Flexible bundle

With the use of a flexible bundle, a user can determine deductions for items in case their sales volume acheives a specified threshold (value or quantity).

For each global threshold it is possible to define different discount conditions for selected items and add a freebie if bundle threshold is satisfied.

Flexible bundle thresholds

Flexible bundle is defined the same way as fixed bundle. In case of this type of promotion, in the tab Items, there is an additional section Threshold which allows for defiining quantity and value thresholds (so-called global thresolds) regarding the enitre promotion.

Section Thresholds on flexible bundle form

A column Threshold Type is available in section Items. Value defined in this field at the level of promotion items can be different from the global threshold. In this case, for a bundle to be calculated, a document must satisfy both all the specified thresholds at the item level, as well as global threshold defined for entire promotion.

In order to be able to save a flexible bundle, it must satisfy the same conditions as in the case of fixed bundle. Additionally, the system verifies whether the minimum item quantity/value defined in the threshold is not lower than the total of minumum item quantities/values specified for promotion items (section Items). In such a case, an appropriate message informing abount inconsistency of defined thresholds is displyed.

In the case of flexible bundle promotions, it is important to complete:

  • Values of global thresholds – section Thresholds
  • Values of thresholds on individual items – column Threshold Value (that is, item quantity which must be added to a document)
  • Adding freebies to selected thresholds


The following bundle has been defined:

Depending on document value, the system applies:

First threshold – if to a document:

  • is added any item a1, a2, a3 with a value of 2000 USD at least


  • is added combination of items a1, a2, a3 and their total value is 2000 USD
  • is added item a4

Calculated discount updates the value of the item a4 to 0 USD

Since items a1, a2, a3 have threshold value defined as 0, adding all three items to a document is not required in order to fulfill the bundle. It means that the bundle will be calculated even after adding one of the items if it fulfills requirements of threshold value.

Second threshold – analogical case, after exceeding the value of 3000 USD, item a5 will be updated as a freebie.


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