Code formats (item groups)

Field Code Format on the form of item group (tab General) allows for specifying rules according to which the code of an item added to a given group should be defined. If an item group has a code format defined, then, on the basis of that code format, when adding an item to the group, the system verifies the correctness of the code assigned to that item by the user.

The code format is created according to the following rules of RegEx syntax:

  • First, is necessary to enter a special character which defines type and interval of characters uded in the code, e.g.
    • [] − indicating an element from a list
    • () − remembering the content in brackets as an item,
    • $ – meaning the end of a row
    • ^ – adjusting to the field beginning (a character following ^ must be the beginning of an expression)
  • Then, if the code is supposed to contain numbers, quantity quantifiers are used, e.g.:
    • \d − any number of digits
    • \d? − zero or one digit
    • \d − one digit
  • In order to use a white space (e.g., a space), it is necessary to add \s between expressions
  • The remaining characters are entered permanently into a code format (i.e., aa\d indicates that these codes can only be in the following forms: aa1, aa2, aa3, etc.)

Basic RegEx expressions:

Expressions Defining Possible Character Types

[abcs23]Character from a list[^abcs]
[a-f]Character from a range[^a-f]
\wLetter of figure\W
\sWhite space character (space
character, enter, tab)
.Any character

Expressions defining a number of repetitions of a given expression

ExpressionNumber of repetitions
*Zero or more
+ One or more
?Zero or one
{n}Precisely n
{n,m}From n to m
{n,}At least n

Exemplary use of RegEx Code Format:

Code formatExemplary Codes
\d*[a-z]{5}552345dress, lemon
\d{5}(-\d{4})? 33064, 33064-3597
\d{1,2} [A-Z]{3} \d{2}10 AUG 59, 5 JUL 99

((\d)|([1][0,1])):[0-5]\d[A,P]M5:30PM, 10:05AM
\d{1,2}’ \d{1,2}’’ 5' 6", 12’ 11’’
4\d\w{3}-\d41G1A-2, 42222-2, 41aaa-2
aaa[1-4]?\daaa1, aaa21, aaa49, aaa40

A code format can be also a part of a configuration tool, however, in such case, the following expressions are not handled:

  • expressions containing special characters:
  • \d
  • \w
  • \s
  • *
  • +
  • {n,}


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