Transfer to voucher

In the main menu, over the list of vouchers, button [Transfer to Voucher] is available, which allows the user to transfer information from one voucher (e.g., in case of losing or breaking a voucher) to a new voucher and associate the two vouchers. The operation is available for vouchers with Blocked or Active status only. Both vouchers must be of the same sort. If the source voucher has Active status, then, upon transferring information to a new voucher, it becomes deactivated. The operation of transferring information to a voucher is analogical to the operation of adding new voucher to the system. Information from the form of voucher sort is transferred to the form of a newly added target voucher, however, the user can edit the following fields:

  • Regular Amount
  • Validity Date since
  • Location
  • Handled By
In the case of converted databases, it is possible that the system contains vouchers of the same numbers. In this case, such vouchers will be assigned with the status Blocked, and the system will assign the directory value Duplicated voucher number to the field Reason of Blockade. It is possible to transfer a voucher value to a new voucher in order to process a voucher payment.

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