After an attribute is <<assigned to an object>>, it is possible to specify a value of that attribute for object instance. It means that if attribute, for example, Color is attached to object Item, then it is possible to specify a different value (color) of that attribute for each item. […]
Assigning attribute to an object
To assign a given attribute to an object, it is necessary to mark it from the level of Configuration → (General) → Attributes, in the tab Objects, in the section Attributes To Be Added and select [Associate] button from the list Object Relations in the main menu. Such attribute will […]
Defining an attribute
Defining an attribute A new attribute can be added by clicking on [Add] button on the list of attributes. Name is a mandatory field whose value must be unique and can be composed of up to 50 characters (letters and digits). A user can also define translations of names into […]
List of attributes
Attributes represent additional information which can be defined and assigned to objects available in the system (e.g., items, customers/vendors/invoices etc.). Each attribute has specific type. Depending on selected attribute type, a user can define its format, predefined value and/or directory value.. The list of attributes is available from the level […]
General information Each one of document types can have its own numeration scheme (i.e., numerator) defined, according to which a number is assigned automatically to a document at the moment of its issuance. A numerator can be freely modified by the user. Handling of numerators can be performed from the […]
General information Numeration series can make part of a document numerator and allows for maintaining the appropriate numeration of documents. This is particularly essential when there are more points of sale attached in the rights structure. In such case, each workstation should have its own series to be able to […]
Configuration of document types
An appropriate configuration of document types available in the system allows for using them in a correct way. Buttons [Types], [Numerators] and [Series] related to the configuration of document types are placed in menu Configuration, in Documents button group. In the group, there are also [Comission Invoices] and [Tax Returns] […]
Predefined posting scheme macros
Predefined Macros For Posting Schemes
Defining a generic directory
To add a new generic directory, it is necessary to highlight a directory group on the tree and select the button [Add] from the Directories button group. On a new generic directory form, the following data must be defined: Group – non-editable field indicating a group to which the directory […]
Predefined list
Predefined generic directories are grouped by the functional areas in which they are used. Detailed descriptions of each generic directory can be found in articles dedicated to particular functional areas. Attributes CRM Processing of personal data Complaints Fixed assets Transactions Types of accounts Sales account printouts Purchase account printouts General […]
Generic directories – general information
Generic directories are registers of values defined for particular system objects. Such values can be reused in many system places and for many objects without being defined each time it is necessary. The list of generic directories is available from the level of Configuration → General → Generic Directories. Directories […]
Receipt printer
The Comarch ERP Standard system cooperates with the following fiscal printer models: Elzab Mera Elzab Omega Emar Printo 57T Epson TM-T801 FV Innova Market Novitus Posnet Thermal Parameters presented in the tab Scales, available in the menu System → Configuration, allow for configuring the receipt printer with which Comarch ERP […]
In tab Forms, available in the menu System → Configuration, it is possible to import and export changes made by operators in the layouts of forms (with the use of <<Interface Editor>>). The changes (for operator groups) are exported to a file which later can be imported on another workstation […]
General informartion Tab Computer, available in the menu System → Configuration, allows for configuring parameters related to particular functionalities of the system and parameters enabling cooperation of the system with other applications. The parameters are divided into the following sections: General Parameters Printouts Attachments Export to Spreadsheet Password Policy General […]
Data exchange
Tab Data Exchange, available in the menu System → Configuration, allows for specifying parameters necessary for sending information from Comarch ERP Standard to other platforms. Its area is divided into the following sections: EDI E-Tax return SAF-T files Transfers POS SENT EDI The section contains a mechanism for importing and […]
Payment terminal
A payment terminal is a mobile device used to accept payment cards when registering transactions at points of sale-service. A payment terminal which must cooperate with Comarch ERP Standard can be configured from the level of the tab Payment Terminal, available in the menu System → Configuration. Owing to that, […]
Label printing scale
A label printing scales is a device allowing for weighing a product and printing a label with the product’s barcode. A label printing scale which must cooperate with Comarch ERP Standard can be configured from the level of the tab Label Printing Scale, available in the menu System → Configuration. […]
Scales or a scales–scanner is a device dedicated to weighing products of varying weight and hence the price. Parameters presented in the tab Scales, available in the menu System → Configuration, allow for configuring the scales with which Comarch ERP Standard must cooperate. Owing to that, it is possible to […]
A data collector is a portable batch terminal equipped with a barcode reader. It is mainly dedicated to taking stock of a warehouse or a store Parameters presented in the tab Collector, available in the menu System → Configuration, allow for configuring a data collector with which Comarch ERP Standard […]
System configuration
Option Configuration, available in the tab System, allows for determining of global parameters of Comarch ERP Standard. The system configuration window is divided into tabs dedicated to different areas of system parameterization. The configuration window is composed of the tabs: <<BI Module>> <<General>> <<Computer>> <<Computer>> <<Accounting>> <<Fixed Assets>> <<Trade>> <<Receipt […]
External devices
With the use of this function, the user defines and configures devices used for registration of external data, such as collector, label printing scale or cash register drawer. The list is composed of columns corresponding to data inserted by the user during the definition of a new device: Number Code […]
VAT rates
List of VAT rates Configuration of VAT rates in the system allows defining tax rates according to which items or services are purchased and sold as well as payments are made. The field VAT Rate Group presents a default VAT rate group assigned to a company in which a user […]
CN codes
CN codes (Combined Nomenclature) are used for classifying items in international trade and are important for Intrastat declarations. CN codes defined by the user can be used on the forms of items and in document items. The list of CN codes contains the following columns: Code ─ unique 8-digits number […]
Exchange rates
The register of currency exchange rates contains data about exchange rate values defined within exchange rate types. Exchange rate types are used to classify the exchange rates, for example, depending on the bank or exchange office from which the data about exchange rate values derives. Exchange rates are used when […]
Button [States] opens a list of default states/administrative units which can be used for entering information regarding addresses. The list contains information about the name of a unit, its country and its activity status in the system. In the menu, there are standard buttons for adding/deleting/saving a given object from […]
List of currencies The list of currencies presents all the currencies in which transactions can be registered in the system. By default, the following currencies are defined: PLN, EUR and USD. System currency is a currency in which operations related to amount are registered within a company. A user can […]
Available directories – general information
In the General button group of the Configuration menu, there are buttons used for defining objects which are common for many areas in Comarch ERP Standard system. Each button opens a window with an object list, where a user can register and configure a new object. Defined objects will be […]
Granting terms
A granted terms is registered in the system as terms transaction. The form of this kind of transaction is the same as the form of a cash/bank transaction. Terms transactions can be previewed only and it is not possible to modify them. Characteristics of terms transaction: it is created as […]
Sending debt collection documents to customers
From the level of the lists of debt collection documents and from the level of the debt collection documents, it is possible to send e-mails to customers selected as payers on those documents. It can be done with the use of the [Send] button, which is available in the Printouts […]
Registration of unapplied exchange rate differences
As a rule, financial reports are prepared in Poland in Polish PLN. Because of that, all the assets and payables of an entity, which are denominated in foreign currencies (both international and national), must be recalculated to Polish PLN. On a balance sheet day, this calculation is made according to […]
Exchange rate differences documents
An exchange rate difference document is created as a result of completing documents in foreign currency at different exchange rates on the transaction. Such document is created also automatically at the moment of clearing (including payment completion) two journal entries which were generated at different exchange rates. Characteristics of an […]
Late fees
A late fee is a document in which interest associated with a late payment for receivables are charged. Configuration of parameters on Late Fee document type On Late Fee document type, in the tab General, a user can set: Exchange Rate Type – for late fees issued in foreign currency. […]
Dunning letters
A dunning letter is the subsequent reminder sent to a payer notifying him about receivables not paid within their due date and it may also include interest charged due to lack of payment within specified time. Configuration of parameters on Dunning Letter document type On Dunning Letter document type, in […]
Batch generation of debt collection documents
In the system, it is possible to generate debt collection documents serially, that is for many payments of different customers. Such serial operations can be performed from the level of Finances → Receivables. Batch generation of payment reminders In order to perform batch generation of <<payment reminders>>, it is necessary […]
Payment reminder
A payment reminder reminds the payer of receivables not paid within their due date. Configuration of parameters on Payment Reminder document type Payment reminder document definition is available from the level of the menu Configuration → Company → Documents → Payment Reminder. On Payment Reminder document type, in the tab General, […]
Charging interest
In case if a payment is not paid within its due date, an additional fee is charged for each day of delay – so-called interest on arrears. The amount of such additional fee results from the interest rate outlined in statutory regulations and trade agreements. The interest rate can change […]
Making payments with the use of Payment Confirmation window
Payment confirmation – general information With the use of the window Payment Confirmation, it is possible to entirely or partially compete a payment thanks to an automatic creation of a cash/bank transaction completed by a given payment. The Payment Confirmation window can be opened: automatically, when confirming a document or […]
Customer and vendor payments
List of payments for customers/vendors is available from the level of the menu Finances, under the button [Customers]/[Vendors]. The visibility of data in a payment estimate depends on the center to which an operator is logged-in. The document is presented in the list, if: it was added by a current […]
Cash/bank account of terms transaction
In the system, it is possible to indicate cash/bank account to which a terms transaction will be registered. Such an account is selected from a drop-down list, in the definition of Terms document type in a given center. The list contains all accounts available in a given center of the […]
Assigning terms to customer
A <<type of terms>> defined in the configuration can be assigned to a given customer. To do so, in the customer form, in the tab Trade, in Terms field, it is necessary to select an appropriate type of terms If a customer with assigned terms is selected in a document, […]
Defining terms
Terms is a percentage reduction of the total amount of receivable that is granted to a customer by a vendor for having mad an earlier payment. List of terms types The list of terms types is available from the level of the menu Configuration → Finances → Types of Terms […]
Excluding items from terms
In order to calculate terms value in a document, while simultaneously ignoring particular items, it is necessary to uncheck the parameter Include in terms on forms of these items. In the system, there are defined: Terms1 with conditions: 10% and 15 days Item_1 with checked parameter Include in terms Item_2 with […]
Statements of transactions
Statement of transactions are used to pass over bills to a bank in order to execute them. They contain uncompleted revenue transactions. The list of statements of transactions is available from the level of menu Finances, under the [Transactions] button. The list contains standard buttons which have been described in […]
Statement of payment orders
Payment order is a non-cash bank reconciliation form, in Europe known as direct-debit. This form of payment is basically used in recurring transactions. Payment order regarding a payment of Receivable type – a part initiating payment is creditor. Configuration settings From the level of System → Configuration → Data Exchange […]
Statement of remittance orders
Remittance order is a basic and common form of non-cash settlement where a bank account owner orders bank to transfer a specific amount from their bank account to a bank account indicated by him/her in any bank. The remittance order is used to settle payables. Configuration settings From the level […]
Compensations in different currencies
In the system, it is possible to compensate transactions denominated in different currencies, that is to compensate transaction denominated in system currency with a transaction denominated in a foreign currency. When compensating documents denominated in different currencies, an exchange rate difference is not calculated. Compensation of transaction in different currencies […]
Registration of deduction from the level of cash/bank transaction
During application of a cash/bank transaction, it is possible to include a deduction for uncompleted payments of the opposite type and for correcting invoices. A deduction can be registered by associating documents directly or through a compensation document. A cash/bank transaction can be associated with already existing compensation or with […]
Generation of a compensation document in the payment estimate
The user may generate a compensation document directly in the payment estimate. In order to do so, it is necessary to select from the list all payments/transactions which are to be compensated and select the option [Compensate] available in the Generation section. The system will open a window in which […]
Compensation document form
To add a compensation document, it is necessary to, from the level of Finances -> Compensations, select the button [Add]. It opens compensation document form. The compensation form contains standard buttons which have been described in article <<standard buttons>> and, additionally: [Compensate Documents] – selecting this button creates payments for […]
List of compensation documents
Compensation documents allow for registering mutual deduction of receivables/due payments, that is for creating associations between receivables and payables of a given entity or their group. The functionality of registering compensation documents is available only if on the definition of the company the parameter Register compensations is checked. The parameter […]
Completing payments partially
In the system, it is possible to make payments for documents in an amount lower than the amount for which they were issued.
Compensations with the use of the buttons [Combine]/[Compensate]
Compensation allows for registering mutual deduction of receivables/due payments, that is for creating associations between receivables and payables of a given entity or their group. Compensations can be made by registering a compensation document with the use of the button [Combine] or [Compensate]. To be able to make compensations in […]
Completing payments in different currencies
In the system, it is possible to complete payments in the system currency with cash/bank transactions in foreign currency. When making payments to such documents, an exchange rate difference is not calculated.
Adding opening balance
General information In the system, it is possible to add an opening balance: Automatic – the functionality allows for adding an opening balance document on the basis the the previous accounting period. Manual – the functionality allows not only for entering beginning balances, but also enables to generate payments for […]
Currency clearings
General information Currency clearings are connected with registration of and making payment to currency documents which are posted onto accounts kept in currencies different than system currency. All the rules and mechanisms of clearing single-sided entries denominated in foreign currencies (with the help of options [Clear], [Associate Only Single-sided Entries], […]
Making payments with the use of the buttons: [Combine] [Combine Selected], [Complete], [Pay]
Payments can be made with the use of the following buttons: Making payments with the use of [Combine] button The button [Combine] is available from the level of <<payment details>> and <<cash/bank transaction details>>, i the tab Payments. Detailed description of the tab Payments can be found in article <<Adding […]
Configuration settings relating to the functionality of settlements
The functionality of settlements allows for: associating received or executed payments (cash/bank transactions) with receivables or payables compensating documents whose cash flow is opposite e.g., revenue transaction with expense transaction or receivable with payable In the system, it is possible to complete only the documents within one company to which […]
Tab Calendar
Information provided in the Calendar tab refer to a financial situation of a company by time ranges. The Calendar tab presents information in accordance with the criteria selected in tab Payment Estimate. The tab Calendar has a tree structure and its layout is the following: Level 1 − Analysis Period […]
Tab Payment Estimate
Tab Payment Estimate allows for analyzing status of payments and cash/bank transactions, as well as for making payments. [Add] − opens a drop-down list with payment types: Credit, Debit Payments added from the level of a payment estimate are not subject to completion. [Source Document] − allows for previewing the […]
Payment estimate – general information
Payment estimate provides information regarding statuses of patyments and available financial resources. The list of payment estimate is available from the level of menu Finances, upon clicking [Payment Estimate] button. It is composed of two tabs – Payment Estimate and Calendar The visibility of data in the payment estimate depends […]
Split payment mechanism in the export of statements of remittance orders and import of bank statements
Split payment mechanism in the export of statements of remittance orders and import of bank statements Split payment In the system, it is possible to export statements of remittance orders containing payments marked as Split payment and import bank transactions relating to split payment mechanism – payment transaction or transactions […]
Split payment in bank transactions
In the system, it is possible to define a bank account that would keep record of transactions made only on a special VAT account associated with a current account. Ti do so, it is necessary to select the parameter VAT account for split payment on the form of a Bank […]
Handling split payment on payments
A payment for purchased goods or services with the use of the split payment mechanism is made in a total amount. Next, a relevant VAT amount is transferred by a bank to a separate account. As a result, the payment is divided into: a subtotal amount on an account selected […]
Split payment configuration
The possibility of applying the mechanism of split payment according to Polish law results from the act from 15 December 2017 amending the Goods and Services Tax Act. A payment for purchased goods or services with the use of the split payment mechanism is made in a total amount. Next, […]
Dividing and combining payments
Dividing payments A payment can be divided with the use of [Divide] button from the level of: tab Amounts of a document with payment list of receivables/payables Clicking on the [Divide] button opens a window composed of two tabs – New Payment and Divided Payment In the tab New Payment, […]
Adding receivable/payable
Receivables/payables can be created manually from the level of the list Receivables/Payables/Payment Estimate or can be generated automatically from a document with a payment. To add a payment from the level of receivables/payables list, from the level of the menu Finances → Receivables/Payables, click on the [Add] button. The receivable […]
List of Receivables/Payables
Lists of Receivables/Payables is available from the level of Finances, under the [Receivables]/[Payables] button. The visibility of data in a payment estimate depends on the center to which an operator is logged-in. The document is presented in the list, if: it was added by a current center (center to which […]
A check is a document that orders a bank to pay a specific amount of money to the person in whose name the check has been issued. The money is paid from the check drawer’s account. An order to pay money is unconditional. An order to pay money is unconditional. […]
Generation of VAT invoices to invoices issued from receipts
In order to generate a VAT invoice to invoices issued from receipts, it is necessary to select, from the level of menu Add-ons, button [VAT Invoice Generation To Invoices From Receipts] which is placed in Special Features button group. The button is available after selecting the parameter Generate VAT invoices […]
Update of posting scheme variables
When using the system, it is sometimes necessary to verify the correctness of data in a given area and to carry out operations reconstructing or updating the existing structures. In order to carry out the reconstruction of posting scheme variables, it is necessary to select, from the level of menu […]
Clearings reconstruction
When using the system, it is sometimes necessary to verify the correctness of data in a given area and to carry out operations reconstructing or updating the existing structures. In order to carry out the reconstruction of clearings, it is necessary to select, from the level of menu Add-ons, button […]
Account Reconstruction
When using the system, it is sometimes necessary to verify the correctness of data in a given area and to carry out operations reconstructing or updating the existing structures. In order to carry out the reconstruction of accounts, it is necessary to select, from the level of menu Add-ons, button […]
Bank reconciliation on the basis of imported bank statement
In order to reconcile the account balance with a bank statement, it is necessary to import the bank statement to the system. To do so, click on the button [Import] available in the Parameters button group After the form of bank statement item import opens, in the field File Format […]
Bank reconciliation on the basis of a paper bank statement
To reconcile the bank statement received in form of a paper printout with journal entries registered in the system, in the menu Accounting, it is necessary to click on the button [Bank Reconciliation] and then, in section General of the bank reconciliation form, select a bank register and a period […]
Bank Reconciliation
There are two distinct models of work in regard to handling of bank accounts of a business entity: Registration on the basis of a received bank statement – registration of operations related with transactions made on a bank account only after receiving a bank statement (in form of a file […]
Analytical description in opening balance document
The system provides also the option of completing analytical description in opening balance documents and their corrections. This applies both to an opening balance being added with the help of the button [Add] as well as to that being generated based on opening balance from a previous accounting period. Analytical […]
Analytical description in accounting note
Similarly, as in the case of journal entries, analytical description can in accounting note be specified both for the entire document and for its particular items. Such description can be provided directly in a document either manually or on the basis of analytical description specified on book account. In case […]
Analytical description in fixed asset documents
On a fixed asset item, it is necessary to specify a depreciation are for which an analytical description is to be created. By default, the depreciation areas are completed on the basis of the fixed asset form. In fixed asset documents, apart from the option of providing “manually” an analytical […]
Analytical description in trade and warehouse documents
In trade and warehouse documents, apart from describing a document manually, analytical description can be completed with the help of the button [Fill In] based on the analytical description of the item and the customer/vendor selected in a document. After selecting the option [Fill In], analytical description line swill be […]
Analytical description on fixed asset form
After assigning analytical dimensions to the object Fixed Assets in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Dimensions, it is possible to describe analytically either a fixed asset group or a fixed asset, itself. Based on the analytical description defined on the form of fixed asset, it is then […]
Analytical description on book account
Similarly, as in the case of item or customer/vendor form, analytical description can also be specified on book account. That description can next be copied to analytical description of journal entry’s item accounting note’s item, in which a given account was selected. The way in which analytical description is defined […]
Analytical description on customer/vendor form
Similarly, as in the case of analytical description on item form, after assigning analytical dimensions to Customers/Vendors object in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Dimensions, it is possible to describe analytically a customer/vendor group or on customer/vendor form, itself. Based on description specified on customer/vendor form, it […]
Analytical description on item form
Upon assigning analytical dimensions to an object Item in the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Dimensions, it is possible to describe analytically an item group or item form, itself. Based on analytical description defined on item form it is possible to create automatically analytical description lines in a […]
Analytical description on object forms
In the system, it is possible to assign analytical dimensions to book accounts, to item forms, to customer/vendor forms and to fixed assets. In addition, based on the assigned analytical dimensions a user may determine available combinations of dimension values or assign previously defined relation patterns to given objects. The […]
Filtering journal entries on book account based on analytical description
Due to the option of describing analytically of journal entries, journal entries can be filtered on book account on the basis of analytical description. This filter option is available from all the levels from which the list of journal entries on book account can be displayed, i.e., menu Accounting → […]
Control of analytical description correctness
The system enables controlling the correctness of analytical description, which is made dependent on document status. This option is available for the following documents: Journal Entry, Reversing Entry, Accounting Note, Opening Balance and its correction. In order to use this option, go to the menu Configuration → Document Types, edit […]
Assigning of dimensions and relation pattern to document type
In order to describe a document with the use of analytical dimensions, the dimensions must be first assigned to the document type. The assigned dimensions will then be available in tab Analytical Description of documents of a given type. Apart from assigning of dimensions, in document definition it is also […]
Defining of relation pattern
General information In business practice, there are very often logical relations between defined values of analytical dimensions, e.g. there is only one sort of business activity conducted in a given location or only a specific group of cost center related to a given expense. A user can define a pattern […]
Adding of an element
In order to add a new element, first mark a dimension or subdimension on the dimensions tree and then click on [Add Element] in the List button group. In a newly opened element form, complete appropriate information and save it by clicking on [Save] in the Actions button group. The […]
Adding of a subdimension
In order to add a new subdimension, first mark a dimension or subdimension on the dimensions tree and then click [Add Subdimension] in the List button group. In a newly opened subdimension form, complete appropriate information and save it by clicking on [Save] in the same menu. The added subdimension […]
Adding of a dimension
To define new dimension, it is necessary to fill in a form which is opened upon selecting the button [Add Dimension] from the menu List. On the form of dimension, there is only one mandatory field Name and additional fields: Description, Validity Period, and Level Names. Level Names – names […]
Analytical dimensions
Analytical dimensions are used in the area related to Business Intelligence. They are used in the Reports Book in preparing the analyses. Data, analyzed in the reports, is based on information retrieved from different types of documents. The amounts, registered in documents, are described with many dimensions according to which […]
Unconfirmed and Canceled statuses of a VAT invoice
General information In Comarch ERP Standard system, it is possible to design a diagram of statuses in VSI, VPI, VSIC, and VPIC document definitions. In tab Diagram of a document definition, it is possible to define which of the statuses will be activated. This option is only available until the […]
VAT invoices in French language version
In databases created in French, a VAT invoice is added the same way as in databases created in other language versions of the system. Detailed description can be found in article Adding VAT invoices in system currency. However, in case of newly created databases, all of the operators have the […]
Tax Free document in VAT sales account
Upon confirming a CRS document which includes a tax-free document, appropriate VAT document will be automatically generated in VAT sales account. For items of a VAT invoice, which refer to the tax-free document, value of parameter Domestic will be set to Tax Free, on the basis of which a given […]
Reverse charge in VAT invoices
On VAT sales invoices and VAT sales invoice corrections generated automatically to a trade document on which parameter Reverse charge was checked, information parameter Reverse charge is displayed (provided for information purposes). It is grayed out and cannot be edited. Additionally, for VAT invoice items included in reverse charge value […]
Internal documents
On both a VAT sales invoice and VAT purchase invoice, there is parameter Internal document available. If it is checked, payments are not generated to given invoices. If the parameter is checked while editing an issued invoice, the payments already generated are deleted. The following rules have been adopted referring […]
Generating VAT invoices to invoices generated from receipts
For sales transactions to be included in VAT accounts, in VAT-7 tax returns and in SAF-T file, it is currently necessary to include a receipt or receipt correction in a statement of retail sale (SRS) or in its correction (CRS). The same rules apply also in the case of receipts […]
VAT invoice generated to a trade document
VAT invoices are generated automatically through confirmation of a sales or purchase trade document, as well as value or quantity correction generated to such document. Such VAT invoices are created automatically on the basis of a source document and are registered in appropriate sales or purchase account (default for a […]
Adding VAT invoice correction
In the system, it is possible to add a correction that is not associated with any document or add a correction to a VAT invoice. To add a correction not associated with a VAT invoice, select [Manual Correction] in the List button group. To add a correction to a document […]