Each newly created document can have a UPC code assigned which is presented on document printout. In order to enable it, an operator has to create his own printout presenting such a code. On a printout, document UPC code can be displayed as numbers or as a barcode, depending on the font used in the printout.
Document UPC is generated on the basis of a given document ID with which it is saved in the database and type of this document.
It is possible to search documents by their UPC codes in the lists. This functionality has been provided for the following lists:
- Sales Invoices
- Receipts
- Sales Orders
- Sales Quotes
- Sales Inquiries
- Statements of Retail Sale
- Consignment Sales Reports
- Sales Complaints
- Credit Memos
- Purchase Invoices
- Purchase Orders
- Purchase Quotes
- Purchase Inquiries
- Purchase Complaints
- Debit Memos
- SO Releases
- Internal Releases
- Warehouse Movements
- Receiving and Delivery Reports
- PO Receipts
- Internal Receipts
- Packs

It is irrelevant on which list the UPC code of a document being searched for has been saved/uploaded. If we save/upload it in a list of purchase invoices, for example, and a document is other than a purchase invoice document, it will nevertheless be edited.
If the document being searched for is a purchase invoice, the document will be checked in the list and picked up for editing.
If the document being searched for is other than a purchase invoice, that is, a sales invoice, for example, then a new tab containing a list of sales invoices is opened. In that list, the document being searched for will be marked and picked up for editing.
If the database does not contain a document with a given UPC code the message: “Incorrect document code.” is displayed.