In the group, there are activities allowing for executing of operations on directories defined as groups of key-value pairs. Before adding an activity from that group, it is necessary to specify key and value type.
Selecting keys and values type for a directory
Update Or Add To Directory
Allows for adding values for a specific key to a directory. If the key already exists in the directory, the value will be updated.
Key Exists in Directory
The activity verifies whether in a given directory, there is an entry containing a specific key. The result is a logical variable assuming True value, if the key exists in the directory and False value, if it does not exist.
Value Exists in Directory
The activity verifies whether in a given directory, there is an entry containing a specific value. The result is a logical variable assuming True value, if the value exists in the directory and False value, if it does not exist.
Get From Directory
The activity retrieves a value from a directory on the basis of a specific key. The result, besides the value, is a logical variable containing the information whether the entry was retrieved.
Delete From Directory
The activity deletes an entry from a directory on the basis of a specific key. The result, besides the value, is a logical variable containing the information whether the entry was deleted.
Clear Directory
The activity deletes all entries from a directory.