In order to generate a VAT invoice to invoices issued from receipts, it is necessary to select, from the level of menu Add-ons, button [VAT Invoice Generation To Invoices From Receipts] which is placed in Special Features button group. The button is available after selecting the parameter Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts (System → Configuration → Accounting → General Parameters section) and re-logging in to the system.
Clicking on the button opens Generate VAT invoices in VAT account to invoices issued from receipts window which is composed of fields Receipts Issued From (1st of January 2017 is set by default) and Receipts Issued To (the current date is set by default) which allow for indicating the range of dates within which the verification of receipts should be executed.
VAT Invoices are generated when a VAT invoice has not yet been generated to an invoice created from a receipt.
Detailed description of generating VAT invoices to invoices from receipts can be found in article Generating VAT invoices to invoices generated from receipts.