
In the group, there are activities allowing for executing of operations on directories defined as groups of key-value pairs. Before adding an activity from that group, it is necessary to specify key and value type.

Directories activity category

Selecting keys and values type for a directory

Update Or Add To Directory

Allows for adding values for a specific key to a directory. If the key already exists in the directory, the value will be updated.

Update Or Add To Directory activity

Key Exists in Directory

The activity verifies whether in a given directory, there is an entry containing a specific key. The result is a logical variable assuming True value, if the key exists in the directory and False value, if it does not exist.

Key Exists in Directory activity

Value Exists in Directory

The activity verifies whether in a given directory, there is an entry containing a specific value. The result is a logical variable assuming True value, if the value exists in the directory and False value, if it does not exist.

Key Exists in Directory activity

Get From Directory

The activity retrieves a value from a directory on the basis of a specific key. The result, besides the value, is a logical variable containing the information whether the entry was retrieved.

Get From Directory activity

Delete From Directory

The activity deletes an entry from a directory on the basis of a specific key. The result, besides the value, is a logical variable containing the information whether the entry was deleted.

Delete From Directory activity

Clear Directory

The activity deletes all entries from a directory.

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