Generating documents for complaint actions

Documents for complaint actions may be generated in two ways:

  • Automatically – while saving predefined actions for which appropriate documents are to be generated
  • Manually – in the case of actions for which appropriate documents are not generated automatically and which are not yet associated with any documents

By default, documents are generated for a customer/vendor selected in a complaint document. If no customer/vendor has been selected, documents are generated for Undefined customers/vendors. The system makes it possible to change a customer/vendor in an already generated document (as long as its status is Initiated or Confirmed).

In the definition of the SCL and PCL documents, it is possible to select warehouses assigned to these documents and mark one of the warehouses as default. Marking a warehouse as default for SCL/PCL documents does not mean that such a warehouse is always set by the system in documents generated from complaints. In SI, PI, IR+, and IR- generated from a sales/purchase complaint document, the system follows the rules presented below:

  • A warehouse is retrieved from the Warehouse field on the form of a complaint action assigned to a given complaint item
  • If the Warehouse field on the form of a given item’s complaint action is empty, documents are generated for a warehouse set as default for a generated document type
  • If the Warehouse field on the form of the complaint action Receipt of New Item (PI) is set as <All>, the same option is set in the document header, and a warehouse marked as default for purchase invoices is suggested for PI document subitems. The operator may nonetheless change it to another warehouse available for PI documents.
  • If the Warehouse field on the form of the complaint action Release of New Item (SI) is set as <All>, a sales invoice generated from a given SCL document retrieves resources from all warehouses available for SI documents. It is not possible to change resources retrieved by the system in such a case.

In WM- documents generated for complaint actions, the system follows the rules presented below:

  • A source warehouse is retrieved from the field Source Warehouse on the form of the action Item Movement to Another Warehouse
  • A target warehouse is set as a warehouse marked as default for the WM+ document type within a given center
  • Correction documents are generated according to the regular generation rules binding for this type of documents


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