Importing/exporting processes

In the Comarch ERP Standard BPM system, it is possible to transfer BPM processes between databases or to load standard processes to the system. For this purpose, the mechanism of importing and exporting processes is used.

After migrating the Comarch ERP Standard system to a higher version, it is necessary to import once again all standard processes in order to update them.


To import a process to the process assembly, from Process Assembly group of buttons, it is necessary to select [Import] button.

Process import

When importing processes for the first time, that is when the process assembly is empty, the system asks the user whether to load standard processes.

Message asking whether to load predefined processes

Upon selecting Yes, the system loads a list of all processes available within a standard installation of the system.

List of loaded standard processes

Upon selecting No, an empty list is opened. To add a process to the list, it is necessary to use [Load] button and select a file with. wdf extension. At this stage, the process is subject to a preliminary validation. A process loaded correctly will be marked with a green symbol in Status column. Whereas an incorrectly loaded process marked with a warning or error symbol providing information about the reason of the occurred problem.

It is possible to import a process marked with a warning, but it is not possible to import a process loaded with an error to the assembly.
Example of a warning message displayed during a process upload
Files of standard processes can be found in the main installation directory of the Comarch ERP Standard application, in BPMProcesses folder.

From the level of that list a user can also preview details of an imported process. To do so, it is necessary to mark a given process on the list and select [Expand/Collapse] button.

Details regarding an imported process

To finish the import of processes to the assembly, it is necessary to select [Import] button. The system will inform the user about a correct completion of the operation.

Information about finished import


To export a process, it is necessary to select a given process and click on [Export] button, available in the Process Assembly group of buttons. A window for inserting file name and saving path of the exported file, will be opened.

Process export

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