Dividing VAT invoice items

In order to divide VAT invoice item, click on the button [Divide Entry] in the Items button group. After selecting it, a form for entering data appears.

Form for dividing VAT invoice item

In the opened form, in section Divided Item, original data of VAT invoice item is displayed. These fields are not editable.

In section New Item, the user enters data for a newly created item:

Account – allows selecting VAT account

VAT Deductible Date – allows for the selection of JPK_V7M file/declaration period in which newly created item must be included

Subtotal – new subtotal value

VAT Rate – new VAT rate

VAT Amount – new value of VAT amount

Total – new total value

Description – allows for entering an additional description

In order to facilitate the calculation task, after entering subtotal value, VAT amount and total value are calculated automatically. After entering total value, the system automatically calculates also VAT amount and subtotal value.

After completing new item data, click [Save] in the Actions button group.

The new item will appear on the list of items.


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