Configuration – Basic terms

  • Shortages – item quantity in basic unit for which has been issued a document of release type (SI, R), but such a document hasn’t been covered by available stock levels
  • Quantity – item quantity in warehouses resulting from confirmed warehouse documents
  • Available quantity – quantity resulting from the difference between the value of the column Quantity and the value of the column Quantity Reserved (Blocked). Resource reservations, quantity reservations and reservations without resources (non-blocking) are taken in consideration.
  • Lot – groups resources with the same combinations of feature values
  • Precision – number of decimal places with which a given unit of measure is saved, which means number of decimal places with which a given unit of measure is recalculated in the system.
  • Reservations without resources (non-blocking) – reservations which don’t block for sales quantity defined on subitem
  • Resource reservations – reservations which block for sales quantity defined on a subitem from specific delivery
  • Quantity reservations – reservations which block for sales quantity defined on a subitem, without indicating any specific delivery from which the resources should be retrieved
  • Orders – quantity of ordered item expressed in basic unit, resulting from documents of receipt type (unconfirmed or confirmed PI, PO, submitted IO and unconfirmed POR, IR+, WM+) and quantity corrections of warehouse documents of release type (unconfirmed SORQC, IR-QC), yet not available for sales.
  • Resource (delivery) – indicates available quantity and value of item defined with a group of features, which comes from one subitem of the source document


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