Introduction to retrieving prices on documents

The possibility of defining many price lists valid at the same time allows for handling prices depending on a customer/vendor, currently applicable promotions or a center in which a transaction takes place. A price for an item is fixed during its addition to a document and the change of: date […]

Threshold price lists

A threshold price list allows for defining prices for items on the basis of defined quantity thresholds. In each moment of work with a price list it is possible to check/uncheck parameter Threshold price list. The modification of the parameter is possible for a price list which is: inactive active […]

Change history in a price list

Change history of a price list is available in tab Change History on price list form. It presents changes regarding: Price List – subtab containing basic information raging changes in a price list, such as status change. Items – subtab presenting detailed data regarding modifications of individual price list items.

Diferentiating prices by lots

In order to be able to define prices by lots, it is necessary to indicate which features assinged to an item should be involved inf differentiating of prices. From the level of item form tab Parameters → subtab Features, a user should check parameter Price List for selected features. In […]

Differentiating prices by unit of measure

In a price list, it is necessary to differentiate prices for each unit assigned to an item. If a given price list contains items with all units of measure of a given item, the system will no allow to add such an item to the price list again. When adding […]

Basis for calculation of price lists

To calculate prices of items in a price list, an operator can use one of calculation methods available from the level of a price list form, in a drop-down list, next to field Basis for Calculation. As a basis for calculation, an operator can indicate: None The highest purchase price […]

Defining price lists

In order to define new price list, it is necessary to click on button [Add] which is available above the list of price lists. A price list form is composed of a header and the following tabs: Items, Attributes and Attachments Name – field allowing for entering name used for […]

Permissions relating to price lists

The possibility of handling and modifying prices depends on permissions granted to operator groups from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → tab Other Permissions, such as: Modification of confirmed price list Modification of regular price Blockade of discounted price if regular price equals 0 Modification […]

Introduction to price lists

Each price list is created on the basis of one, selected price type. However, on the basis of one price type it is possible to create any number of price lists. Price lists are available from the level of: Configuration -> Trade/Warehouse → Price Lists Sales → Price Lists (price […]

Coupon-based promotions

Coupons allow for calculating a percentage or value discount for purchased items by using an appropriate code. Definition of coupons From the level of the tab Sales → Coupons, a user can add and verify coupons existing in the system. The list contains basic information about coupon-based promotion, such as: Name […]

Discount structure

Discount structure is a tool which enables user to verify discounts calculated on a document item and at the same time the final item price on an item of a document for released items. Apart from the standard discounts, the value or the price of an item (and thereby a […]

Flexible bundle

With the use of a flexible bundle, a user can determine deductions for items in case their sales volume acheives a specified threshold (value or quantity). For each global threshold it is possible to define different discount conditions for selected items and add a freebie if bundle threshold is satisfied. […]

Fixed bundle

Fixed bundle is a promotion which is calculated only in case if all items defined as bundle elements are added to a document in a specified quantity or in a quantity being multiplication of it. The following fields of the header of this discount are different compared to other item […]

Bundle promotions

Bundle promotions are used in order to increase sales of in low demand with those which are most frequently purchased. With the use of “bundles” a user can define a promotion in which, for example, a purchaser, upon purchasing an item from specific group, receives a freebie. Combining bundle promotions […]

User and document header discounts

User discounts are the discounts granted by an operator when a sales document is being issued. On the same document, an operator cannot grant a discount higher than the discount which has been assigned to him/her in the system. A list of the users, along with the maximum discount value […]

Discount types

Discount types are models predefined in the system; on which basis a user can define discounts with specified conditions of their calculation. From the level of tab Sales → Discount Types, a list of all item discount and header discount types is available, where a user can determine the order of […]

Discounts – General information

A discount is a parameter defining a reduction in respect of a regular price. The system handles the mechanism of discount allocation in trade transactions. In the system, it is possible to differentiate: user discount document header discount item discounts bundle promotions On the basis of the above-mentioned discount types, […]


It is possible to generate a WM+ from: confirmed WM- IO for which a WM- has already been generated receiving and delivery report when a WM+ has not yet been generated for a WM- document, the system generates a confirmed WM+ at the moment of confirming RDR From one WM- […]


Detailed description of  the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms. Additionally, the header contains information on: source warehouse – a warehouse selected as default warehouse for WM- document type in the center issuing a document is set by default. The source warehouse can be […]

Warehouse movements – General information

Warehouse movement documents (WM- and WM+) reflect movement of items and sets between two warehouses – a source warehouse and a target warehouse. A WM- document decreases stock levels in a source warehouse (release) and a WM+ document associated with it increases stock levels in a target warehouse (receipt) Warehouse […]

Documents generated from IO

Generating WM- from IO A WM- generated from an IO allows for releasing items from a source warehouse to a target warehouse. It is possible to generate a WM- in a center, in which to WM- document type the warehouse being a source warehouse on a confirmed IO document is […]

Reservations on IO

On an IO, similarly as on a SO, it is possible to associate manually resources and lots with sales subitems of an IO. Such a possibility is available from the moment of generation of sales subitems by the system, that is after the second confirmation of an IO. reserve/release resources […]

Operations on IO

Unconfirming submitted/confirmed IO The system allows for unconfirming an IO document if its status is: submitted – from the level of the center issuing a document or from the level of a center in which a target warehouse is assigned to the IO document type – the status of an […]

Confirming IO

Second IO confirmation – button [Confirm] Conditions which are necessary to perform the operation of the second confirmation: necessary condition – the center performing the operation has permission to the source warehouse (the warehouse to which sales subitems will be generated during the second confirmation) granted, that is this warehouse […]

Submitting IO

First IO confirmation – button [Submit] After first confirmation of an IO document, the system changes its status into Submitted. In order to be able to submit an order it is necessary to: specify source warehouse specify target warehouse add at least one item During the first confirmation of an […]

Internal orders

Internal orders allow for ordering items between warehouses of the same company. Execution of these orders is performed through WM documents which register warehouse movements. A list of internal orders is available from the level of Warehouse → (Orders) Internal. The list contains internal orders: which include a warehouse (source/target) […]

Generating PO from IQC

Purchase orders can be generated only from a confirmed IQC. All items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is greater than zero will be added to the generated purchase order. In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse in the IQC is unchecked, their subitems will be […]

Generating IO from IQC

Generating internal orders is possible only from a confirmed item quantity calculation, for items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is higher than zero. In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is: unchecked – an IO document can be generated of there is only one warehouse […]

Generating WM- from IQC

Generating of a warehouse movement WM- is possible only from a confirmed item quantity calculation, for items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is higher than zero. In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is: unchecked – a WM- document can be generated if there is […]

Section Parameters

Section Parameters is composed of three areas: Components Documents Parameters Components is the section in which components included in the calculation of the IQC are defined. In the case of unchecking a parameter (in the column next to a relevant component) and clicking on button [Recalculate], the corresponding column will […]

Section Items

In this article, particular columns contained in the section Items, are described. Detailed description of the basic columns contained in the list can be found in article Tab Items. Other columns available in the list: Column Quantity in Stock corresponds to a quantity: of resources of a given item/lot available […]

Introduction to item quantity calculation

Item quantity calculation (IQC) is a document which allows determining what quantities of given items should be ordered to satisfy the requirements of a company. A list of IQC is available in menu Warehouse (Resources) → IQC. Creating IQC Section regarding items contains a list of items whose quantity is […]

Generating an IO from demand forecast

It is possible to generate internal orders only from a confirmed demand forecast. When generating a document, an optimization window is opened which allows for specifying whether an IO should be generated for all periods and all warehouses or only for selected ones. Target warehouse is a warehouse defined in […]

Generating a PO from demand forecast

It is possible to generate purchase orders only from a confirmed demand forecast. When generating a document, an optimization window is opened which allows for specifying whether a PO should be generated for all periods and all warehouses or only for selected ones. Option All – is used when ordered […]

Creating a demand forecast

Demand forecast form – tab General  Warehouses to Calculate is a list of warehouses on the basis of which the historical stock levels are calculated. <<Forecast Coefficient>> defines size or weight (priority) of a warehouse and affects the distribution of the forecast quantities among warehouses. Immediately above the list, button [Add […]

Introduction to demand forecast

Demand forecast is used for analyzing the sales volume of items from defined warehouses in a specified time interval. On its basis it is possible to forecast the future sales volume and generate documents allowing for replenishing a warehouse with an appropriate quantity of items within an appropriate time. A […]

Generating documents correcting discrepancies

From a confirmed inventory document, it is necessary to generate documents correcting the system quantity, which will reconcile any possible discrepancies. In the case of inventory: of a local warehouse, IR- and IR+ documents are generated of a consignment warehouse of own type, POR and SOR documents are generated In […]

Adding items to readout

Items can be added to a readout: by selecting items on an inventory sheet and generating a readout with the use of button [Generate Readout] – when generating a readout, the system creates readout along with the items selected on the sheet by means of button [Add] – the system […]


When performing an inventory with the use of readouts, a warehouse being inventoried can be divided in several areas, e.g. one readout can concern one shelf or one rack. Number of readouts can also result from number of people performing a physical inventory – one readout for one person. Readouts […]

Operations on inventory sheet

Confirming an inventory sheet When confirming an inventory sheet, it is verified: whether there is an unconfirmed readout associated with the sheet – if yes, it is not possible to confirm a sheet whether the blockade of confirming sheet is enabled, if there are documents creating reservations – if yes, […]

Adding items to IS

It is possible to add items to an IS: manually with the use of options: [Add], [Add From List], [Add Through Form] by means of a readout from a batch collector by means of readouts [Add] – adds a new row to a sheet in which it is possible to […]

Inventory sheet

Inventory sheets (IS) are added within a given inventory document from the level of the form of this document. In order to add new sheet, it is necessary to click on button [Add]. The header of an IS contains: sheet number warehouse for which the inventory is being done (transferred […]

Operations on inventory

Unconfirming an inventory It is possible to unconfirm a confirmed inventory sheet with the use of [Unconfirm] button, which allows for opening a confirmed inventory with which are not associated any documents correcting discrepancies with status different than Canceled. Unconfirming an inventory changes its status back to Unconfirmed. When unconfirming […]


Inventory consists in taking an actual physical inventory of quantity levels of all tangible assets, as well as reconciling any differences between the status ascertained during an inventory (actual status) and the status resulting from the stock records. A list of inventories is available from the level of the main […]

Parameters relating to inventory

This article contains description of parameters which allow for more efficient handling of inventory process. Parameters available: from the level of System Configuration Trade  in inventory document definition in Inventory document form in inventory sheet form Parameters available from the level of System → Configuration → Trade Inventory – control […]

Canceling devaluation – AVCO

During the cancellation the system verifies if in a warehouse there is any quantity of a resource from delivery as that which was subject to devaluation. In case the quantity: is available – the value of a resource in a warehouse is update by the whole value of a given […]

Canceling devaluation – FIFO/LIFO

During the cancellation the system verifies if in a warehouse there is any quantity of a resource from delivery as that which was subject to devaluation. In case the quantity: is available – the value of a resource in a warehouse is update by the amount which was devaluated for […]

Confirming devaluation

Confirming a devaluation document results in updating: value of a resource in the warehouse according to value specified in field Value After Devaluation price of a resource in the warehouse according to formula Value after devaluation/Quantity of resource in the warehouse purchase value of a given lot, which will be […]

Creating devaluation

In order to add a new devaluation document, it is necessary to select [Add] button. It results with opening a new devaluation document form Detailed description of the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms. Unique fields of devaluation document header: Value Before Devaluation Value […]

Introduction to devaluation

Devaluation allows for changing values of resources in a warehouse. Depending on resource collection method determined in the system configuration, it is possible to: change price or value of specified deliveries for FIFO/LIFO databases change price/value of specified lots registered in a warehouse for AVCO databases A list of documents […]

Discrepancy report

Discrepancy report is a differential document. It is created automatically when confirming an RDR document, in case the system finds a difference between items in a WM- document and items in an RDR document associated with that WM-. It is in form of a printout and is not registered on […]

Receiving and delivery reports

Receiving and delivery reports Issuing a Receiving and delivery report (RDR) allows for registering what item was actually received in a target warehouse and in what condition When moving an item between warehouses of a given company , it may happen that there is a different item registered in a […]


Packages (PC) are transport documents which are used for collecting all items earmarked for shipping to a one recipient into one document. A document can be printed and stocked to the pack in which the items indicated in the document are transported. A list of defined packages documents is available […]

SO release

SO releases are warehouse documents confirming release of merchandise outside (to a customer). They result in reduction in the quantity of stock items and the warehouse value. A list of SOR documents is available in menu Warehouse (Releases)→SOR. The list of documents has been described in article List of documents. […]

Internal release

Internal releases (IR-) are documents presenting movement of merchandise inside a company. They are used for documenting losses, disposal of damaged items, collecting an item from a warehouse for a test period, lending or collecting components processed in the production process, inside a company. A list of IR- documents is […]

PO receipt

PO receipts are warehouse documents confirming reception of merchandise in a warehouse from a vendor, under the specified purchase terms and conditions. They result in an increase in the quantity of stock items and the warehouse value. A list of POR documents is available in menu Warehouse (Receipts) → POR. […]

Internal receipt

Internal releases (IR+) are documents presenting movement of merchandise inside a company. It is used for recording excess stock or merchandise produced within a company. A list of IR+ documents is available from the level of menu Warehouse → (Receipts) IR+.   The list of documents has been described in article […]

Sales targets

The functionality allows for defining individual sales targets for employees of particular shops. A sales value is calculated with the use of external services, e.g. dedicated BI reports. Sales targets can be specified from the level of Sales(Targets) Sales Targets. The list contains standard buttons which have been described in […]

Cost correction

Cost corrections are generated automatically as a result of completing operations resulting in a change in the cost of items sold. A CC document can be generated: while confirming or canceling a PORVC/IR+VC, whereby the resource received by the corrected document has already been released (CC for confirmed SOR, SORQC, […]

Commission invoices

Commission invoices are used to reward customers who make the largest purchases in terms of value. The list of commission invoices is placed in Sales module and serves for informational purposes. It contains a list of all customers registered in the system. After defining a time interval (closed, open or […]


Memos are used for decreasing/increasing a payable of a customer/vendor resulting from a trade transaction. They are also used in case of sales of vouchers. The list of credit/debit memos registered in the system is available from the level of the module Sales/Purchase → Credit Memos/Debit Memos. The list of […]


The complaints functionality envisages handling of the complaint process for items both purchased by customers (sales complaints) and purchased from vendors (purchase complaints). Complaints can be created both for items of merchandise type and for services. Functionalities relating to complaint handling, depending on a complaint type, are available from the […]

Consignment sales report

Consignment sales report is used for collecting the whole sale of the resources received from one customer/vendor in one consignment warehouse of Own type in a given period. Detailed description of handling consignment can be found in article Consignment – general information The consignment sales report is a document which […]

Statement of retail sale and correction of retail sale

Statement of Retail Sale (SRS) and Correction of Retail Sale (CRS) are the documents presenting the total value of retail sales recorded by means of receipts as well as their corrections within a specified time interval in a given company/center. SRS/CRS documents register sales broken down into the subtotal, total […]


Inquiries constitute a first step in the complete process of sales/purchase of an item. It is an inquiry that commences this process, which subsequently is converted into a quote, an order, ending with an invoice or a receipt (in the case of the process of sales). Inquiries can contain specific […]


Quotes document a trade proposal which a vendor submits to a customer. They result in calculation of a subtotal, total value, an amount of VAT tax and generate a payment, which is not, however, displayed in the payment plan and is not subject to completion. From the level of modules […]

Tax Free

The functionality allows for handling of tax returns for tourists – Tax Free. Natural persons without permanent place of residence within the European Union’s territory are entitled to receive a return of tax payed when purchasing items on a country’s territory, which were exported undamaged outside the European Union. A […]


Receipt is a trade document which documents retail sales. A receipt is the confirmation of a purchase and is issued by vendors, who have fiscal cash registers or receipt printers, in the form of a printout. It contains basic information on the price of an item, calculated taxes as well […]


Sales (SO) and purchase (PO) orders are trade documents. Sales orders are issued for items in the purchase of which a given customer is interested. It can be an item of merchandise type, a set or a service. Purchase orders register an event of ordering merchandise or services from vendors/secondary […]

Advance invoices

Advance sales and purchase invoices are trade documents recorded as a result of receiving or paying cash against a future sale/purchase. When clearing a sales/purchase transaction of merchandise or services, the value of a sales or purchase invoice is decreased by values of the advance invoices registered earlier. They result […]


General information Sales (SI) and purchase (PI) invoices are trade documents. They constitute a basis for recording sales and purchase transactions of items. They result in a calculation of subtotal and total values, VAT tax and generate payment From the level of modules Sales and Purchase are available, respectively, the […]

Tab Attachments

In the system, it is possible to define attachments, that is adding images, text documents or any other files. Next, such files can be attached to a document item. Handling attachments in the system is possible from the level of tab Configuration → General → Attachments. Tab Attachments on item […]

Tab Attributes

Attributes store additional information regarding objects existing in the system. Attributes along with their values can be attached to documents and their items. Defining attributes and their values and assigning them to objects is possible from the level of tab Configuration → General → Attributes The tab Attributes on item […]

Tab Set Elements

Tab Set Elements appears only if a user has selected an item of Set type which has parameter Retrieve elements onto document unchecked on item form. The tab is divided into the following sections: Items – included in a given set along with the quantity of individual components expressed in […]

Tab Deliveries

Tab Deliveries is available only for items of Merchandise type. It is divided into the following sections: Quantity Features Subitems Lots/Deliveries (the last one is available only for documents for released items). Sections: Quantity, Features and Subitems are composed of fields identical with those in the tab General. All the changes […]

Tab Calculation

This tab is an extension of section Calculation from tab General. Depending on the document and assigned permissions, the following sections can be identified on it: Calculation Currency Margin Discount Structure In addition to these, in the upper part of the tab, as is the case in tab General, fields: […]

Tab General

Tab General of the item details form contains basic data related to an item. Normally, the tab is divided in several sections (depending on document and item): Item Calculations Subitems Besides the above-mentioned sections, the following fields are placed in the upper part of the tab: Handled by – allows […]

Add By Features

In most documents, a new item can be added with the use of button [Add By Features], which is available from the level of: list of document items ribbon context menu, activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the list Clicking on the button results in opening form […]

Add Through Form

In most documents, a new item can be added with the use of button [Add Through Form], which is available from the level of: list of document items ribbon context menu, activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the list Clicking on the button results in opening a […]


In most documents, a new item can be added with the use of button [Add], which is available from the level of: list of document items ribbon context menu, activated by clicking with the right mouse button on the list Clicking on the button results in appearing of a new […]

Document UPC

Each newly created document can have a UPC code assigned which is presented on document printout. In order to enable it, an operator has to create his own printout presenting such a code. On a printout, document UPC code can be displayed as numbers or as a barcode, depending on […]

Sending documents by means of e-mail messages

From the level of a documents list or from the level of a document form it is possible to access the function of sending e-mail messages containing a document printout in *.pdf format to a customer or an employee. It can be done with the use of the button [Send] […]

Statuses of documents

Basic document statuses: Initiated – a document is being created, it has not yet been saved Unconfirmed – a document has been saved, but it is possible to make any changes to it Confirmed – on a confirmed document, a user with granted permission Update of customer/vendor data on confirmed […]

List of documents

A list of documents contains basic information on a given document type, such as, for example: document number compliant with the numbering scheme document date customer/vendor code, name and address warehouse – column available in warehouse documents and in the list of sales orders. It presents warehouse specified in a […]

Manual VAT rate correction

In item details of a manual VAT rate correction, similarly as on items of a value correction, in section Calculation – Before Correction it is possible to specify quantity, price, value and VAT rate. In the item details of a manual VAT rate correction, in section Calculation – After Correction […]

Manual value correction

In a value correction of an item form, in section Calculation – After Correction, it is possible to define the price and value. The quantity is automatically transferred from section Calculation – Before Correction. Corrections to documents for released items – SI and R do not have Subitem section, because […]

Manual quantity correction

On an item of a manual quantity correction, it is necessary to define quantity, price and value before the correction. Besides that, on the item addition form fields relating to the price type, regular price and discount, are hidden. For SIQC/RQC manual corrections: subitems of “release” type are created, for […]

Manual corrections

Manual corrections allow for correcting: quantity value VAT rate and concern the following documents: sales invoices receipts purchase invoices To be able to issue manual corrections, it is necessary to grant the permission Generation of manual correction from the level of the operator group, in tab Other Permissions. Manual corrections […]

Additional cost corrections

Additional cost correction is only available for two types of documents: purchase invoices – correction can be issued manually PO receipts – correction can be only generated automatically, by the system, as the result of change of additional costs on a purchase invoice related to this PO receipt Adding new […]

VAT rate corrections

VAT rate correction allows for correcting VAT rate for the following documents: sales invoice receipt SO release There is also a possibility to issue a manual VAT rate correction to receipts and sales invoices. In order to issue a VAT rate correction, it is necessary to mark a relevant document on […]

Value corrections

A value correction allows for: changing sales or purchase correcting a given value of a document changing document item value by a specific percentage Such a change is made in relation to price/value provided on the source document. In the case of advance invoice corrections, only advance payment amount can […]

Quantity corrections

Quantity corrections – introduction Quantity corrections are issued in case of: introducing wrong quantity of an item in the source document which has already been confirmed and released to a customer/vendor returning a part or whole merchandise purchased by a customer cancelling by customer part or whole planned delivery In […]

Corrections generated to documents registered in the system

The following types of documents can be corrected with the use of corrections generated to documents: trade (SI, ASI, R, PI, API) warehouse (SOR, POR, IR-, IR+) Quantity corrections can be issued to the following types documents: trade (SI, R, PI) warehouse (SOR, POR, IR+, IR-) Value corrections can be issued to […]

Correcting documents

Correcting documents – introduction Among correcting documents, two types can be distinguished: corrections generated to documents existing in the system (“automatic” corrections) manual corrections, issued to documents from outside the system In terms of type of corrected data, it is possible to distinguish documents correcting: quantity value additional costs VAT […]

Due date and payments

When generating trade documents on the basis of warehouse documents, determination of due date in trade documents by the system depends on whether the warehouse document has been generated from an order: if a warehouse document has been generated from an order, payment conditions of an invoice/receipt generated from this […]


When generating a document, it may occur that an address on the source document is already archived, e.g. in case an address has been archived after the issuance of the source document, but before generating another document from it. Retrieving address onto generated document is determined by the setting of […]


When generating documents: POR/PI from PO documents list POR from PI documents list PI from POR documents list POR from PI documents list PI from POR documents list WM- from POR/IR+ documents list in generated documents, the system creates packs as in the source document and assigns to them appropriate […]

Aggregating document items

Aggregation of items depends on the setting of parameter: Combine items from orders – available on the definition of SI, R, PI, SOR and POR Join items of warehouse documents – available in the definition of documents: SI, R, PI In case of generating SOR and POR from SI, R […]

Modifying document item

Rules of modification of items in generated documents: Field Handled by is fully editable regardless of document type. It is possible to delete an item or decrease quantity on an item/subitem in: PI generated from POR POR generated from PI SOR generated from SI/R Reducing of quantity on items of […]

Modifying Item name and code on document subitem

Modification of item name Item name in generated documents depends on the value of parameter Edit item name, which is available on item form. If the parameter is checked and the name has been changed in the source document, then the name on the item in generated document is set […]