Adding a posting scheme

General information

A list of posting schemes is available from the level of the menu Accounting, under the [Schemes] button.

A posting scheme is added on the list of posting schemes upon clicking the [Add for Documents] button and selecting a document type for which the scheme is to be added. A posting scheme form appears.

The menu of the window contains <<standard buttons>> and, additionally:

  • [Copy from…] − allows for copying data from another posting scheme. Upon clicking on the button, the list of posting schemes is opened, where it is possible to indicate the scheme whose elements must be copied to a given scheme.
Posting scheme form

The form of a posting scheme is composed of the following elements:

Tab General

Symbol − mandatory field, posting scheme symbol

Name − allows for entering the name of a posting scheme

Entry Owner − allows for specifying of the method of determining the owner of a journal entry. Available values:

  • Posting Operator − the current center (center of logged-in operator) becomes the owner of generated journal entry
  • Document Owner − owner of a posted document becomes the owner of generated journal entry

Ledger − allows for indicating a ledger on which journal entries generated with the use of a given posting scheme should be registered. Selecting the button [Ledger] opens a drop-down list with the following options: SQL Query (allows for retrieving a ledger with the use of SQL query) and Insert value from directory… -> Ledger (allows for indicating a ledger from the list of ledgers available for a company in a given accounting period).

For schemes for cash-bank documents it is also possible to select variable @AccountLedger, which retrieves a ledger from cash-bank account definition during posting.

Posting Date − allows for specifying a date with which a document will be posted. Selecting the button [Posting Date] opens the list of predefined macros. Macros included in the list depend on type of document for which a scheme is being defined

@TransactionDate in a posting scheme is a date of trade transaction from the source document. In the case of trade document corrections, it is possible to use the @CorrectionDate macro.

The variable @TransactionDate retrieves the date of:

  • Sale − for sales documents
  • Purchase − for purchase documents
  • Release/reception − for warehouse documents

Condition − allows for entering an additional condition which must be fulfilled by a posted document. Selecting the button [Condition] opens the list of predefined macros. Macros included in the list depend on type of document for which a scheme is being defined.

Description − allows for entering a description which will be transfered to the field Description on journal entry. Selecting the button [Condition] opens the list of predefined macros. Macros included in the list depend on type of document for which a scheme is being defined.

Active − parameter allowing for blocking the possibility of posting with the use of a posting scheme. The parameter is unchecked automatically when saving a posting scheme containing errors.

Merge SingleSided Entries − parameter specifying whether a posting scheme should merge single-sided entries registered on the same account.

  If parameter Save VAT rate has been checked on the scheme item, a separate single-sided entry is created for each rate, regardless whether the parameter Merge Single-Sided Entries is checked or not in the scheme definition.
When posting documents on clearing accounts on the basis of payments, separated single-sided entries are created, if the payment was divided, regardless whether the parameter Merge Single-Sided Entries is checked or not.

A posting scheme item can be added in table or through form

Adding a posting scheme item in table

To add an item, it is necessary to select the button [Add in Table]. A row in which it is possible to enter data, appears on the list of items.

The table contains the following columns: No., Expression of Account DR, Expression of Account CR, Description Expression, Amount Expression, Condition Expression, Calculate For. After clicking on the arrow placed on the right side of the field, a window where it is possible to type the expression, appears.

The list of predefined macros is not available when adding a posting scheme item in table.
Posting scheme item added in table
Payments and clearings are processed correctly only if the posting schemes used to post documents have properly been built. Essentially important is a posting scheme element which posts a payment amount to entity’s clearing account. Such item should be built on the basis of the table Payments, that is, the option Payments should be selected in the field Element Calculated For, and the option Payment or Receivable or Payable should be selected in the Amount field. Payment or Credit or Debit

Values should not be posted on clearing accounts on the basis of the amount from the header (Total amount) or through a manual generation of unposted entries on the document, because it could cause discrepancies between clearings and payments. Errors might relate to the lack of clearing despite a registered payment and the other way round, not being able to clear journal entries (complete payments), calculation of inappropriate exchange rate differences.

Moreover, after generating unposted entries of a document with a properly defined posting scheme, an unposted journal entry must not be manually changed, e.g. by deleting the entry and adding it again manually or by modifying the amount of payment.

When posting payments not subject to clearings, on a clearing single-sided entry, in the section Clearings, the status Not subject to clearings is set.

Changing payment status (Subject/Not subject to clearing) from the level of payment list, results in automatic change of single-sided entry status (Subject/Not subject to clearing).

Adding a posting scheme item through form

To add an item, it is necessary to select the button [Add through Form]. A posting scheme item form appears.

Posting scheme item form

The form is composed of the following elements:

Element Calculated For − takes the following values: Payment, Header, Element, Subelement and Analytical Description. Depending on the value selected in this field, the following variables are available on elements:

Currency posting − parameter determining whether a scheme element was defined to post documents/payments in foreign currency on accounts in kept in foreign currency. Only if the parameter is checked, the values on account are expressed both in the currency of payment/cash-bank transaction and in the system currency. When posting a payment/transaction in foreign currency with the use of a posting scheme which has an element with the parameter unchecked, the system displays a message informing about an incorrectly defined posting scheme.

If the parameter Currency posting is checked, in the field Account DR/Account CR it is possible to indicate an account number or retrieve an account with the use of SQL query.

If documents were first posted without the parameter Currency posting being checked, a customer/vendor account without detailed subsidiary accounts for USD is created (e.g. 201-COMARCH and not 201-COMARCH-USD). If later it is attempted to post to this account through a posting scheme with the parameterCurrency posting being checked and the parameter Currency accounts added as sub-subsidiary accounts also being checked in the configuration, the system will not allow for adding a subsidiary account to the account on which journal entries are already recorded.

Save VAT rate − parameter determining whether VAT rates should be transferred to the journal entry. The parameter is only active during the posting on the basis of elements.

Account DR/Account CR − mandatory field, allows for defining accounts on the DR and CR side.

Create DR Account/Create CR Account − parameter determining whether accounts should be created automatically when posting, in accordance with the number entered in the field Account DR/Account CR

Amount − mandatory field, allows for defining a variable for retrieving posted amount

Condition − allows for adding a condition which must be fulfilled by a posted document

Description − allows for entering a single-sided entry description

Upon clicking on the buttons [Account DR], [Account CR], [Amount], [Description], a user can select variables described in article <<Predefined macros of posting schemes>>.

The prime cost should be posted in Comarch ERP Standard from the level of SOR/SORQC documents. On SI/R/SIQC/RQC documents, the prime cost value is an estimated value only.
Variables referring to set, which are defined on the basis of subelement should be used only if option Retrieve elements onto document has been checked. A scheme using @Subtotal variable or condition “IfSetComponents=1” returns 0 value for a set without the parameter Retrieve elements onto document checked.

Tab Change History

Detailed description of tabs can be found in article <<Tab Discount Codes, Analytical Description, Attributes, Attachments and Change History>>.

Creating accounts with the use of a posting schemes based on types of directory accounts

From the level of a posting scheme, when referring to types of directory accounts defined in configuration (menu Configuration → Accounting → Directory Accounts → Account Types), it is possible to create a subsidiary directory account for the following objects: Customer/Vendor, Item, Employee, Warehouse, Customs Bureau, Inland Revenue, Bank, VAT Rates, Fixed Assets.

In order to do so, it is necessary to assign appropriate directory account to specific types of accounts in the types of accounts window (menu Configuration → Accounting → Directory Accounts), for which object subsidiary accounts will be created.

Types of directory accounts

Next, in the posting scheme, refer to specific type of account, for instance, to a customer/vendor account of Customer type: @Customer/VendorAccount[“Customer”] and check parameter Create account. The customer’s account will be created while posting a document and at the same time it is registered on the form of customer object (tab Accounting).

Posting scheme element, creating a subsidiary directory account

SQL queries in posting schemes

An SQL query in posting schemes can be defined manually or with the use of function suggesting SQL query elements (tables, SQL functions, system elements) by pressing <CTRL>+ <Space>. In case the function of suggesting is selecte, the system displays elements which could be included in an SQL query at a given moment.

If entered command or query is incorrect, the field being defined becomes pink.

[Alert]The returned value must be labeled with “this” alias. Without it, the query will be validated, but it will be run with an error. [/alert]

When building an SQL query, it is possible to refer to the following variables:

  • @DocumentId – ID of a document being posted (available for scheme header or elements calculated for header)
  • @ItemId – ID of an item being posted (available for scheme elements calculated for items)
  • @SubitemId – ID of a given subitem (available for scheme items calculated for subitems)
  • @PaymentId – ID of a payment being posted (available for scheme elements calculated for payments)
  • @LineId – ID of an analytical description line being posted (available for scheme elements calculated for analytical description)

Description of the exemplary conditions, which can be used in posting schemes, can be found in the Comarch ERP Standard Technical Newsletter – Posting schemes.


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