Permissions to modify interface

Comarch ERP Standard System allows for handling permissions to interface modification. On the form of an operator group, in Other Permissions tab, there is Modification of interface permission available, which allows operators from a given group for opening interface editor. Once the permission is withdrawn, operators from that group will not be able to open the interface editor.

Modification of interface permission assigned to an operator group

Operators who belong to B2_group can:

  • Edit interface for all operators and operator groups
  • Limit the possibility of editing of singular control fields for operators who do not belong to the B2_admin group

Operators who belong to B2_group can edit only their own interface.

It is necessary to remember that permissions add up in the context of a whole center. If an operator belongs to several groups within one center and at least one of those groups has the permission to modify the interface assigned, that operator will be able to modify the interface.


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