Aggregating document items

Aggregation of items depends on the setting of parameter:

  • Combine items from orders – available on the definition of SI, R, PI, SOR and POR
  • Join items of warehouse documents – available in the definition of documents: SI, R, PI

In case of generating SOR and POR from SI, R and PI, if items are cosisntent, they are aggregated to one document item.

Items are aggregated, if there is consistency in the scope of:

  • code and item name (it may happen that code and name are different in individual documents, even though it is the same item, in such a case the items are not aggregated)
  • prices (regular and discounted)
  • price type
  • units
  • VAT rate
  • values of features in section Features on an item (values of features on subitems can be different – several subitems for one item will be created)
  • employee in field Handled by
  • pack to which items are assigned (only on documents for received items)
  • parameter Reverse Charge and its classification


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