Adding items to IS

It is possible to add items to an IS:

Only items of Merchandise type can be subject to inventory.

[Add] – adds a new row to a sheet in which it is possible to enter:

  • item code
  • company barcode of a lot
  • scan barcode

and press [TAB] or [Enter] on the keyboard to add the item/lot.

If a user enters:

  • code of an items with features affecting lot, all lots of this item will be loaded on the sheet
  • company barcode of a lot, only this lot will be loaded on the sheet

[Add From List] – opens list of items as in the case of the button [Add], if a selected item/item lot has features affecting lot, all lots of this item will be loaded on the sheet.

[Add Through Form] – opens item adding form. An item can by selected:

  • be opening item list with the use of the button located in field Item
  • by entering item code
  • be entering company barcode of a lot

Then, it is necessary to define lots (feature values) which are to be added to the sheet and actual item quantity for a given lot. In case of entering company barcode of a lot, the system fills automatically the values of features which define a given lot and an operator can enter actual quantities.

Batch collectors – allows for entering an item by means of a collector. To do so, it is necessary to attach a collector to the workstation on which the inventory is being done and select button [Read From Collector]. The system verifies if on a given inventory sheet there are any lots loaded on collector and inserts an actual quantity for them. If it does not find such lots, they will be added to the sheet along with actual quantity.

Readouts – allows for adding items by means of readouts added to a sheet. After an item is added to a readout, it is also automatically added to an associated sheet.

A given item lot can occur on a given inventory sheet only once.
Sales/release of an item lot that has been added to an inventory sheet is blocked until a sheet is confirmed.

After adding an item to an inventory sheet, it is possible to fill in their actual quantity. It can be filled in:

  • manually
  • by a readout from a collector – button [Read From Collector]
  • by copying items with the use of the button [Transfer Quantities] located in the main menu, in button group Items – if system quantity and actual quantity are identical
  • by confirming readouts – in such case quantities from readouts will be transferred on the sheet

After entering an actual quantity, in the column Difference, the system calculates discrepancy between system quantity and actual quantity in a warehouse.


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