Quantity confirmation  – FIFO/LIFO

Quantity confirmation of POR and IR+ documents – FIFO/LIFO

The functionality of quantity confirmation allows for providing an item for sales begore specifying its correct value. After receiving a purchase document, a user can enter an appropriate value in a POR document and then confirm the document, upon which values of resources and purchase costs are updated in unposted documents for released items. In posted documents, the update of purchase costs will be executed by generating a CC.

In a document with confirmed quantity, the following fields can be modified:

  • Regular Price (POR), Discounted Price (POR, IR+), Discount (POR), Value (POR, IR+), Price Type (POR),
  • Modification of exchange rate and currency, unless a quantity correction is not generated to a document (POR).
  • Date of issue, date of receipt, reference number, delivery method
  • Description

Other fields are not subject to modification on a document with confirmed quantity.

From a POR/IR+ with confirmed quantity it is not possible to generate a value correction.

Parameter Prime sales cost determined and Fixed value of delivery

Parameter Prime sales cost determined is only available on warehouse documents: SOR, IR-, WM-, WM+ and on quantity corrections. It is editable on SOR, IR- and WM- documents. For other documents, the value of the parameter is transferred from the source document and it is not subject to edition. After checking the parameter in a document and saving the document, it is not possible to change the parameter value.

Quantity confirmation of documents is not available for documents issued to a consignment warehouse.

If in a document, the parameter Prime sales cost determined is:

  • checked – costs on the document are actual A document can be posted, after changing the value in an IR+/POR document, a cost correction is generated.
  • unchecked – cost on the document has not been determined. It is not possible to post a document until the parameter is checked.
Information about prime sales cost on SI and R trade documents is only approximate and does not always match the actual sales cost. Owing to that, posting of costs should be performed on the basis of warehouse documents.

In order to be able to modify the parameter Fixed value of delivery in a confirmed SOR, IR-, WM- document, the operator group to which the currently logged-in operator belongs must have permission Determining of prime sales cost granted, which is available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → edition of selected operator group → tab Other Permissions.

The parameter Fixed value of delivery is available in IR+, PZ and cost corrections and it is not subject to edition.

The parameter does not regard: trade documents, orders, quotes and inquiries.

When confirming a SOR, IR- or WM- document, all document subitems are verified, if value of the delivery is:

  • determined – the parameter is checked automatically
  • not determined – the parameter will not be checked

The parameter is update during the update of costs on a document upon confirmation of POR/IR+.

In case of updating price/value on a document with confirmed quantity, the change is saved only for a given item and document value. The value of an item remains unchanged until a complete confirmation of a POR/IR+ document (status Confirmed).

Changing value of subitem on POR/IR+


Updating values of item and subitem on a document with confirmed quantity and confirmed entirely:

QuantityPriceItem ValueDocument ValueSubitem Value Document StatusComment
10 pcs5 USD 50 USD 50 USD50 USDConfirmed Quantity TotalDocument with confirmed quantity
10 pcs7 USD70 USD70 USD50 USDConfirmed Quantity TotalModification of price on document and its saving
10 pcs8 USD80 USD80 USD 80 USDConfirmedModification of price on document and its permanent confirmation

Updating resources and costs

Upon changing status of POR document from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed, the system:

  • Updates purchase costs on warehouse documents for released items and their quantity corrections with status Unconfirmed, Initiated and Confirmed if Prime sales cost determined parameter is unchecked on SOR, IR-, WM-, WM+, SORQC and IR-QC documents.
  • Generates cost corrections to warehouse documents for released items and their quantity corrections with status Confirmed if Prime sales cost determined parameter is checked on SOR, IR-, WM-, WM+, SORQC and IR-QC documents.
  • Updates PORQC document.
  • Changes value of resource remaining in warehouse(s).


Updating costs and resources:

Warehouse W1 and Warehouse W2

  1. POR with confirmed quantity – 10 pcs X 10 USD
  2. Confirmed SOR1 – 2 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  3. Confirmed SOR2 – 2 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  4. Unconfirmed SORQC1 – 1 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  5. Confirmed SORQC2 – 1 pcs, checked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  6. Confirmed PORQC – 1 pcs
  7. Confirmed WM-/WM+ from W1 to W2 – 2 pcs, unchecked parameter Prime sales cost determined.
  8. Unconfirmed SOR3 from W2 – 1 pcs
  9. Modification of price on POR document from 10 USD to 12 USD. Confirmation of the POR.

Unconfirmed SOR3 from W2 – 1 pcs

StepQuantityPrice/ValueDocument ValueSubitem ValueComment
1.10 pcs12 USD/120 USD 120 USD 120 USD-
2.2 pcs12 USD/22 USD 24 USD 24 USDUpdate of resource
3.2 pcs10 USD/20 USD20 USD20 USDCost correction for 4 USD is generated
4.1 pcs12 USD/12 USD 12 USD12 USD Update of resource
5.1 pcs10 USD/10 USD10 USD10 USDCost correction for 2 USD is generated
6.1 pcs12 USD/12 USD12 USD12 USD Update of resource
7.2 pcs12 USD/24 USD24 USD24 USDUpdate of resource on WM-/WM+
8.1 pcs12 USD/12 USD12 USD12 USDUpdate of resource
9.4 pcs12 USD/48 USD--Resource value in warehouse

Generating PI from POR document with confirmed quantity

In case of generating a PI document from a POR, standard rules for generating documents described in category Generation of documents apply, with exclusion of the following rules:

  • in case of selecting several POR with confirmed quantity, in which different currency exchange rates are registered, during generation of a PI, the system displays window with question referring to aggregation of exchange rates:
    • upon approving the aggregation, those exchange rate type and value are retrieved onto the invoice, which are determined by settings in PI document definition in a center in which the document is being generated
    • upon selecting the option without aggregation, as many invoices are generated as there are different currency exchange rates registered in the selected documents
It is not possible to generate one invoice to a PO receipt with status Confirmed Quantity Total and Confirmed.

Upon generating a PI from a PO receipt with confirmed quantity, it is not possible to:

  • modify document items
  • confirm or confirm and post POR
  • generate a correction to the POR if the invoice status is Unconfirmed.

In an invoice document, the following fields can be modified:

  • Regular Price – the permission Modification of regular price is controlled for an operator group
  • Discounted Price
  • Discount
  • Value
  • Exchange Rate Type and Exchange Rate Value

When confirming a PI document, the POR document is also confirmed and the following elements are updated:

  • purchase value on subitems
  • regular and discounted price, discount, values on an item
  • VAT table
  • values and parameters referring to currency (exchange rate, exchange rate type, date type, date, conversion calculators) in the document header
Confirming an invoice results in confirmation of PO receipt associated with it (the document status will be changed from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed).
In case of adding additional costs to a PI document, a PORAC document is generated after confirmation of the PI.

Once the PI is confirmed, standard mechanism of updating purchase cost is started, the same as in case of changing status of POR from Confirmed Quantity Total to Confirmed.

Canceling a document with confirmed quantity

The rules applying to the cancellation of documents with confirmed quantity are the same as in the case of cancelling a confirmed POR/IR+ document. Conditions verifying during an attempt to cancel a POR/IR+ document with Confirmed Quantity Total status:

  • Quantity correction – if there is a correction with a status different than Canceled, the system does not allow to cancel the document.
  • Item sale – verification whether the merchandise from the document which is to be canceled, has been released. If yes, the system does not allow to cancel the document.


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