Similarly, as in the case of journal entries, analytical description can in accounting note be specified both for the entire document and for its particular items.
Such description can be provided directly in a document either manually or on the basis of analytical description specified on book account.
In case a relation pattern is assigned to the definition of accounting note, the list of elements of particular dimensions will be limited to elements acceptable for a given combination of the values of analytical dimensions. The element list is limited only when selecting a dimension element. During edition or saving of the document, the system does not control the list for the already existing records.
In order to complete analytical description on the basis of analytical description specified on book account, select the button [Fill In By Account]. The rules of creating analytical description are in this case the same as those applied in journal entries.
Upon clicking on the button [Fill In By Account], the information “Automatic document description” will be displayed on accounting note form in the field Comment to analytical description.
Similarly, as in the case of journal entry, correctness of analytical description is in accounting notes controlled depending on the selection of the parameter: Control analytical description correctness in document definition.
If the mentioned parameter is selected, the system will be controlling the correctness of analytical description as follows:
- If analytical description of an item or a document is being made only on one side – the description’s amount will be controlled within a given side (Dr/Cr).
- If analytical description of an item or a document is being made only on one side – the description’s amount will be controlled within a given side (Dr/Cr).
If the parameter Control analytical description correctness is deactivated, correctness of analytical description will not be controlled.