Generating SENT document

It is possible to generate a carriage document on the basis of:

  • trade documents (invoices, sales orders)
  • warehouse documents (POR/SOR)

To do so, it is necessary to select an appropriate document on the list and click on [SENT] button. PUESC platform on tab My documents will be opened.

The user logs in to the PUESC platform according to the settings defined in: System → Configuration → Data exchange → SENT.

For release documents (SO, R, SI, SOR), SENT_100 dispatch form is opened, in accordance with the data retrieved from the document on the basis of which it is being generated.

For receipt documents (POR, PI), SENT_200 dispatch form is opened, in accordance with the data retrieved from the document on the basis of which it is being generated.

In case a SENT document has already been generated to the document, another attempt of its generation, depending on selected action, might result in:

  • completion
  • update
  • closure
  • cancelation
  • verification of notification status



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