CRM meetings

Meetings are used for registering information about conducted and planned conversations carried out by an employee/employees with contact persons in the specified time limits and generating certain costs.

On the CRM Activities list, in All Activities tab, all actions previously defined for a given customer/vendor are displayed. The following fields are available on the form of a new meeting:

  • Venue – place of a held or planned meeting; venue name can be composed of an unlimited number of   characters
  • Priority – enables determining activity priority thanks to the values defined in the generic directory available from the level Configuration → Generic   Directories → CRM → Activity Priorities. 
  • Category –   allows for classifying a newly added object   according to existing categories available from the level of Configuration → Generic Directories → CRM. → Cetegories. Predefined directory values: Negotiations, Acquiring of Customer, Processing of Orders and Keeping of Customer.
  •  Set up the next contact in – checking the parameter will create on the list an analogical contact whose date will be compliant with the time set in the filed of hours, days, weeks from the current contact or selected directly from a calander available aside.
  • Add to the calendar of employee – if checked, an object will be also displayed in the calendar of an employee.
  • Expected Costs – possibility of determining an expected cost of a meeting. Next to this fieled, there is a drop-down list which allows for defining te currency in which the expected cost will be determined.
  • Actual Costs – determining of an organized meeting actually incurred. Next to this field, there is a drop-down list   that enables to select the currency in which the actual costs are determined

To save a new meeting, it is necessary to complete:

  • Customer/Vendor
  • Employee
  • Contact person


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