The user may define complaint actions which are later used in the course of complaint processes.
Complaint actions may be managed and defined in Configuration → (Trade/Warehouse) → Complaint Actions.

Predefined complaint actions are marked in blue, and it is not possible to delete them; actions added by the user are marked in black.
Defining a complaint action
In order to add a new complaint action, it is necessary to select the button [Add].

The form of a new action is composed of the tab General, which contains the following fields:
- Name (required) – the field allows the user to enter a name (composed of no more than 50 characters – letters or digits) used to identify a new action. Complaint action names must be unique.
- Description – it makes it possible to enter more details related to a given complaint action
- Status after action completion – it may be used to define a status which will be assigned to a complaint item after performing a given action (or registering it)
- SCL/PCL – these parameters determine for which complaint type (sales/purchase) a given action is to be used
- POS – it makes a given action available on POS workstations
- Published on Internet – it makes a given action available in web applications
- Active – if the parameter is selected, a given complaint action may be selected for a complaint item