processed in the production process, inside a company.

A list of IR- documents is available from the level of menu Warehouse → (Releases) IR-.

List of IR- documents

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

IR- documents can be:

  • created manually
  • generated from a manual SI quantity correction
  • generated from an inventory

IR- document form

Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

IR- documents:

  • are issued in the system currency
  • present total value
  • do not contain services
  • require determination of a warehouse from which the resources are supposed to be collected
  • can have a customer/vendoror an employee indicated
  • do not allow for realeasing a quantity higher than the quantity available in the indicated warehouse
  • retrieve item value from a resource without possibility of chaning it

SO release

SO releases are warehouse documents confirming release of merchandise outside (to a customer). They result in reduction in the quantity of stock items and the warehouse value.

A list of SOR documents is available in menu Warehouse (Releases)→SOR.

List of SOR documents

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

SOR documents can be:

SOR document form

Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

SOR documents:

  • allow for indicating a customer/vendor
  • require determination of a warehouse from which the resources are supposed to be collected
  • do not allow for realeasing a quantity higher than the quantity available in the indicated warehouse



Packages (PC) are transport documents which are used for collecting all items earmarked for shipping to a one recipient into one document. A document can be printed and stocked to the pack in which the items indicated in the document are transported.

A list of defined packages documents is available in menu Warehouse (Resources) → Packages.

List of packages

The list of documents has been described in article List of documents.

Unique columns available in the list of packages:

Creating package

In order to add a new pack, it is necessary to click on [Add] button and indicate one of the available options:

  • External package
  • Internal package

The package form is comprised of a header and a list of items (external package)/list of documents (internal package) and constitutes a basis for a correctly created package document.

Basic fields available on the package form are described in article Document header. Additionally, the following fields are available:

  • Package Type – field provided for information purposes, completed on the basis of the type selected during pack creation
  • Pickup Point
  • Destination – field available on internal package form, allows for indicating a center in which at least one warehouse visible in the center being the owner of the package is available
  • Processing Status – field with dropdown list retrieved from generic directory Package Processing Status (Configuration Generic Directories General Package Processing Status). The following predefined values are available in the directory:
    • Picking (predefined value)
    • Ready For Dispatch
    • Dispatched
    • Delivered
    • Collected
    • Unpacking
    • Partially Unpacked
    • Received in Stock

The necessary requirement for completing a list of:

  • external package is prior completion of the field Customer
  • internal package is prior completion of the field Destination

External package

External package form

The list of items contains information regarding:

  • code and name of an item being shipped (retrieved from the source document item)
  • quantity and <<unit of measure>>
  • number of a source document from which an item originates and its ordinal number in this document

When adding an item, a list filtered by a customer is opened. After marking the selected documents all items contained in them will be added to a package. However, an operator can delete a part of added items or reduce a quantity.

Particular items of documents can be only added to one PC document.

Internal Package

Internal package form

The list of items contains information regarding

  • number of WM- document added to package
  • processing status of the source document, field with dropdown list retrieved from generic directory Package Item Processing Status (Configuration Generic Directories General Package Item Processing Status). The following predefined values are available in the directory:
  • Ready For Dispatch (predefined value)
  • Dispatched
  • Awaiting Pickup
  • Picked Up
  • Missing
  • Received In Stock (WM-)
  • Unexpected
  • Rejected
  • Unexpected – Received
  • Unexpected – Rejected
  • associated WM+ warehouse document

To a package document it is possible to add only those WM- documents which:

  • do not have WM+ documents generated
  • were not added to another package or are contained in a canceled package
  • have Confirmed status
  • have target warehouse available in the center indicated in the package document in the field Destination

After confirming a package document, it is possible to:

  • modify field in the column Package Item Processing Status
  • generate a WM+ document

It is not possible to cancel a WM- document added to a pack. First, it is necessary to cancel the package document.

Detailed description of document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.


Receiving and delivery reports

Receiving and delivery reports

Issuing a Receiving and delivery report (RDR) allows for registering what item was actually received in a target warehouse and in what condition When moving an item between warehouses of a given company , it may happen that there is a different item registered in a warehouse movement document than the one which was physically received in a target warehouse or an item delivered to a target warehouse is damaged.

A list of RDR documents is available from the level of Warehouse Reports and provides information about:

  • RDR document number
  • its date of issue
  • number of WM- document to which an RDR document refers
  • number of WM+ document which was generated upon confirming an RDR document
  • code and UPC number of a pack to which an RDR document was generated (only such an RDR document was generated directly to a pack, not to the whole WM- document)
  • discrepancy report number
  • current RDR document status

From the level of the list, an operator can confirm, edit, delete or cancel a previously generated RDR document, but cannot add a new one. An RDR document can be generated from a WM- document.

Generating an RDR

An RDR is generated for all items of a WM- document which are not included in any pack or to a single pack from a WM- document.

Options regarding generation of an RDR are available from the level of:

  • list of WM- documents – an RDR for items of a WM- document not included in any pack
  • details of a WM –  document, tab Items – an RDR for items of a WM- document not included in any pack
  • details of a WM – document, tab Packs – an RDR for a selected pack from a WM- document
  • pack monitor – an RDR for a selected pack from a WM- document

If an unconfirmed receiving and delivery report is already associated with a source WM-, then the system opens this report form in the edit mode.

In case a WM- document to which an RDR is generated is already associated with a WM+ document (and this document is not canceled), the system associates the generated RDR with this WM+.

An RDR document:

  • can be generated in a center to which belongs the target warehouse from the WM- document
  • is based on permissions to warehouses determined for WM+ document type No warehouses are assigned to RDR document type in its configuration.
  • allows for adding an item of a Merchandise or Set type which on item form has parameter Retrieve items onto document checked and does not contain an element of Service type. Upon adding such set, its elements are displayed on the list of items without information that they are contained in a set.

RDR form

RDR form is composed of several tabs – General, Associated Documents, Attributes, Change History and Attachments.

The tab General is composed of:

  • RDR document number
  • source warehouse from which an item was released – uploaded from a source WM- document, not editable
  • target warehouse in which an item is to be received – uploaded from a source WM- document, not editable
  • number of a source WM- document to which an RDR refers – determined on the basis of WM- document for which RDR generation was started, not editable
  • code and UPC of a pack to which an RDR was generated (visible only if an RDR was generated to a pack) – determined on the basis of data from the pack on WM- document for which RDR generation was started, not editable
  • center in which an RDR is issued – by default, it is a center to which an operator issuing an RDR is logged in, however, until a document is confirmed, it is possible to change the center to the one to which operator group including the logged in operator is assigned
  • document status
  • date of issue – RDR generation date, not editable
  • section for additional description
  • list of items which were actually delivered to a target warehouse – the list is empty, by default; it is possible to add items which were received in a delivery, specify discrepancy and add its detailed description

Adding an item to RDR

List of RDR items displays data on:

  • ordinal number
  • item code and name
  • features of a given item lot
  • quantity of received item lot expressed in basic unit
  • type of discrepancy and its description – a user can select a discrepancy type from a dropdown list. The list is retrieved on the basis of generic directory Discrepancy Codes which is available in Configuration General) (Generic Directories) General group of directories.
  • When creating a database, four types of discrepancy codes are created, but only one of them – Consistent – is available in an RDR document. It means that an item being received is of standard value. The other three discrepancy codes are used only in discrepancy report in case if an item is missing in a WM- document/pack, whereas it is registered in an RDR, and the other way around. An operator is able to add his own discrepancy codes to the generic directory and use them when issuing RDR documents.
  • description

Adding an item to an RDR document is performed with the use of button [Add]. In the item list, the system creates a new row, in which, in column Code, an operator can:

  • load an item/lot code with a barcode scanner
  • type an item/lot code on a keyboard
  • select item from the list of items opened upon clicking on the three-dot symbol, which is available in the column

In order to fill in the column with features, it is necessary to add an item to an RDR by providing the code assigned to a given lot. It is not possible to select a given item lot upon adding this item by specifying its code.

List of items registered in a WM- document which should be received in a target warehouse

RDR document form including a list of items and which were actually received in a target warehouse along with their condition

Barcode scanners and adding items to an RDR

The system enables to configure cooperation with scanners in two ways – to require manual entering of quantity before another item is added or to automatically set the quantity of such item to 1 and create subsequent row upon uploading a code with the use of scanner.

In order to determine the manner of using barcode scanners, check parameter Barcode scanner handling in RDR document definition in a given center and select one of the options: without quantity or with quantity.

If parameter Barcode scanner handling is unchecked only means that, upon uploading the code to Code field, the system moves the cursor to the next column and will wait for filling it in and another row will have to be added manually.

Option without quantity means that an operator uses only a scanner and each code is read separately. RDR document will include as many items as many times the operator uploaded a code with the use of scanner. The system will not aggregate the same elements to one item – for each uploaded code, the quantity will be set to 1, by default. It will be possible to change quantity of individual items.

Option with quantity means that an operator will read a code with the use of scanner, but quantity will be specified each time manually. Upon specifying the quantity, the operator must click [Enter] or [Add] for a new row to be added to an RDR and in the added row it will be possible to upload another code.

Confirming an RDR

After adding to a receiving and delivery report all items which have been physically delivered to the target warehouse, the document can be confirmed.

Confirming an RDR results in verifying whether a given RDR is the only or the last RDR that can be created for a given WM- document. The number of RDR that can be created for a WM- depends on whether in the WM- there are any packs and whether there are items not assigned to any pack from the WM-.

If a WM-

  • does not contain packs – it is possible to generate only one RDR document and it will refer to the entire WM- document
  • contains packs and all items from that WM- are associated with a pack – it is possible to generate as many RDR as the number of packs in the WM-; one RDR for one pack
  • contains packs but not all items from that WM- are associated with a pack – it is possible to generate as many RDR as the number of packs (one RDR to one pack) and another one RDR to the items not associated with any pack.

In case a given RDR is the only/the last RDR that can be created to a given WM- document, after confirming that RDR, the system:

  • generates a confirmed WM+ to the whole WM- document, but only if no WM+ has yet been generated to that WM-
  • generates a DR which includes discrepancies between RDR and WM-, if such discrepancies occur

A WM+ document generated as a result of confirmation of an RDR does not contain information on discrepancies. It reflects the WM- document, the same as in the case of the standard generation of a WM+ from a WM-.

Canceling an RDR

Canceling an RDR might result in simultaneous canceling of a DR associated with the RDR. However, such a situation occurs only if:

  • the DR is not associated with any other RDR or
  • the DR is associated with other RDR documents, but all those RDR documents have been already canceled

If conditions of simultaneous cancellation of RDR and DR are fulfilled, when canceling the RDR, the system asks whether a user wants to continue the cancellation.


Discrepancy report

Discrepancy report is a differential document. It is created automatically when confirming an RDR document, in case the system finds a difference between items in a WM- document and items in an RDR document associated with that WM-. It is in form of a printout and is not registered on a separate list of documents; each of the generated reports has a unique number which is assigned according to the numeration scheme determined for DR document type.

DR printout

A DR printout is activated for a confirmed:

  • WM- to which an RDR was generated – both from the level of the list and document details
  • WM+ associated with an RDR – both from the level of the list and document details
  • RDR – from the level of the list of documents

DR printout can be previewed only by those operators who have permissions to read DR documents In order to preview such printout, click on the button [Print Document/Print], select printout Discrepancy Report and option Preview.

A report contains information on

  • DR document number
  • RDR document number for which a DR was created
  • number of a source WM- document
  • source warehouse name and target warehouse name
  • DR document status
  • lists of discrepancies

A report presents items:

  • included in a WM- which are not included in an RDR
  • included in an RDR, but not included in a WM-
  • for which a defect was reported – value in column Discrepancy is other than Consistent

When comparing a WM- and an RDR, the system takes into account:

  • item code
  • features assigned to an item
  • item quantity on a WM- and on an RDR
  • units of measure on an item registered in a WM- and units of measure of an item registered in an RDR
  • Information provided on the list of discrepancies is the following:
  • item code and name
  • item quantity registered for a selected item in an RDR or WM- (depending on where the discrepancy originates from)
  • unit of measure in which item quantity is defined
  • type of discrepancy determined on the basis of discrepancy code from an RDR document or assigned automatically by the system if quantities in RDR and WM- documents are inconsistent; if a discrepancy results from differences in quantity registered on documents, then in column Discrepancy, the quantity along with UOM, consistent with quantity from column Quantity, is displayed in brackets at the end of cell; however, in case if in RDR an item from a WM- is missing, this quantity will be displayed with “-“ sign
  • description copied from an RDR

Example of presenting discrepancies on a DR:

Scenario 1:

WM-: 1 pcs of item K00020 from lot 30 ml

RDR: 1 pcs of item K00020z from lot 50 ml

In DR there is:

No.CodeNameFeatureQuantity UOMDiscrepancy
1.K00020Hand cream30 ml 1pcsNo item in RDR (-1 pcs)
2.K00020 Hand cream50 ml1pcsNo item in WM- (1 pcs)

Scenario 2:

WM-: 2 pcs of item K00020

RDR: 3 pcs of item AP

In DR there is:

No. CodeNameFeatureQuantity UOMDiscrepancy
1.K00020Hand cream1pcsNo item in WM- (1 pcs)

Scenario 3:

WM-: 1 pcs of item K00020

RDR: 2 pcs of item K00020, one of which was registered as damaged

In DR there is:

1.K00020Hand cream1pcs No item in RDR (-1 pcs)
2.EAG200Golden earrings2pcsNo item in WM- (2 pcs)
3.EAG200Golden earrings1pcsDamage

In case if none differences were registered between a WM- and an RDR, message No discrepancies is displayed.

Packs in DR

If packs were created in a source WM- and, at the same time, not all items were assigned to the pack, a list of discrepancies is divided into separate sections: for each pack and item not associated with any pack. Each section contains total of discrepancies calculated as total of reported items.

Canceling DR

Cancellation of a DR is perfomed automatically, at the momento of cancelling the source WM- or cancelling at least one of receiving and delivery reports associated with a given DR.


Warehouse movements – General information

Warehouse movement documents (WM- and WM+) reflect movement of items and sets between two warehouses – a source warehouse and a target warehouse. A WM- document decreases stock levels in a source warehouse (release) and a WM+ document associated with it increases stock levels in a target warehouse (receipt)

Warehouse movement documents are placed in two separated lists:

  • WM- – available from the level Warehouse (Releases) → Movements

List of WM- documents

  • WM+ – available from the level Warehouse (Releases) Movements

List of WM+ documents

WM-/WM+ documents:

  • are issued in the system currency
  • present subtotal value
  • do not contain services
  • require determination of a warehouse from which the resources are supposed to be collected
  • can have a customer/vendor or an employee indicated
  • do not allow for releasing a quantity higher than the quantity available in the indicated warehouse
  • retrieve item value from a resource without possibility of changing it

A WM- is a source document, whereas a WM+ is a secondary document and it is created through generation from a WM-. A WM- can exist independently, whereas a WM+ is always associated with a source document that is a WM-.



Detailed description of  the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

WM- document form

Additionally, the header contains information on:

  • source warehouse – a warehouse selected as default warehouse for WM- document type in the center issuing a document is set by default. The source warehouse can be changed until the first item has been added.
  • target warehouse – a warehouse selected as default warehouse for WM+ document type in the center issuing a WM- document is set by default. As a target warehouse on a WM- document it is possible to set a warehouse which is available in:
    • the parent company and its child centers, on condition that parameter Dedicated for the parent company is checked on the warehouse form.
    • in a center of Company type and its child centers there will be warehouses attached to the given company available for selection

The system does not permit item movement within the same warehouse – source and target warehouses should be different.

A consignment warehouse of own type can be set as a target warehouse, only if a source warehouse is a consignment warehouse of a customer.

  • Process in POS – parameter available on WM- document form in case:
    • in a Company in which a document is being added, at least one POS workstation has been defined
    • a warehouse attached in the definition of WM- in a center in which that workstation is defined is set as source warehouse

The setting of the parameter is retrieved from the document definition in the center in which a document is being issued – it is unchecked by default.

The parameter is available for editing:

  • for documents with Initiated and Unconfirmed status
  • after adding the first item
  • after indicating:
    • source warehouse assigned to the WM- definition in the center in which the POS workstation has been defined
    • source/target warehouse of Local type
    • source warehouse without handling of WMS activated

After saving a WM- with parameter Process in POS checked, the document cannot be modified in Comarch ERP Standard anymore.

Section Automatic Generation of WM+ allows for specifying whether a WM+ document:

  • should be generated with Confirmed status – option Confirmed
  • should be generated with Unconfirmed status – option Unconfirmed
  • should not be generated – option Don’t generate

An option defined in the WM+ document type configuration is set by default.

List of items can contain any number of items; however, the resources of each item should be available in the source warehouse.

Method of adding items onto a document is described in subcategory Adding document items. 

On a WM- document, it is possible to define packs. The process of adding packs to a document and their handling is similar as in the case of documents for received items, including the following differences:

  • on the pack form, there are two fields relating to warehouses – Source Warehouse and Target Warehouse, whereas these fields are inactive and filled in with the warehouses from a document header by default
  • the uniqueness of UPC codes is not checked on WM+ documents
  • a pack value always receives a subtotal value
  • it is not possible to add many packs at the same time
  • packs can be copied to a WM- only if the quantity of resources in stock is sufficient for all the items of a pack
  • the value of a copied pack is calculated on the basis of the actual values of the collected resources and not on the basis of the source pack



It is possible to generate a WM+ from:

  • confirmed WM-
  • IO for which a WM- has already been generated
  • receiving and delivery report when a WM+ has not yet been generated for a WM- document, the system generates a confirmed WM+ at the moment of confirming RDR

From one WM- document it is possible to generate only one WM+ document for entire quantity of the items from the WM- documents. It is not possible to generate a WM+ for a part of items from a WM-. Moreover, if on a WM- there are packs specified, the structure of packs from the source WM- document will be maintained on the WM+. Packs created this way cannot be deleted, nor their content can be changed.

WM+ document form

Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

On a generated WM+ document it is possible to modify:

  • date of issue
  • delivery method
  • center
  • description
  • UPC code and description of packs