Loggin in to the Task Inbox

Task Inbox is a tool integrated with the Comarch ERP Standard system by means of which an employee can control whole BPM process flow (within possessed authorizations) and receive information regarding execution of processes. The Task Inbox can be opened in two ways: with the use of a button available […]

Working in different languages

Translating processes To add/edit the name and description of a process in another language, it is necessary to mark such process and select [Rename], and next [Advanced] button.   To add translation to a process, it is necessary to select the plus button, choose the language and complete the name […]


The activities of Office group allow for integrating spreadsheets of the Microsoft Office system with the application Comarch ERP Standaed BPM. Thanks to them, the user can download and save data to spreadsheets or create new ones. To be able to use the actvities of the Office group, first, it […]

Error handling

The group allows for handling exceptions returned by the application in case an unexpected error occurs during the execution of an operation or in process places planned by the author. Rethrow The activity can be used only in Catch field of TryCatch activity. It throws again an exception which was […]


This group contains activities executing operations on collections, e.g., on lists. Before adding any activity regarding a collection, the user has to specify its type. A type can be any Comarch ERP Standard object, numeric or textual variable etc. Add to Collection The activity adds an item to a collection. […]


Execution group contains two activities: Display message The activity allows for displaying messages for users in the interface. As arguments, it is necessary to enter subject and content of a message. Both values can be added along with their translations. Terminate Process The activity allows for permanent interruption of execution […]


Flowchart group contains activities allowing for adding additional activity trees to a process. Flowchart activity category FlowSwitch The activity allows for executing specific operations depending on the value of the input parameter which can be also an expression. Default value is set at the moment when the input parameter is […]

Flow control

Flow control The activitires in Flow Control group are used for multiple repetition of operations, introduction of conditionals, limitation of processes in time or definition of operations for parallel execution. DoWhile The activity executes operations in a loop until a specific condition is fulfilled. ForEach<T> The activity allows for executing […]

Process management

The activities in Process Management group are used for handling permissions. Get Current Session The activity retrieves an object containing information about the current session within which a process is being executed. Such session contains, e.g., information about the center with whose permissions the process is being executed. Get Session […]


Subprocesses group contains activities responsible for associating of a given process with other processes available in a database. Copy Process The activity adds an editable copy of a process from the assembly. When adding the activity, the user must indicate the process which is supposed to be added. In the […]


In E-mail category, there are 3 activities. Create Attachment List The activity allows for initiating a list of attachments. Attachments can be added to the list and sent by means of an e-mail. Create Attachment Allows for creating new attachment which, after being added to the list of attachments, can […]

ERP Context

The functionality of contexts allows for assigning a global process to a Comarch ERP Standard object from the level of which the process is to be started. A list or object (e.g., invoice) detail can be used as a context. To define a context, it is necessary to select [ERP […]


References refer to .dll assemblies which extend standard system functioning, e.g., by adding author activities. To use a given reference in a process, it is necessary to add it to the system. It is done by selecting button [Import] from References group of buttons which is available from the level […]


Besides manual and automatic triggering of processes on an event, the system allows for starting processes according to defined schedules. To add a schedule to a process, it is necessary to select [Schedules] button, available in Model group of buttons. In case there are no defined schedules for a process, […]

Sartup events

Startup events enable automating starting of a process before or after execution of a specific operation in the Comarch ERP Standard system. Startup events differ depending on process type (local or global). They can be selected when adding a new process or when editing a process, by selecting [Startup Events] […]


Parameter is a variable being a part of a process. To open a list of parameters, it is necessary to click on [Parameters] button, available in Model group of buttons. A list containing all parameters defined within a user’s process, as well as default system parameters, is opened. Each process […]

Process simulator

Process editor allows for verifying process execution with the use of a built-in simulator. Functioning of a process can be verified for different process configurations without the necessity of starting the BPM service. To open the process simulator window, select button [Run], available from the level of the process modification […]

Process modification

After creating a new process or opening an existing process to editing mode, a modification window is opened. In Process Designer tab, it is possible to create a process flowchart by adding relevant activities with the use of the drag and drop method. On the right side of the window, […]

Adding new process

To add a new process, it is necessary to select [Add] button, available in the window of process assembly. A new process configuration window opens. In the first stage, it is necessary to select the type of the startup event (flowchart or sequence) and the process type (local or global). At […]


The system enables generation of documentation for any process available in BPM process designer, on the basis of its description, parameters, references and schedules. It contains also a process layout in the form of an image representing general scheme of an activity tree. To generate a documentation, from the level […]

Process monitoring

Process Monitoring allows for analysing a process flow and for identifying errors encountered during its execution. To start Process Monitoring, from the level of the window of process assembly, it is necessary to select [BPM Monitoring] button. The window of Process Monitoring is divided into 3 sections: List of instances […]


In the Comarch ERP Standard BPM system, it is possible to assign attachments to processes, e.g., in order to send them via e-mail. An attachment can be, for example, an image or a spreadsheet. There are two ways of adding attachments: from the level of the global list and from […]

Process execution settings

From the level of BPM process designer, it is possible to set parameters of a process affecting its visibility, priority or method of tracking in the system. Those parameters can be changed from the level of the main menu or upon clicking with right mouse button on selected process. Process […]

Solving problems

Upon installing the Comarch ERP Standard BPM application, Problem Solver application becomes available. It is able to report the most frequent errors regarding the communication between a database and BPM or BPM services. Before starting work with the Problem Solver tool, it is necessary to make sure that the user logging-in […]


Permissions to BPM process designer In the Comarch ERP Standard system, it is possible to modify permissions to BPM process designer The permissions are available from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → <group> → Objects Depending on the setting selected in the window, a user […]

Importing/exporting processes

In the Comarch ERP Standard BPM system, it is possible to transfer BPM processes between databases or to load standard processes to the system. For this purpose, the mechanism of importing and exporting processes is used. Import To import a process to the process assembly, from Process Assembly group of […]

Getting started with process designer

BPM process designer is an application which allows for handling BPM processes, as well as for defining their structure and functioning. Upon starting the Comarch ERP Standard BPM application, first the logon window is opened. In the logon window, it is necessary to enter the name of database and the […]

BPM Services

BPM services allow the communication between application Comarch ERP Standard BPM and Comarch ERP Standard. The services can be run by registration to the running operating system services (button [Run]) or in console mode. Services in console mode In order to start services as a console program, it is necessary […]

Process designer configuration

In the BPM process designer, with the use of [System] button, it is possible to customize layout, language and the settings of process validation. Upon expanding the menu Styles, the user can change the look of the application scheme. Azure style is set, by default. The menu Languages allows for […]

Advanced settings

In the tab Advanced Settings of the BPM configuration tool, it is possible to set one of additional parameters regarding the work with the system. Some of them are described in this article. The first two parameters are ports used for logging-in to the task inbox. By default, these are […]

Mail configuration

BPM processes allow for sending e-mail messages. To do so, it is necessary to configure a mailbox from which the messages will be sent. There are two ways of configuring such mailbox: From the level of BPM configuration tool From the level of an employee form in Comarch ERP Standard […]

Basic configuration

Before starting to use BPM application, it is necessary to properly configure the system. It is done with the use of BPM configuration tool. The application intuitively guides a user through all the steps of the configuration. By default, after installing the component Comarch ERP Standard – Headquarter Server, the […]

Installing the application

Comarch ERP Standard BPM application is installed automatically together with Comarch ERP Standard, on the server workstation. In the case of a client workstation, process designer, BPM services or Problem Solver tool are not included in the installation. It is possible to connect the system to an external task inbox. […]


To be able to use the BPM tool integrated with the Comarch ERP Standard application, it is worth getting to know the following terms: Acitvity Elementary component of each BPM process. Activities are used to control a process, get object, execute actions on them, get and operate data in a […]

Adding inventory sheet

Fixed asset inventory sheets (FAIS) are added within a given inventory document To add an inventory sheet, click on [Add] button. A form of inventory sheet will open. The form of an inventory sheet is composed of the following elements: Side panel Sheet number – generated automatically by the system, […]

Adding fixed asset inventory document

General information An inventory document is composed of inventory sheets which contain a list of fixed assets along with quantities resulting from documents and actual quantities. To add a fixed asset inventory document, from the level of the menu Fixed Assets -> Inventories, select button [Add]. A form of inventory […]

Fixed asset revaluation (FR)

General information A FR document is registered in the system when the value of a fixed asset is changed, for instance, as a result of its enhancement or modernization. A FR document can be generated: automatically when saving a <<fixed asset form>> manually A FR document is generated automatically while […]

Depreciation (FDP)

General information An FDP document is registered in the system in order to calculate the depreciated value of a fixed asset. Depreciation is a type of cost related to gradual wear and tear of fixed assets and intangible assets. However, it does not generate cash outflow. An FDP document can […]

Fixed asset form

General information A fixed asset form is used to register a new asset, to preview already registered assets or to make necessary corrections and changes. To add a new fixed asset, in the menu Fixed Assets → Fixed Assets select the button [Add] from the List button group. A new […]

List of inventories

Inventory consists in taking an actual physical inventory of quantity levels of all tangible assets, as well as reconciling any differences between the status ascertained during an inventory (actual status) and the status resulting from fixed asset register The list of fixed asset inventories is available from the level of […]

Fixed asset disposal (FD)

General information A FD document is registered in the system when a fixed asset is partially or entirely disposed An FD document can be added: automatically upon selecting first the parameter Date of disposal/Date of sale available on the form of fixed asset automatically on the basis of an inventory, […]

Change of location and custodian (FLC)

A FCL document is registered in the system when the custodian or the location of use of a fixed asset is changed. A FCL document can be generated manually. A FCL document can be registered from the level of: the menu Fixed Assets → Fixed Asset Documents the menu Fixed […]

Fixed asset acquisition (FA)

General information A FA document is registered in the system when the receipt of a fixed asset is taken for utilization. A FA document can be generated: automatically, when saving a fixed asset form>>, if the parameter Under Construction is not checked automatically, on the basis of an inventory>>, upon […]

List of fixed asset documents

The list of fixed asset documents is available in the menu Fixed Assets under the button [Fixed Asset Documents]. From the level of the list, it is possible to add, preview, post and print the fixed asset documents. On the list of fixed asset documents, there are standard buttons>> and […]

Generating depreciation and depreciation plan

General information Depreciation is a type of cost related to gradual wear and tear of fixed assets and intangible assets. However, it does not generate cash outflow. Generating depreciation A FA document can be generated either automatically when saving a fixed asset form or manually. For detailed information, refer to […]

List of fixed assets

The list of fixed assets is available in the menu Fixed Assets under the button [Fixed Assets] and is composed of section related to fixed asset groups as well as the fixed asset list. From the level of this list, it is possible to add new fixed assets and review […]

Fixed asset groups

General information Defining fixed asset groups in the form of a tree makes it easier to classify and group the registered objects. From the level of that tree, it is possible to create additional groups according to the user’s preferences. On the form of fixed asset group, default values and […]

Generation of fixed asset barcodes

The functionality of generating barcodes for fixed assets is available from the level of menu Add-ons, under [Generate Fixed Asset Barcode]. It enables batch completion of field Barcode with value retrieved from field Inventory Number. Clicking on the button [Generate Fixed Asset Barcode] opens a window in which it is […]

Fixed asset classification

General information A fixed asset classification (FAC) is a systematized collection of objects of tangible assets, which is used for the purpose of keeping records, determining tax depreciation rates as well as for conducting statistical surveys. Fixed asset classification list The FAC list is available from the level of Configuration […]

Configuration of parameters

General information Before getting started with the Fixed Assets module, it is necessary to define an accounting period (if depreciation areas are associated with it), a fixed asset classification and fixed asset groups according to a company structure and its requirements as well as to configure the key parameters that […]

List of customers/vendors

List of customers/vendors contains information about particular customers/vendors cooperating with the company, that is purchasers or suppliers. Saved customers/vendors can be used in different places of the system, e.g., on invoices or other trade documents. To open the list of customers/vendors, it is necessary to go to the Main menu […]

Verification of entity’s TIN number

When defining a customer/vendor with Entity status, a user can verify its TIN number in Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) service and VIES service. It can be done with the use of a list placed next to the TIN field, in the header of a customer/vendor form, which contains […]

Customer/vendor history

General information Customer/vendor history allows for previewing transactions registered with selected customer/vendor. To open the customer/vendor history, it is necessary to click on [History] button, available in the main menu or in the ergonomic panel above the list of items. The form of customer/vendor history is divided into the following […]

Defining customer/vendor groups

General information Classification into customer/vendor groups facilitates managing of customers/vendors defined in the system. The tree of customer/vendor groups can be found in Groups panel, in the window of <<the list of customers/vendors>>. Classification drop-down list, placed below the tree of groups, allows the user for selecting classification category according […]

Code formats (customer/vendor groups)

Field Code Format on the form of customer/vendor groups (tab General) allows for specifying rules according to which the code of customer/vendor added to a given group should be defined. If a customer/vendor group has a code format defined, then, on the basis of that code format, when adding a […]

List of warehouses

List of warehouses contains information about places where merchandise is stocked. To open the list of warehouses, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Warehouses] button. It is also available in menu Warehouses, in Resources group of buttons. The menu […]

Code formats (item groups)

Field Code Format on the form of item group (tab General) allows for specifying rules according to which the code of an item added to a given group should be defined. If an item group has a code format defined, then, on the basis of that code format, when adding an […]

Item history

General information The functionality of item history enables the preview of all transactions made with a given item. To open the item history, it is necessary to click on [History] button available in the main menu or in the ergonomic panel above the list of items. The form of item […]

Item batch addition

In the system, it is possible to add items in a single batch. To be able to add items in a single batch from the level of the main menu, permission Batch addition of items must be granted to the operator. The permission can be activated from the level of […]

Item of set type

In the system, it is possible to define items of Set type, that is sets of two or more items. To do so, in the header of an item form, in the field Type, it is necessary to select Set value. Parameter Retrieve elements onto document Sets can be used […]

Defining item

General information A new item can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of items. A form of new item opens. On the left side of the form (item header form), the following fields and parameters are available: ID […]

List of items

The list of items contains information about all items traded in the company. To open the list of items, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Items] button. On the left side of the window, there is the tree with […]

Defining item group

General information The user has a possibility of defining item groups in order to be able manage items easily. The tree of item groups can be found in Groups panel, in the window of <<the list of items>>. Classification drop-down list, placed below the tree of groups, allows the user […]

Defining contact person

General information A new contact person can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above <<the list of contact persons>>. It opens a form of newly created contact person divided into the following tabs: General, CRM DATA, Attributes and Attachments. Tab General The tab […]

List of contact persons

The list of contact persons contains information about contact persons in a company. Each contact person can be assigned to particular customers. To open the list of contact persons, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Contact Persons] button. The […]

Defining employee

General information A new employee can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of employees. A form of new employee opens. General, Contacts, Accounting, E-mail Accouint, Bank Accounts, Attributes, Attachments Tab General   The tab General contains the following […]

List of employees

The list of employees contains information regarding individual employees of the company. The data of registered employees is used for the establishment of permissions to particular functions and in particular elements in the system, e.g. an employee can be set as a person responsible for a given customer (tab CRM […]

Defining institution

A new institution can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of institutions. The button opens a new institution form. On the left side of the form, there is institution form header containing the following fields and parameters: ID […]

List of institutions

The list of institutions contains information about institutions defined in the system which are sometimes necessary when: making payments making cash/bank transactions filling-in VAT tax-return declaration To open the list of institutions, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of buttons, select [Institutions] […]

Importing banks from KIR

Option Import from KIR allows for automatic downloading and updating of information regarding banks from Polish National Clearing House (KIR). Selecting button [Import from KIR], available in the main menu, opens window Parameters for importing bank directory from KIR database, in which the following fields and parameters are available: Do […]

Defining bank

A new bank can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of banks. The button opens a new bank form. On the left side of the form, there is bank form header containing the following fields and parameters: Active […]

List of banks

The list of banks contains information about financial institutions in which the company, customers/vendors, employees and institutions have their bank accounts and which provide the cash flow. In order to open the list of banks, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories list of […]


The functionality of History allows for remembering information regarding changes of data made by the user, e.g., confirmation or posting of documents, adding or editing objects etc. History configuration History configuration is available from the level of Configuration → History → Configuration. History Configuration list is composed of the following columns: […]

Defining pickup point

A new pickup point can be added by clicking on [Add] button placed in the main menu or ergonomic panel above the list of pickup points and selecting one of the following options: Customer Warehouse Center A list of customers/warehouses/centers registered in the system is opened, from among which it […]

List of pickup points

Pickup points are objects which are points of delivery of ordered items and place of their collection by a customer. Pickup points are related to the process of handling of sales orders which begins in the system and is completed along with releasing of items in Comarch Retail POS system. […]

Sales of items of voucher type

General information Items of voucher sort can be sold through the following documents: Receipt Sales invoice Debit memo It is also possible to issue a sales order for vouchers. Sales of vouchers through receipt/sales invoice With the use of a receipt or sales invoice it is possible to sell items […]

Transfer to voucher

In the main menu, over the list of vouchers, button [Transfer to Voucher] is available, which allows the user to transfer information from one voucher (e.g., in case of losing or breaking a voucher) to a new voucher and associate the two vouchers. The operation is available for vouchers with […]

Voucher blockade

In the system, it is possible to block existing vouchers. Vouchers with the following statuses can be blocked: Active Received in Stock Confirmed To open the window of voucher blockade, it is necessary to open <<the list of vouchers>> and then, after marking a voucher, select [Block] button which is […]

Associating voucher with a customer

In the system, it is possible to associate voucher with a customer The associated voucher will be used as customer’s ID in loyalty programme. However, the operation is possible only for voucher sorts with the parameter Loyalty program checked on vouvher sort form and their status is Confirmed, Received in […]

Adding vouchers to the system

In the system, it is possible to add single vouchers, as well as series of vouchers. The option of adding vouchers is available in the menu of the list of vouchers. To open the list of vouchers, it is necessary to go to the Main menu and then, from Directories […]

Defining voucher sort

General information To start working with vouchers in the system, first the user needs to define a voucher of a specific type (own/external). The option of adding vouchers is available in the menu of the list of voucher sorts. To open the list, it is necessary to open the menu […]

General information

The Comarch ERP Standard system offers the possibility of handling multi-purpose vouchers and allows for selling single-purpose vouchers. A first step for starting work with vouchers consists in <<defining voucher sort>> of a specific type and indicating its properties. Two voucher sorts are available in the system: own − issued […]

Batch change of tax point date

In order to perform batch change of tax point date, mark VAT invoices on the list and then select [Change] → [Tax Point Date in Single Batch] in the List button group. In the opened window enter a new date of tax point. Change of date results in update of […]

Changing of VAT account

Due to specific nature of enterprise operation, users usually introduce divisions within VAT purchase and sales accounts. It may happen that users register documents in improper VAT accounts by mistake. Such situation refers not only to a single document, but to the whole group of documents. A VAT account can […]

Company structure – Company

General information In menu Configuration → Company Structure, there is information about a company to which a user is currently logged-in. The data is presented: on the main company form ─ if the user is logged-in to the main company or its child center on the form of a center […]


The list of positions is available from the level Configuration → Company Structure → Positions. Positions defined by the user can be assigned to employees in the company subordination structure. In the menu, there are standard buttons for adding/deleting an object (position), saving changes, as well as refreshing and closing […]

Rights structure

In menu Configuration → Company Structure → Rights Structure there is a list of all centers defined in the system. From this level it is possible to add new centers to the company structure. The list is presented in from of a tree, which clearly shows relations between centers (inferiority, […]

Subordination structure

Subordination structure tree Subordination structure is a set of organizational units of a company and employees assigned to them. Owing to hierarchical presentation of the structure, based  on the list of employees defined in the system, a user is provided with information about relations between employees, irrespective of the company […]

Objects availability – General information

Object Availability panel is used to manage availability of objects dedicated for particular centers of the company   rights structure.  This functionality is available for users included in operator groups with granted permission Management of object availability in the rights structure.  Permissions can be assigned to operator groups from the level […]

Operator sessions

In menu Configuration → Company Structure, Operator Sessions functionality is available, which is used for handling sessions of operators and previewing the history of logging of all operators to the system. Only an operator assigned to group B2_admin has access to the functionality. Current operator session is marked in red. […]

Operator groups – General information

The list of operator groups is available in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups. There, the user can also add or edit groups and assign new operators to them. Also, all permissions to objects in the company structure are defined from the level of operator groups. To […]

Examples of using configuration tools

Below, exemplary situations in which it is possible to use configuration tools in order to maintain nomenclature cohesion of objects present in the system, are described.                                                

Defining new attachment

A new attachment can be added by selecting [Add] button from the List button group In the menu, standard buttons allowing for saving and closing form, are available. The Attachments group of buttons contains the following options: [Load From File] – loads an attachment file to from a selected location […]

Operator’s account

List of operators’ accounts Only an operator assigned to group B2_admin can manage accounts of operators. For other users, option Operators, available from the level of the menu Configuration → Company Structure, is inactive. In the menu of the list of operators defined in the system, the following button groups […]

Defining new operator group

To create a new operator group, it is necessary to select the button [Add] from Groups button group, placed in ergonomic panel above the list of operators. A newly opened form of an operator group contains the menu with standard buttons of saving changes and closing without saving changes. Tab […]

Configuration tools

General information The functionality of configuration tools allows for automatic generation of the following data: Codes and/or names for newly added items Codes for newly added customers/vendors Numbers for newly added vouchers Codes for newly added coupons Thanks to configuration tools, a user can maintain nomenclature cohesion and coding present […]

Assigning attachments to an object

Attachments are assigned to objects when adding or modifying a given object, for example, a new item. In the tab Attachments, it is necessary to click on the button [Add], which opens the list of available attachments. Here, the user can select files which will be assigned to an object […]

Attachments – General information

In the system, it is possible to define attachment, that is to add different files, e.g., images or text files, to particular objects. This way, the user can attach a product image to item form, personal documents to employee form, scanned documents to invoice etc. Types of attachments which can […]