Introduction to item quantity calculation

Item quantity calculation (IQC) is a document which allows determining what quantities of given items should be ordered to satisfy the requirements of a company.

A list of IQC is available in menu Warehouse (Resources) → IQC.

Creating IQC

IQC form

Section regarding items contains a list of items whose quantity is calculated or item lots. It is possible to add items onto a document with the use of the following buttons:

[Add] – with the use of this option an item is added onto document without lot

[Add Group] – enables addition of a whole group of items. With the use of this option an item is added onto document without lot

In case a parent item group is selected, all child groups are added as well.

[Add By Features] – allows for indicating items which should be included in an item quantity calculation. Selecting an item from item list results in adding all lots defined for this item to a document.

[Add By Features Through Form] – allows for indicating items along with lots which should be included in an item quantity calculation.

Beside buttons allowing for adding and deleting items, there is also [Recalculate] button, thanks to which it is possible to recalculate an item quantity calculation in accordance with the settings in sections Parameters and Components.


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