This group contains activities executing operations on collections, e.g., on lists. Before adding any activity regarding a collection, the user has to specify its type. A type can be any Comarch ERP Standard object, numeric or textual variable etc.
Add to Collection
The activity adds an item to a collection. It is necessary to indicate a collection to which the item is to be added.
Exists in Collection
The activity verifies whether a given item exists in a collection. As a result, it returns the logical value True, if such item exists in the collection. Otherwise, the value False is returned.
Sort Collection
With the use of this activity, it is possible to sort a collection. It is necessary to specify a condition in textual form (“ASC” or “DESC”) which will determine whether a collection should be ordered in ascending/descending way. In case a collection contains more than one filed, it is possible to select the filed by which the sorting is supposed to be carried out, by entering its name under the (“Name DESC”) condition. After a comma, it is possible to add another condition, if a collection is to be sorted, e.g., first, by name and then by ID.
Remove From Collection
The activity allows for removing a selected item from a collection. As a result, a logical value specifying whether the process has executed the operation correctly, is returned.
Clear Collection
With the use of this activity, it is possible to remove all items from a given collection.