Bank reconciliation on the basis of a paper bank statement

To reconcile the bank statement received in form of a paper printout with journal entries registered in the system, in the menu Accounting, it is necessary to click on the button [Bank Reconciliation] and then, in section General of the bank reconciliation form, select a bank register and a period for which the reconciliation is supposed to be made. In section Balances, it is necessary to complete the Ending field and in case it is the first reconciliation in a given account, also the field Beginning.

A list of journal entries registered in a given period in the account associated with the selected bank register will be displayed.

Bank reconciliation form

If data from a bank statement is consistent with journal entries displayed in Journal Entries panel, the user can select an entry and click [Reconcile]. In the result, color of journal entries on the list changes.

In case of mistake, it is possible to undo the reconciliation. To do so, it is necessary to mark a reconciled entry and click on the [Undo] button.

It is impossible to unpost a cash-bank transaction which was reconciled. To unpost it, the reconciliation must be undone first.
List of reconciled journal entries

To facilitate the process of reconciling journal entries, the following parameters have been provided in the section Options:

  • Unreconciled – if the parameter is checked, the system displays unreconciled journal entries. If unchecked, the reconciled journal entries are hidden.
  • Reconciled – if the parameter is checked, the system displays reconciled journal entries. If unchecked, the reconciled journal entries are hidden.

In the section Additional, it is possible to post a difference between the beginning and the ending balance, bank service charges and earned interests.


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