Price types for received items

For a customer assigned to a given price type to be able to use a price list created on the basis of that price type, they must be assigned to the price list as well.

Price types which are not marked as default and do not have any customer assigned, are available for all customers.

If a price type does not have any customers assigned and it gets marked as default in a given center, then, a newly added customer is automatically assigned to that price type.

It is possible to limit access to information regarding costs of purchase of items for selected user groups. A parameter allowing for handling visibility of purchase prices is available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → edition of selected operator group → Other Permissions → parameter Access to purchase prices. Unchecking the parameter results in:

  • hiding purchase and acquisition prices, as well as purchase and acquisition values on lists and document forms
  • hiding payments relating to ride documents for received items (PI, PIQC, PIVC, APIVC)
  • hiding purchase price on generic directories objects – items forms, warehouses and equipment’s

Hiding consists in hiding appropriate columns and displaying signs dashes (“—”) in fields where it is not possible to hide whole columns. The parameter Access to purchase prices is checked by default.


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