Commission invoices are used to reward customers who make the largest purchases in terms of value.
The list of commission invoices is placed in Sales module and serves for informational purposes. It contains a list of all customers registered in the system. After defining a time interval (closed, open or open or open on one side) and clicking on [Calculate Commission] button, information on the total value of sum of sales transactions (sales invoices) in which the customers participated, the margin earned that way, percentage value of commission which is due for the amount obtained as well as the actual commission value is displayed.

Characteristics of commission invoices in the system:
- to differentiate the amounts of commissions received by customers it is possible to define appropriate thresholds after exceeding of which the percentage of a commission amount is increased accordingly
- it is not possible to define the same comission amount for thresholds with different invoice values Similarly, it is not possibile to add one two different comission amounts to one invoices value
- configuration of comission invoices is defined for particular company
- from the level of the parent company, it is possible to define limits and comissions for each company and a global limit for all companies
- in case a user is logged-in to a company different than the parent company, he/she is able to define limits for this company and to read global limit, but cannot modify them
Configuration of thresholds for commission invoices
Configuration of thresholds is available from the level of Configuration →(Documents)→Commission Invoices.
In order to define a new threshold, it is necessary to select button [Add] which is placed immediately above the list or in the main menu, in List button group. The number of thresholds can be unlimited.
The following values should be defined in the new row:
- minimum total value of sales invoices – amount which a cutomer should exceed to receive a percentage amount of commission
- comssion amounts corresponding to a given threshold of values of invoices
Method of calculating commissions depends on the value of parameter Company: If indicated value is:
- Company – commission value is calculated only for customers available in a company for which the comission is being calculated
- Option <All> – comission value is calculated for all documents and customers, regardless of company. Documents are summed up according to the system currency