
A data collector is a portable batch terminal equipped with a barcode reader.  It is mainly dedicated to taking stock of a warehouse or a store Parameters presented in the tab Collector, available in the menu System → Configuration, allow for configuring a data collector with which Comarch ERP Standard must cooperate. Owing to that, data can be retrieved from the collector to an <<inventory sheet (IS)>> with the help of the button [Read from Collector].  The system cooperates with Zebez PDL20 and CipherLab 8300 data collectors.

Tab Collector

Fields in this tab are the following:

  • Driver file – indicates a path to a file with .dll extension, responsible for connection with a data collector. In the system setup folder, there are the following files available by default:
    • B2.Collector.dll for Zebex PDL20 data collector
    • B2.Collector.CipherLab.dll for CipherLab 8300 data collector
It is possible to implement own assemblies supporting other data collectors.
  • Collector Model – in this field, it is necessary to indicate the name of collector model, depending on the selected driver file
For test purposes, it is possible to use file Comarch.B2.DummyCollector.dll, which imitates a correct connection to a data collector.
  • Collector Code – enables the selection of a collector code from among the batch collectors defined in the system from the level of Configuration → General → External Devices
  • Collector Port – enables the selection of a port to which a collector is connected

Button [Test Collector] allows for testing the connection with the collector.


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