
Schedule is a plan of course of actions in time. The list of schedules is available from the level of the main Auto Update menu

In the view of the list of schedules, the user can:

  • Add new schedule
  • Delete an existing schedule
  • Copy an existing schedule

The list of schedules is composed of the following columns:

  • Schedule name
  • Profile code
  • Download start/download finish time
  • Installation start/installation finish time
  • Schedule status

New schedule addition view is composed of the forms:

  • General settings
  • Schedules
  • Products and versions
  • Add-ons
  • Child agents

In the General settings tab, it is necessary to insert the name of the newly created schedule and select profiles it will refer to.


The tab Schedules allows for setting separate download and installation schedules.

From the level of this window, it is possible to add new schedule, edit an existing schedule or delete it.

A given action can be executed more than one time, therefore three types of schedules are available:

  • One-time – in this schedule, the user can specify an exact period in which a selected action must be executed

  • Daily – this schedule type allows for defining a schedule that repeats each specified number of days

  • Weekly – means that the schedule will be executed on selected weekdays

The Products and versions tab is divided into the following sections:

  • Selection of products and their versions
  • Selection of available quick fixes for selected versions

Within one schedule it is not possible to select more than one version of one product

Tab Add-ons – possibility of selecting add-ons, provided that a proper version of product was selected in the previous tab

The Child agents tab allows for selecting child agents for the schedule.

When the time specified in the schedule comes, each child agent downloads products, quick fixes and add-ons. The child agent connects with a child agent marked as Local parent agent and retrieves data from that localization. If the data is not available, connection with the parent agent will be established. This way, it will not be necessary for all child agents to connect directly with the parent agent. In a schedule, there is no need to define components to download. Each child agent should download configured components, quick fixes and add-ons for a product already added to the schedule.

In the Comarch POS component configuration, the following parameters are available:

  • Delete database on POS uninstallation – if the parameter is checked, when uninstalling the Comarch POS product, also its database is removed from the SQL server
  • Close Processes Automatically During Updates – allows for deciding whether Comarch Auto Update will automatically close the process for the component during a remote or planned update.


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