Coupons allow for calculating a percentage or value discount for purchased items by using an appropriate code.
Definition of coupons
From the level of the tab Sales → Coupons, a user can add and verify coupons existing in the system. The list contains basic information about coupon-based promotion, such as:
- Name – field presenting name of a given coupon-based promotion, it is not a unique value
- Active – information regarding activity of a given coupon
- Effective From – indicates a date from which a given coupon is valid
- Effective To – indicates a date to which a given coupon is valid
- Calculated Discount – name of discount associated with a coupon
- Discount Type – type of discount associated with a coupon
- Schedule-Limited – informs whether coupon-based discount is associated with a schedule
In order to add new coupon, it is necessary to click on button [Add] placed over the list.
The following fields and parameters should be completed on the form:
- Name – obligatory field, allows for entering any character (letters and/or numbers) sequence corresponding to the name of the object, it is not a unique value
- Symbol – alphanumeric code on the basis of which a discount code is defined If in the field Symbol value DISCOUNT is entered, then field Code for a new discount code is automatically completed with the same value. After adding subsequent discount code, the following value will be set: DISCOUNT1
- Numbering Scheme (Configuration Tool) – non-mandatory field After selecting button […] a list of configuration tools appears, limited to configuration tools based on the object Coupon. Only active configuration tool can be set as numbering scheme. On its basis a discount code in the field Code is created.
- Discount – this field allows for associating an item discount (for which, in its definition, the parameter Coupon-based promotion is checked) and a header discount on transaction value with a coupon (discount name is displayed)
- Discount Type – indicates the type of discount associated with a coupon (type retrieved from details of the associated discount)
- Customer in Document – value in this field can be selected only after discount is first associated with a coupon. Defined value determines whether a discount code can be used in a document. Depending on associate discount type, the following options are available:
- Non-mandatory – the system does not control the consistency of customers between a document and a customer associated with a discount code.
- Mandatory – a discount code cannot be added to a document in which an Undefined customer has been selected.
- Mandatory and consistent with discount code – the system controls consistency of customers between a document and a customer associated with a discount code.
- Code usage limit – checking this parameter allows for specifying how many times a given discount code can be used in a document. Moreover, a user should define the nature of a discount with the following options:
- Global – it can be used a specified number of times in the entire system
- Center – it can be used a specified number of times in particular centers
- Customer – it can be used a specified number of times for a given customer
- Effective From – indicates a date from which a given coupon is valid
- Effective To – indicates a date to which a given coupon is valid
- Schedule-limited – parameter not available for editing, it is automatically checked upon attaching a schedule to a coupon.
- Do not use other coupons – checking this parameter blocks the possibility of adding several discount codes to a document.
Tab Discount Codes
In subtab Codes, a user can define a new discount code which is automatically associated with a currently edited coupon. To add a new discount code, it is necessary to select [Add] button.
Selecting the button [Add] adds a new row to the list, where the basic data regarding created discount code will be displayed:
- Code – mandatory field, code assigned automatically on the basis of an associated configuration tool or, if it does not exist, on the basis of the Symbol field. This field should contain a unique value in reference to defined codes with Inactive and Active status.
- Valid From – the value of this field is retrieved from the definition of a discount, with a possibility of changing it. The date cannot be earlier than the date indicated in the coupon definition.
- Valid To – the value of this field is retrieved from the definition of a discount, with a possibility of changing it. The date cannot be later than the date indicated in the coupon definition.
- Status – discount code status. By default, it is set to Inactive, with the possibility of changing it to: Active – a coupon can be used in a document, Blocked – blocks the possibility of using it in a document.
- Customer/Customer Group Code – field allowing for associating a customer/customer group with a discount code. In case, when adding a new discount code, one of the following options has been selected: for Group/for Customer in selected group/for Customer, the field is completed automatically, with the possibility of changing it.
- Customer/Customer Group Name – field provided for information purposes, displays name of the associated customer/customer group
- Source – indicates method of creating a discount code. In case a code was added manually or imported from file, the following option is set: Added manually. If a discount code was generated on the basis of a document, the number of that document is presented.
- Note – in this field it is possible to enter additional notes to the added discount code

If option Mandatory and consistent with discount code is selected in field Customer in Document, then it is possible to add discount codes in a single batch for selected customers/customer groups (the available options of batch addition depends on discount type).
Subtab Usage Count presents basic information about documents in which a given discount code was used. It is always the firs source document in which a given discount code was used. In the path SO → SI → SOR, a sales order number is only presented.
In tab Centers, a user indicates organizational units of a company which can grant a given discount. It is possible to attach here only centers of e-Shop type or a center attached to a POS workstation.
In tab Schedules it is possible to attach a previously defined schedule to a given discount.
Promotion Terms – field allowing for introducing additional description of a promotion