Assigning attachments to an object

Attachments are assigned to objects when adding or modifying a given object, for example, a new item. In the tab Attachments, it is necessary to click on the button [Add], which opens the list of available attachments. Here, the user can select files which will be assigned to an object or load them from a file saved on a computer or scan them.

When assigning more attachments t to an object, it is possible to specify which of the added attachments is default by selecting a checkbox in the column Default.

For an image thumbnail to appear on the list of items or in a document item in column  Attachment, an attachment must be assigned to an object and marked as default.
Table for assigning attachment to an object

Moreover, attachment can also be shared and marked as default for particular modules/applications cooperating  with Comarch ERP Standard system. WMS Management and WMS Warehouseman are visible only after the installation of WMS. Availability of attachment is set by selecting a checkbox in particular columns (double clicking in the checkbox),  whereas default attachment is set by clicking in the checkbox three times – the checkbox will then be selected  and bordered.

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