Adding VAT invoice in foreign currency

Adding of a VAT invoice in a foreign currency is performed the same way as in case of adding such invoice in the system currency. In this case, it is also necessary to select appropriate currency and specify its exchange rate in the Currencies section in the side panel of VAT invoice form.

By default, document currency is determined on the basis of currency assigned to a given customer/vendor.
Currencies panel in VAT invoice

In case the currency assigned to a given entity is inactive, the system currency is set in a document. Upon changing a customer/vendor, data in a document is recalculated according to the new currency and a user is notified about it in an appropriate message.

It is possible to select a different currency than the one assigned to a customer/vendor specified in a document.

A currency exchange rate is retrieved on the basis of the settings specified in the definition of given document type (menu Configuration → Company Structure → Rights Structure → edited company form → Documents tab)

Currency exchange rates can be updated in the menu Configuration → Currencies 

After selecting a document a foreign currency, an additional section – Items in System Currency is displayed on VAT document form in tab General. Values in the foreign currency, which are presented in this section, are recalculated by a specified exchange rate into amounts denominated in system currency.

Form of VAT invoice in foreign currency

Editing VAT purchase invoice in a foreign currency

Documents: VPI and VPIC are specific documents for which edited values denominated in a given currency do not recalculate the values denominated in the currency different than the “edited” currency.

The abovementioned rule results from the necessity of ensuring flexibility of calculations in the face of ambiguous regulations relating to VAT calculation method on documents denominated in a foreign currency. The application of a more rigorous calculation principle would disable registration of purchase invoice with values consistent with a document received from a vendor.

Data from the invoice received from a Vendor is the following:

  • Currency EUR, exchange rate 3.9757
  • VAT 23% on all items
Invoice items

Thus, the total amount of the invoice is:

EUR11 946.842747.7714 694.61
PLN10 924.31

Depending on VAT calculation method, VAT amounts in Comarch ERP Standard system are the following:

  • Total of VAT items:
Total of VAT items
  • VAT on values total:
VAT on values total

In order to ensure consistency between the registered document and the one from the vendor, it will be possible to edit the following:

  • For EUR: the values agree, no need to be edited
  • For USD: VAT amount changed to 1,564.04, the system will then recalculate only the total value and the subtotal value can be changed independently.

The change of values on a VAT invoice denominated in a foreign currency does not recalculate the values denominated in a different currency. Thus, changing the value denominated in the currency USD does not affect the value denominated in the currency PLN. When making such change, appropriate information is displayed – that information appears only when the value is edited in a document for the first time, the information no longer appears during edition of values in the following columns. It will be displayed again not until the document is re-edited and changes in values are made. Such information concerns only VPI and VPIC documents having currency other than the system currency defined in the header.

A user opens a VPI denominated in the currency USD and edits VAT USD in the General tab – the information is displayed; the user goes to the column Total USD and changes value in this column – the information is not displayed; the user saves VPI, opens it again and edits VAT PLN in the Currency tab – the information is displayed.

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