Control of resource modification chronology – AVCO

Parameter Control chronology of resource modifications is available only upon selecting AVCO method of queuing resources.

For AVCO method of pricing resources, there is an option available which is responsible for controlling the chronology of dates regarding receipt and release of resources.

From the level of System → Configuration → Trade, after selecting AVCO method of queuing resources, it is possible to check/uncheck the parameter Control chronology of resource modifications. By default, during the creation of databases in the system, the parameter is checked, with the possibility of unchecking it at any moment. For converted databases, the parameter is unchecked by default, with the possibility of checking it.

Blockade of confirming warehouse documents manually

If parameter Control chronology of resource modification is checked, when confirming or confirming quantity of warehouse documents

  • IR+/POR and their quantity and value corrections
  • SOR/IR – and their quantity corrections
  • WM-/WM+

for each document item, the following date is checked:

  • date of release for SOR
  • date of receipt for POR
  • date of issue for POR and its quantity/value corrections, for and its quantity corrections, WM-/WM+
  • correction date for PORQC/PORVC and SORQC

In case if the above dates are earlier than the last date of resource modification (in a warehouse the same as selected in a document), it is disabled to confirm a document and appropriate message is displayed.

Automatic generation of confirmed warehouse documents

When confirming:

  • SI/R/PI and their quantity corrections
  • PIAC
  • WM-

which automatically generate warehouse documents, the system blocks possibility to confirm them in case if the dates below, in dependence of document type, are earlier than the date of last modification of a resource (in a warehouse the operation refers to) of at least one item of a document:

  • date of sale for SI/R
  • date of purchase for PI
  • date of issue for WM-
  • correction date for PIQC/PIVC, RQC, SIQC, PIAC
The system automatically generates a confirmed cost correction, regardless of last date of resource modification.

In the case of IR+/IR- documents generated from an inventory, if chronology of resource modification is not sustained, the system generates unconfirmed documents.

Batch confirmation of documents from the level of warehouse document list

When confirming warehouse documents in a batch, the system verifies among the items marked for confirmation whether there is any document to which confirmation blockade applies. All documents to which the blockade does not apply are confirmed, whereas documents subject to blockade are not be confirmed

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