Discounts – General information

A discount is a parameter defining a reduction in respect of a regular price. The system handles the mechanism of discount allocation in trade transactions.

In the system, it is possible to differentiate:

On the basis of the above-mentioned discount types, a user can create discounts defining detailed conditions of their calculation.

The discounts are available form the level of tab Sales section Discounts.

The following buttons are available in Discounts button group:

  • Discount Types – list of predefined item discount types, bundle promotions and document header discounts for which a user can define the order of their calculation.
User discounts (including document header discouts) have calculation order determined by default and are not subject to any edition – they are always calculated as the last ones after item discoutns and bundle promotions.
  • User – list of system operators along with the maximum user discount granted them, that they can give to a customer when issuing a document, regardless of item discounts.
  • Discounts – list of item discounts and bundle promotions defined by an operator

Principles of calculating discounts in the system:

  • discounts are granted in document currency (if a discount is expressed in another currency, then it is recalculated into the currency of a given document at a rate binding on a given document)
  • depending on VAT direction in a document, a discount is calculated:
    • on value/subtotal price – if a document is issued on subtotal
    • on value/total price – if a document is issued from total
  • depending on the Discount on Price parameter on the item form, discounts are calculated from either a price or an item value of a document
  • value-based discounts (amount-based discounts) as well as user discount on items are combined with other discounts always by the Add method
  • the system takes into account the parameter of control: quantity*price=value
  • the system takes into account the minimum margin control – after calculating discounts, a price can be increased so as to fulfill the conditions of the minimum margin
  • order of discount calculation:
    • line item discounts (item discounts) according to the order defined in the list of discount types
    • user discount (given directly on the line item of a document)
    • header percentage discount
    • header value discount
    • checking the control of minimum margin and control: quantity*price=value
  • the value of the whole document calculated on the basis of the item value of a document


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