Discount types are models predefined in the system; on which basis a user can define discounts with specified conditions of their calculation.
From the level of tab Sales → Discount Types, a list of all item discount and header discount types is available, where a user can determine the order of calculation of item discounts and bundle promotions.

Two columns are available in the list
- Type – defines type of discount and indicates general criteria according to which the system calculates discount and which have to be specified in a detailed way by an operator defining a given discount.
- Priority – defined on discount type, affects setting a default priority for a newly added discount which determines the order of discount calculation (a discount with the lowest priority value is calculated as first). Exceptions include header discounts (percentage and value) and bundle discounts which are always calculated as the last ones.
Item discounts include the following:
- Customer discount in item – a special discount on a given item or several items is granted to a specified customer or several customers
- Customer discount on item group – a discount on item from a given group/groups of items is granted to a specified customer or several customers
- Customer group discount on item – a special discount on a given item or several items is granted to a specific group/groups of customers, e.g. partners of a company
- Customer group discount on item group – similarly as the described above
- Threshold discount on item – thresolds regarding the quantity of a purchased item/items and the amount of a discount for each threshold are defined, e.g. below 100 pcs of a given item – no discount, from 101 to 1000 pcs – 5% discount, over 1000 pcs – 7%
- Customer discount on payment form – defined for specific customer/customers on a given payment form
- Customer group discount on payment form – similarly as the Customer discount on payment form, but it is defined for a group/groups of customers
Bundle promotions include the following:
- Fixed Bundle – applied after adding specific items (creating a bundle) to a document, only in determined quantity or its multiplication
- Elastic Bundle – a global quantity or value threshold is determined after exceeding of which a discount is granted on items or groups of items indicated in a given bundle
Header discounts include the following:
- Header percentage discount – type of user discount, granted by a customer directly in the header of an issued document and then divided into particular document items by the system; an operator has to earlier define if a discount is to be calculated with other discounts by adding or multiplying.
- Header value discount – type of user discount, similarly as in the header percentage discount, it is defined directly in the header of an issued document and divided by the system into individual document items, proportionally to their value.
- Header discount on transaction value – discount granted depending on defined value thresholds. It can be granted both in the value and percentage form. A discount defned in Comarch ERP Standard will be calculated only in transactions processed in Comarch POS.