Flow control

Flow control

The activitires in Flow Control group are used for multiple repetition of operations, introduction of conditionals, limitation of processes in time or definition of operations for parallel execution.

Flow control activities category


The activity executes operations in a loop until a specific condition is fulfilled.

DoWhile activity
The activity DoWhile will be executed always at least once, because the condition is verified every time after execution of instructions defined in Body sections.


The activity allows for executing operation for each item in collection. To use the activity in a proper way, it is necessary to remember to set in the tab Properties the appropriate type of variables included in the collection.

For each activity
Setting types of collection elements for ForEach activity

Set Deadline

The activity allows for limiting the time of executed operations. The process will be executing instructions declared in Execute tab maximally for the period specified in Time tab. If the time gets exceeded, the process will execute operations from After Deadline tab.

Set Deadline activity
Set Deadline activity is not available for local processes.


Allows for parallel execution of operations, activities or subprocesses.

Parallel activity


The activity allows for defining parallel execution of operations for each element. It is a combination of ForEach and Parallel activities.


In a sequence, operations are executed one-by-one. It is not possible to branch them. To change execution order, it is sufficient to drag an activity higher or lower.

Sequence activity

Verify Condition

The activity verifies whether a given condition is real. If yes, it executes instructions placed on the left side, if not – on the right. Upon clicking with the right mouse button on the activity, it is possible to select Add Branch option. It allows for executing a subsequent conditional, if the first condition is not fulfilled (analogically to elseif instruction)

Verify Condition activity

Activity analogical to the activity DoWhile. The difference consists of the fact that in this case a condition is verified always before a loop is executed.

While activity



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