Canceling documents deriving from intercompany transactions

Canceling documents involved in intercompany transactions should begin from the side of opposite documents.

There is no possibility of direct cancellation of documents which are source documents in the transaction path. Canceling an opposite document automatically cancels its source document.


  1. In a company which is a customer, a SI document has been issued, whose confirmation has initiated automatic generation of a SOR document
  2. During an intercompany transaction taking place in the customer company:
  • to the SOR document, an oppoosite POR document is created
  • to the SI document, an opposite PI document is created
  1. In the event of canceling documents:
  • first, it is necessary to cancel the POR document, which will result in automatic cancellation of the SOR document
  • then, it will be possible to cancel the PI document, which will result in automatic cancellation of the SI document.

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