List of customers/vendors contains information about particular customers/vendors cooperating with the company, that is purchasers or suppliers. Saved customers/vendors can be used in different places of the system, e.g., on invoices or other trade documents.
To open the list of customers/vendors, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Customers] or [Vendors] button.
In the English version of the system, customers and vendors are presented on separated list. However, it can be changed by unchecking parameter Show separated customers and vendors, available in the system configuration (System → Configuration → Trade). Upon unchecking the parameter, in the main menu, instead of the buttons [Customers] and [Vendors], one button will be available: [Customers/Vendors]
On the left side of the window, there is the tree with groups of customers/vendors. The function of customer/vendor groups and their defining are described in article Defining customer/vendor groups.
The menu of the list of customers/vendors contains standard buttons allowing for adding, editing and deleting groups of customers/vendors and customers/vendors, previewing change history of a customer/vendor, as well as printouts menu. For each item on the list, there are also available buttons related to <<generating questionnaires>> and a button opening customer’s/vendor’s payment estimate, CRM group of buttons ([Opportunities], [Activities]) appears after attaching an employee to an operator (Configuration → Company Structure → Operators → operator’s edition form).
The list of customers/vendors is composed of the following columns:
- Code
- Country Prefix
- Name
- Status − value from generic directory Customer/Vendor Status. The following values are defined in the system by default: Entity and Retail Customer
Columns hidden by default:
- City
- First Name
- Phone
- Second Name
- Street
- Title − value from generic directory Titles from General categorythe following values are defined in the system by default: , Ms.
- Zip Code
Columns hidden by default corresponding to fields from tab CRM available on customer/vendor form:
- CRM Activity Status
- Currency
- Employment
- Industry
- Legal Form
- Level of Finances
- Revenues
- Source
- Supervisors
- Type
The list of customers/vendors is provided with a default filter, containing, among others, fields:
- Classification − allows for searching customer/vendor by type, drop-down list containing default values: All, Customers and
- Supervisor − allows for searching customer/vendor by supervisor who can be selected from among customers/vendors or employees defined in the system
- Type − allows for searching customer/vendor by type specified in the tab CRM on customer/vendor form. The drop-down list contains predefined values retrieved from generic directory Type: Customer, Lead, Partner, Prospect.