Internal orders allow for ordering items between warehouses of the same company. Execution of these orders is performed through WM documents which register warehouse movements.
A list of internal orders is available from the level of Warehouse → (Orders) Internal.
The list contains internal orders:
- which include a warehouse (source/target) assigned to the document type in a given center
- issued in a given center, regardless of warehouses associated with center and IO document.
Creating IO

On an IO document it is necessary to specify:
- source warehouse from which items are ordered and, subsequently, released to a target warehouse. It is possible to change the source warehouse until the second confirmation of a document (by a center receiving a document). As a target warehouse it is possible to set a warehouse which is available in:
- the parent company and its child centers, on condition that parameter Dedicated for the parent company is checked on the warehouse form.
- in a center of Company type and its child centers there will be warehouses attached to the given company available for selection
- target warehouse in which items are received. Active warehouses assigned to the IO document type in the center in which a document is being issued/generated, are available for selection. After first confirmation of an IO (by the center issuing an order – button [Submit], the possibility of changing a source warehouse is blocked.
Parameter Reserve resources is activated only after the first confirmation of a document, when its status is Submitted. Only a center being the owner of the source document has permissions to edit the document. The other rules of using the parameter are the same as in the case of sales orders.
Value of an IO item
The value of an item of an IO is calculated on the basis of the last purchase price of a given item. The purchase price is determined on the basis of those documents whose owner is a company or its child centers, in which a document is being issued.
IO items
When adding an item with features affecting the lot assigned to it, a user can indicate values for individual features of an item. It is not possible to define features for subitems. It is possible to edit feature values until the first confirmation of an IO document.
Options available for internal orders
For internal orders, it is possible to submit an order with the use of button [Submit]. After clicking it, an order receives status Submitted, which means that it has been confirmed by the center issuing it (source center). The first confirmation results in generating an order in a target warehouse.
During the first confirmation of a document, purchase subitems are generated (not visible form the level of section Subitems on item details).
Detailed information on submitting orders can be found in article Submitting IO.
The document status changes to Confirmed only after it has been confirmed by the center receiving the order (source center). Then, sales reservations are generated and it is possible to generate other documents.
Section Subitems of the tab General contains sales subitems assigned to a source warehouse. Sales subitems are created during the second confirmation done by the center who owns the source warehouse and from which the merchandise is ordered.
When generating sales subitems, the system retrieves resources (if the parameter Reserve resources is checked) according to feature values indicated on an item or sets features on subitems without resources on the basis of item features.
Detailed information regarding submitting orders can be found in article Confirming IO.