Purchase orders can be generated only from a confirmed IQC.
All items whose quantity in the column Quantity To Order is greater than zero will be added to the generated purchase order. In case the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse in the IQC is unchecked, their subitems will be assigned to a warehouse:
- from IQC, if only one warehouse was indicated
- default from the PO definition, if there is more than one warehouse in the IQC
If parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is checked on IQC, a window with warehouse selection is displayed while generating a PO:

The displayed list includes only those warehouses for which quantity in column Quantity To Order is greater than 0. Upon checking option Order, it is possible to generate a purchase order document with <All> warehouses set in the document header.
The list of warehouses includes: Main Warehouse, Complaint Warehouse, Outlet Warehouse Item BZKD is added onto IQC document. For warehouse: Parameter Order is checked for Main Warehouse and Complaint Warehouse in the warehouse selection window during generation of PO. One item BZKD in quantity 20 pcs and two is added onto PO document with two subitems:
It is possible to change a unit on a PO document generated from IQC without recalculating quantity in accordance with the settings on an item form.