
Parameter Sales in different currencies by currency exchange rate option allows for carrying out of transactions (sales) in all defined currencies. By default, in Comarch ERP Standard system denominations are defined for PLN, EUR and USD currencies. If a new currency is added in the system, it is possible to define appropriate denominations from the level of Configuration → Currencies. In order to do so, edit a currency and in tab Denominations enter data referring to denomination symbol, conversion calculator in relation to the unit denomination and, optionally, specify additional description. The entered changes must be saved. For the defined denominations to be available in the functionality of counting cash register balance, it is necessary to update data on a POS workstation or restart the application.

Currencies in the payment window

After displaying the payment window, amount from field To Be Paid will be automatically transferred to the field located above the numeric keyboard, owing to which the amount can be immediately changed by using the keyboard. Button [Assign] visible on the left side of the field allows for reassigning full amount to be paid. Amount is displayed in the system currency, by default. Currency can be changed by selecting other currency from a drop-down list of currencies available in the system. In such case, amount to be paid is displayed in the selected currency and its value is recalculated by exchange rate defined in Comarch ERP Standard system.

Assigning of amount to a payment form is performed by clicking on a tile with given payment form, e.g. [Cash] or [Bank Transfer]. In the payment window, there are all active payment forms displayed which were defined for the POS workstation. Deactivating a given payment form or detaching it from POS workstation makes it invisible in the payment window.

Payment in various currencies assigned to one payment form, e.g., Cash, will be presented as a sum of payments, separately for each currency.

Displaying of amount in field Remaining/Change depends on sum of all payments recalculated into the system currency. If amount to be paid is not assigned in full to the selected payment form, field above the numeric keyboard is automatically filled in with amount remaining to be paid.

Window of the start and of the end of the day

In the window of the start of the day, the beginning cash register balance for the Cash payment form is displayed within the currencies available in the system, The end of day window includes a list of all payment forms available on a POS workstation, displayed in division into available currencies

In the Cash Register Counting window displayed for Cash payment form, a user enters counted number of banknotes/coins in a given denomination which are stored in the cassette/drawer.

Cash deposits and withdrawals

Cash deposits and withdrawals in Comarch Retail POS application can be processed in different currencies (provided that an account supporting currency other than system currency was attached) in a selected form and issued for a customer or an employee.


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