VAT deduction limit

According to regulations concerning value added tax, in some cases an entrepreneur running business activity is entitled to deduct the input tax amount from the output tax only up to the value determined by appropriate amount or percentage limit. Because of that, in Polish language version of the system, it […]

Dividing VAT invoice items

In order to divide VAT invoice item, click on the button [Divide Entry] in the Items button group. After selecting it, a form for entering data appears. In the opened form, in section Divided Item, original data of VAT invoice item is displayed. These fields are not editable. In section […]

Adding VAT invoice in foreign currency

Adding of a VAT invoice in a foreign currency is performed the same way as in case of adding such invoice in the system currency. In this case, it is also necessary to select appropriate currency and specify its exchange rate in the Currencies section in the side panel of […]

Adding VAT invoice in system currency

General information VAT sales and purchase invoices are added the same way. Thus, this mechanism is described only once on the basis of a purchase invoice. To add a VAT purchase invoice, select an account/subaccount in which the invoice will be registered and click [Add] in the List button group. […]

Adding VAT account

General information In order to add a VAT account, it is necessary to click on appropriate branch of the accounts tree (Sales or Purchase) and then click [Add Account] button in the Accounts button group. A form for entering of data appears. Mandatory fields: Account Name – VAT account unique […]

VAT-ZD tab

In VAT-ZD tab, it is possible to search for historical document payments classified as Domestic transactions and with regard to payment status: paid, open, not subject to payment in historical approach. Operations which can be performed in the VAT -ZD tab: Adding an account – button [Add Account] Adding a […]

List of VAT accounts

In the Polish version of database, the list of VAT accounts is composed of two tabs: VAT Accounts and VAT-ZD. The VAT-ZD tab is not available in other language versions. VAT accounts tab The menu of VAT Accounts tab is composed of the following groups: Accounts with buttons: [Add Subaccount], […]

Permissions concerning VAT accounts

From the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → Other Permissions, it is possible to grant/withdraw permissions concerning VAT accounts to//from specific operator groups. In the system, there are four permissions referring to that area: Change of VAT parameters on a confirmed VAT invoice – if checked, […]

Configuration parameters relating to VAT accounts

General information VAT accounts are used for registering documents subject to value added tax. On the basis of data contained in them, a tax return is generated. The number of kept VAT accounts depends on the specification and diversity of a business activity. The minimum structure of VAT accounts should […]

Deleting clearings

In case journal entries were associated improperly, it is possible to undo clearing manually or automatically. To do so, it is necessary to highlight the paying entry and select the button [Delete]. A clearing can be removed manually from the level of: Clearings list Tab Clearings DR/Clearings CR of a […]

Clearings from the level of journal entry

A clearing can be added from the level of a single-sided entry entered to the ledger. The functionality of clearings is available on single-sided entry item associated with a clearing account, in tab Clearings (Clearings DR or Clearings CR respectively, depending on which side of single-sided entry a clearing account […]

Clearings from the level of the list of clearings

General information On the list of clearings, it is possible to clear single-sided entries with the help of one of the three available options: [Add], [Associated Only Single-sided Entries] and [Automatic Clearing]. This way, single-sided entries can be cleared in the following relation: One to one One to many Add […]

List of clearings

The list of clearings contains single-sided entries dedicated for clearing for a given clearing account. Single-sided entries are presented in compliance with their posting date selected in the filter option Posting Date. Using this option, it is possible to search for clearings for any period composed of even several reporting […]

Creating clearings

General information Clearing is an association between two single-sided entries registered on a clearing account. The basis for clearing single-sided entries are payments (receivables, payables) which are generated by source documents. Based on posted payments, single-sided entries can be cleared on book accounts. Clearings provide information on unpaid journal entries […]

347 Information return

A 347 information return is sent to an appropriate institution in order to provide details about transactions executed in a previous year. To generate a 347-information return, go to the menu Accounting and select the option [347 Information Return]. In the menu of 347 information return, there are standard buttons […]

Adding ZD notification

General information A ZD notification can be: Generated during the first recalculation of a VAT-7 tax return During the first recalculation of a VAT-7 tax return the following message is displayed: “Would you like to generate a ZD notification?”. A user can deny the operation by selecting the option No, […]

List of ZD Notifications

According to the regulation of the Ministry of Finance, in order to recognize the bad debt relief, it is necessary to generate a VAT-ZD attachment (notification about the corrected tax base and the amount of tax due). A ZD notification is used for listing all the invoices that fulfill all […]

Adding tax return and tax return correction

General information In the menu of tax return form, there are standard buttons>> and, additionally: [Recalculate] – button active for tax returns and corrections with Unconfirmed status. It is used to calculate tax returns on the basis of VAT invoices. [Export Tax Return] – button active for tax returns with […]

Qualification of invoices to appropriate fields of tax return

Parameters selected on an item of a VAT invoice which determine including of the document in a specific field of VAT-7/VAT-27/VAT-EU declaration: National – transaction type selected in General tab Parameter values: Country, TaxFree (available on sales documents), Customer is a taxpayer (available on sales documents) Intra-Community – transaction type […]

List of tax returns

In the system, it is possible to calculate: VAT-7 tax return along with a VAT-ZD attachment VAT-7 tax return correction along with VAT-ZD and or ORD-ZU attachments VAT-27 declaration VAT-27 declaration correction VAT-EU declaration VAT-EU declaration correction VAT-EUC A user can calculate a tax return for: Center of Company type […]

Tax return submitting configuration

The system allows for sending tax returns directly to the Ministry of Finance portal and retrieving Tax Return Acknowledgement (TRA). A user can export a tax return with the use of so-called qualified or unqualified signature. From the level of the menu Configuration -> Company Structure -> Company, in the […]

Calculating an accounting statement

To calculate an accounting statement, it is necessary to, from the level of the menu Accounting → Statements, select a statement, click on button [Recalculate], and then, on button [Recalculate] once again. In the Statement calculation window, in non-editable Calculation date field, there is information regarding the date and the […]

Adding a financial statement

General information A financial statement can be: Added manually Generated automatically (only in the Polish language version of the system) Adding a statement with the use of the button [Add] From the level of the financial statement form, standard buttons described in article <<Standard buttons>> are available, and, additionally: [Add […]

List of financial statements

Financial statements are one of the tools for assessing company’s financial condition and analyzing of data recorded in the system. They act as internal information database for carrying out of analyses. Financial statements are of registering nature, because they are calculated on the basis of data registered on the accounts. […]

Running a recurring posting operation

To run a recurring posting operation, it is necessary, from the level of the menu Accounting → Recurring Posting Operations, select a recurring posting scheme and click on the button [Run]. In the opened window, a user should: Specify the posting date − date with which a journal entry will […]

Account format in recurring posting operations

General information Functionality of account format in recurring posting operations allows for defining of a recurring posting mechanism in such a way as to use all the accounts in posting operations. A user has a possibility to: Optionally define a range of accounts assigned to a group of accounts participating […]

Single-sided entries from opening balance documents

Opening balance documents create single-sided entries which are registered in a special predefined <<journal>> symbolized with *OB* and named Opening Balance. Single-sided entries are created for each type of opening balance document, both when registering documents (OB, OBC) manually and while transferring the opening balance from the previous <<accounting period>> […]

Adding a recurring posting scheme

To add a recurring posting scheme, it is necessary, from the level of the menu Accounting → Recurring Posting Operations, click on the button [Add] placed in the List group of buttons. Then, a form for entering of data appears. Tab General Symbol − mandatory field, recurring posting scheme symbol […]

List of recurring posting schemes

Postings can be performed with a specific regularity, e.g. every month, quarter, year etc. That practice is called a recurring posting. Most often, they are used for reposting of balances and/or turnovers of accounts to other accounts. This functionality can also be useful in the process of settling operation costs […]

Posting with the use of a posting scheme

Posting may be completed successfully or unsuccessfully. It depends on correctness of a posting scheme that is used for posting. Posting a document with a correct posting scheme In order to post a document with a posting scheme, it is necessary to: Mark a document on the list Click [Post] […]

Unposted entries

Before posting a document, the user may preview the entries which will be created by posting the document with a particular posting scheme, that is generate an unposted entry. Unposted entry does not make any changes to the document. The proposed unposted entry can be freely changed. In order to […]

Adding a posting scheme

General information A list of posting schemes is available from the level of the menu Accounting, under the [Schemes] button. A posting scheme is added on the list of posting schemes upon clicking the [Add for Documents] button and selecting a document type for which the scheme is to be […]

List of posting schemes

A list of posting schemes is available from the level of the menu Accounting, under the [Schemes] button. The list contains all the posting schemes available in a company within a given accounting period. From the level of the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Availability, it is possible […]

Rules of posting documents

Rules of posting documents in a multi-company structure In a multi-company structure, posting of documents is possible only within a company a user is currently logged-in to – for its current accounting period and through posting schemes available in it. documents issued in a company to which a user is […]

Opening balance document list

Opening balance documents define initial situations on accounts in a given accounting period. When starting work with the system, the opening balance should be entered manually, whereas in successive accounting periods, the opening balance can be transferred from the previous accounting period, on the basis of its ending balances. A […]

Trial balance calculation

The system allows for calculating trial balance for all accounts and for presenting opening balances. The statement can be calculated for: Accounting period or partial period To calculate trial balance, it is necessary to indicate an accounting period (by default, it is the accounting period of the company to which […]

Trial balance

Trial balance is a source of information regarding individual components of company assets and capital. It provides information necessary to prepare elements of the financial statement, that is balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, etc. Trial balance is a statement of journal entries on accounts. Turnover is the registry […]

Chart of accounts in the German system version

  In Germany, there is no need to create and preview chart of accounts in the tree form. In Germany general and subsidiary accounts do not exist, but there are parent accounts (general ledger) and so-called auxiliary accounts associated with customers/vendors (auxiliary ledger). Auxiliary account number must be within the […]

Chart of accounts in the French and Spanish system version

Chart of accounts − general information Accounting standards in France and in Spain differentiate general accounts and subsidiary accounts, as well as directory accounts associated e.g. with customers and vendors. The difference between Polish and French (Spanish) chart of accounts is the lack of dash separating particular levels. Each account […]

Directory accounts

Directory accounts − general information Each company has its own accounting periods and chart of accounts, so a user can configure directory accounts for each company separately. Configuration of directory accounts saved in a center of Company type applies to all its child centers. Directory accounts are the ones with […]

Adding accounts

Adding accounts The possibility of reading, modifying and deleting accounts depends on granting given operator group appropriate permissions to object General Account/Subsidiary Account (Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → edition of a given operator group → tab Objects). To add an account, from the level of Accounting → […]

Account numeration

The system allows for defining structure of account number (number of characters) and attach the defined numeration schemes to particular general accounts. Account numeration schemes are closely connected with an accounting period and chart of accounts defined in it. In each accounting period it is possible to define different account […]

Chart of accounts

Chart of accounts − general information Chart of accounts is a set of all posting accounts used in a given entity, associations between them and operations which can be executed on them. Characteristics of a chart of accounts: it is separate for each center of Company type each account’s number […]

Adding accounting note

Accounting note is used for registration of documents other than VAT documents (VAT purchase invoices and VAT sales invoices). These documents can be the following: regular bills from VAT exempt persons, documents connected with paying for business trips. Accounting notes can also be used for entering of journal entries regarding […]

List of accounting notes

The list of accounting notes is used for registration of documents other than VAT documents (VAT purchase invoices and VAT sales invoices). These documents can be the following: regular bills from VAT exempt persons, documents connected with paying for business trips. It is available from the level of Accounting, upon […]

Journal entries: Account Filter

The list Account Filter allows for previewing all journal entries, including opening balance single-sided entries, entries for a specific account or range of accounts. The list of journal entries on accounts is available from the level of Accounting → Account Filter. The list contains the standard buttons and, additionally: [Check […]

Deleting a journal entry

Deleting a journal entry Journal entries can be deleted: From the level of the list of journal entries in a ledger (Accounting → Ledger) From the level of the source document Deleting journal entry from the level of a ledger In order to delete a journal entry from the level […]

Adding a journal entry

Adding a journal entry Journal entries can be created in three ways: By posting a source document − e.g. with the use of a posting scheme or through a contra entry, if such option is available for a given document. The result of posting operation is generation of a journal […]

Numbering of journal entries

Numbering of journal entries Before adding the first journal entry in a given accounting period, it is possible to specify the method of numbering journal entries numeration from the level of accounting period form (Configuration → Accounting → Accounting Periods). Methods of numbering of journal entries: Complete numeration of journal […]

Journal entires: Ledger

According to the Polish Accounting law, each event which occurred in a reporting period must be registered in accounting books of that period in from of a journal entry. A journal entry is understood as an entry made on the basis of accounting record. Each journal entry should include: Business […]

Functioning of cost allocation control

Methods of controlling cost allocations during work on a current basis – the system checks active cost allocations which in parameter Control cost allocation while posting have option Warn or Block set. When attempting to save a posting document, it is verified whether it fulfills conditions specified in cost allocation […]

Defining cost allocation

The functionality of cost allocation control allows for verifying whether journal entries fulfil the conditions as regards their allocation by type and function. It can also be used to control other associated posting operations. The program can verify cost allocation automatically on a current basis during posting or manually on […]

Closing accounting peirod

The system allows for closing an entire accounting periods and for closing journal entries for a particular day. First of all, the functionality allows for fulfilling requirements foreseen in Polish accounting law, that is making possible for an accounting system to close an accounting period at any day – to […]

Defining accounting period

Defining accounting period Accounting period is a period for which financial statements are made in mode provided by legal rules. It can be calendar year or another period used for tax purposes. Accounting period or its changes are defined by status or agreement on which basis a unit was created. […]

Defining ledgers

Ledgers register chronologically (day after day) events occurred in a given reporting period, according to the order of accounting operations entries. The scope of such a dataset is a continuous and reliable reflection of correctness and integrity of accounting operations reported in ledgers in a given accounting period. The system […]

Closing ledgers

Journal entries can be closed: For the entire accounting period For a partial accounting period to a specified day Within particular ledgers The functionality of closing ledgers becomes available upon selecting the parameter Numeration only in ledger. It is strictly connected with an accounting period. The parameter Ledger closing is […]

Numeration of documents in the accounting period

Principles of numbering documents in accounting module: When adding a new document, option AUTO is displayed in the numerator, in segment Number. Upon saving a document or saving it automatically (e.g. upon going to tab Payments in case of VAT invoices), the system assigns a specific number to the document. […]

Configuration of paramerters in the Accounting area

Configuration of paramerters in the Accounting area Main accounting parameters can be defined from the level of System → Configuration → Accounting. Accounting parameters set in the system configuration refer to the entire company structure. General Parameters Abbreviated name for debit − allows for defining the name of account’s debit […]

Differences between intercompany transactions and BPM process Generate Opposite Documents for Operations Executed Between Companies within One Structure

Differences between intercompany transactions and BPM process <<Generate Opposite Documents for Operations Executed Between Companies within One Structure>>: generation of SO and PO can be performed only by means of the standard BPM process when handling of intercompany transactions is activated, the process does not generate SO/PO documents a PO […]

Handling indirect warehouse receipt in intercompany transactions

The operation of indirect receipt is performed only in case of registering an intercompany transaction, if: an intercompany SOR document has been issued in the form of the secondary customer indicated in the SOR, the option of indirect replenishment in intercompany processes is selected there is an active intermediate warehouse […]

Use of intermediate warehouses

An intermediate warehouse can be used during: An intermediate receipt, as: a warehouse in the header of the POR generated from a SOR from another company a warehouse on subitems of a PI which posts a POR generated from a SOR from another company a warehouse in the header of […]

Configuration of warehouses involved in intercompany transactions

Defining intermediate warehouses An intermediate warehouse allows to make full use of the functionality of intercompany transactions in databases with activated FIFO/LIFO method of queuing resources. Such a warehouse can be used in the following documents: SI and quantity/value corrections SOR and quantity/value corrections PI and quantity/value/additional cost corrections POR […]

Principles of creating documents during intercompany transactions

An opposite document is generated automatically at the moment of confirming the source document. If an error occurs during the creation of a document, its content is presented in an appropriate message and the confirmation of the source document gets withdrawn. Vendor/Secondary Vendor in a PI/POR document is set on […]

Configuration of intercompany transactions

By means of intercompany transactions it is possible to automate registering of business transactions taking place between companes, in case if e.g. one of them is engaged in production activities and the second one in distribution activities. Such a path begins with a sales order document which reflects the registration […]

Returns of goods in consignment

Returns of goods in consignment The process of consignment sale anticipates returns of goods, which failed to be sold, back to their vendors. The period in which goods can be returned as well as the quantity of goods subject to be returned depend on an agreement between the parties. Arrangements […]

PO to own consignment warehouse

Registration of a PO document is used when a customer places an order at a vandor for a consignment item, which as a result of the execution of the order is received in its own consignment warehouse. It is not possible to generate a PI from a purchase order which […]

Generating WM- from SO

The functionality of generating a warehouse movement from an order is used whereby a customer orders consignment items and the order is executed through a movement of the ordered item to its consignment warehouse (the customer’s consignment warehouse). In order to generate a WM- from a SO, in the SO […]

Consignment with AVCO method of queuing resources

In the case of AVCO queuing method: on a WM- document, as the target warehouse, it is possible to indicate a consignment warehouse of Own type associated with a customer/vendor. after adding the WM- document to a CSR document it is possible to decrease the quantity. Such a WM- document […]

Consignment with FIFO/LIFO methods of queuing resources

Due to their particularities, the differences between methods of queuing resources affect the way of executing stages of the consignment process. In the case of FIFO/LIFO queuing methods: the system does not take into account documents which have already been added by means of another CSR (both confirmed and unconfirmed), […]

Corrections to SOR documents issued to consignment warehouse

During the consignment process, corrections to SOR are issued: to a local warehouse compliant with the SOR document, if none of the items included in the SOR has been yet included in the CSR to a default local warehouse (with the possibility of changing it to another local warehouse), if […]

IO in consignment

On internal order it is possible to select consignment warehouses as target or source warehouses. In case on an IO document: as the source warehouse is set a local, distant or own consignment warehouse, the user cannot select own consignment warehouse as the target warehouse. as the target warehouse is […]


Consignment handling also inclues taking an inventory of the resources in a consignment warehouse of Own type. The process of creating an inventory document is identical as the process for local warehouses. The only difference is the documents generated as a result of confirming the inventory. The following documents will […]

Consignment Sales Report

Consignment sales report is used for collecting the whole sale of the resources received from one customer/vendor in one consignment warehouse of Own type in a given period. At the same time, the CSR serves as information for the vendor which items supplied by it have been sold by the […]

Consignment in documents

This article presents a simplified example of documents circulation between vendor, customer and secondary customer. Consignment stages presented in the diagram: A vendor releases an item from its warehouse to the so-called consignment warehouse and issues a warehouse document for a customer, e.g. a SOR A customer receives the item […]


Activation of consignment In the system, the consignment handling is deactivated by default. In order to activate it, it is necessary to check parameter Handle consignment located in menu System → Configuration → Trade tab. As a result of this operation: button [CSR] located in menu Sales that opens a […]

Consignment – general information

Consignment consists in storing items owned by a vendor in a warehouse of a customer who collects them and sells them before they have made a formal purchase and settlement with a vendor. Consignment is most commonly used in franchise networks. In the system, there are two types of consignment […]

AVCO reservations

Reservations on sales orders and internal orders The following parameters are available in definitions of sales order and internal order document types (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents → IO/SO document type editing): Reserve resources – if checked, when adding an item onto a document or increasing item […]

Reservations in warehouse documents FIFO and LIFO

In definitions of warehouse document types for released items – SOR, IR-, WM- (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents → SOR/IR-/WM- document type editing) parameter Reserve resources in unconfirmed documents is provided. The parameter is available for editing upon checking parameter Handle quantity reservation in warehouse documents. In […]

FIFO and LIFO reservations

Reservations on sales orders and internal orders The following parameters are available in definitions of sales order and internal order document types (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents → IO/SO document type editing): Reserve resources – if checked, when adding an item onto a document or increasing item […]

Types of reservations

In the system, it is possible to create the following types of reservations: without resources (non-blocking reservations) – reservations which do not block quantity in a subitem specified for sales. These reservations can be used in IO and SO documents. resource (blocking reservations) – reservations blocking sales of quantity of […]

Quantity confirmation  – FIFO/LIFO

Quantity confirmation of POR and IR+ documents – FIFO/LIFO The functionality of quantity confirmation allows for providing an item for sales begore specifying its correct value. After receiving a purchase document, a user can enter an appropriate value in a POR document and then confirm the document, upon which values […]

Quantity confirmation – AVCO

Quantity confirmation of POR and IR+ documents – AVCO The functionality of quantity confirmation allows for providing an item for sales begore specifying its correct value. After receiving a purchase document, a user can enter an appropriate value in a POR document and then confirm the document, upon which values […]

Verification of deliveries

Permission to change deliveries Change of deliveries on many documents can be performed from the level of the form of delivery verification whose visibility depends on the permissions available from the level of Configuration → Operator Groups → edition of selected group → tab Other Permissions: Access to purchase prices […]

Sales below stock levels

The system allows for selling items, that is issuing confirmed trade documents for released items, whose resources have not yet been actually registered in a warehouse Thanks to that, the resources are already in the warehouse and can be subject to sales, even though a warehouse document for received items […]

Control of resource modification chronology – AVCO

For AVCO method of pricing resources, there is an option available which is responsible for controlling the chronology of dates regarding receipt and release of resources. From the level of System → Configuration → Trade, after selecting AVCO method of queuing resources, it is possible to check/uncheck the parameter Control […]

History of delivery

Allows for handling deliveries and provides the possibility of controlling a given item delivery from the time of its receipt until today. Thanks to this functionality, it is possible to find and item, e.g. in case of ascertaining a defective delivery. In such a case it is necessary to find […]

Archival stock levels

The analysis of item movement in a warehouse allows for verification of historical stock levels. Thanks to it, a user can control item quantity in a given day and how its quantities were changing over the period of subsequent days. Current stock levels are presented if the list of items, […]

Price types for received items

For a customer assigned to a given price type to be able to use a price list created on the basis of that price type, they must be assigned to the price list as well. Price types which are not marked as default and do not have any customer assigned, […]

Price types for released items

On a customer form, in tab Trade, in section Price Types for Released Items, there is a list of price types for released items which are available for a given customer, that is prices to which: a given customer is assigned no customer is assigned Each active and newly defined […]

Access to price types

For an operator to be able to use a price type, it is necessary to assign that price type to his/her operator group and to the company/center to which that group belongs. In this way it is possible to limit the access to price types for selected operator groups. It […]

Defining price types

In order to define new price type, it is necessary to click on button [Add] which is available above the list of price types. A price type form is composed of the header and the following tabs: Vendors, Vendor Groups, Operators, Attributes – for a <<price type for received items>> […]

Introduction to price types

Each price list available in the system is based on previously defined price types which can be used in sales or purchase path. A list of price types is available from the level of: Configuration → (Trade/Warehouse) → Price Types Sales → Price Types, where only prices for released items […]

Order of retrieving prices on documents for released items

Case I While setting the price for an item of a release document on which a customer has been indicated in Customer field and the parameter Lowest price on documents for released items has not been checked on the form of that customer, the system performs the steps described below. […]